Title : How to Enslave People With Addiction
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How to Enslave People With Addiction
by Charles Eisenstein The FixWaking Times
Whether it be drugs, alcohol, pornography, eating excess or whatever his personal addiction, put a bully in a playground and see what happens.
You've probably heard about studies of addiction with laboratory rats in cages, in which rats compulsively press the dispensing lever heroin and again, to the point that more the choice of food and starve to death. These studies seemed to imply some pretty discouraging things about human nature. Our basic biology is not reliable; the pursuit of pleasure leads to disaster; Therefore, one must overcome the biological desires through reason, education and the inculcation of morals; those whose willpower or morality are weak must be checked and corrected.
Studies of rat addictions also seem to validate the main features of the drug war. First is fighting: Avoid the rats to get a taste of drugs to begin with. Second is "education" - conditioning in rats pressed the lever is in the first place. The third is the punishment: make the consequences of drug use so scary and unpleasant that rats will overcome his desire to press the lever. You see, some rats simply a stronger than other moral fiber. For those with a strong moral fiber, education is sufficient. The weak need to be deterred by punishment.

All these characteristics of the drug war are forms of control, and therefore sit comfortably within the larger narrative of technological civilization: the mastery of nature, rising above the primitive state, conquering animal desire with the mind and the impulses of the moral bases, et cetera. That is, perhaps, why Bruce Alexander devastating challenge to experiments with caged rats was ignored and repressed for so many years. Not only was the war on drugs that their studies in question, but also the deeper paradigms about human nature and our relationship with the world.
Alexander found that when rats taking tiny separate cages and put them in a large "rat park" with enough exercise, food, and social interaction, no longer choose drugs; in fact, addicted rats and will wean drugs after they are transferred from cages to Rat Park.
The implication is that drug addiction is not a moral defect or bad physiological functioning, but an adaptive response to the circumstances. It would be the height of cruelty to put rats in cages and then, when they start using drugs, to punish them for it. That would be like the suppression of the symptoms of a disease, while maintaining the necessary conditions that the disease itself. Alejandro studies, if not a contributing factor in the slow disintegration of the drug war are certainly aligned with him metaphor.
Are we like rats in cages? Are we putting the human being in intolerable conditions and then punish them for their efforts to alleviate the anguish? If so, then the war on drugs is based on false premises and can never succeed. And if we are like caged rats, then what is the nature of these cages, and what would be a society look like it was a "Rat Park" for humans?
Here are some ways putting a human being in a cage:
-remove most likely all significant opportunities for personal expression and service. Instead, forcing people to perform dead-end jobs just to pay the bills and servicing debts. Seduce others to live that labor of others.
-cut people outside of nature and place. At best nature let a show or place for recreation, but to eliminate any real intimacy with the land. Source of food and medicine for thousands of miles away
-Move life -. Especially lives of children - inside. Let as many sounds as possible sounds being made, and many other places to be virtual views.
community ties -destroy by casting people in a society of strangers, which are not based on and neither even you have to know the name of the people living around them.
-create constant anxiety of survival to depend the survival of money, and then make money artificially scarce. Administer a system of money where there is always more debt than no money.
-Divide the world to property, and confine people to the spaces that belong to them or pay to occupy.
-Replace the infinite variety of natural and artisan world, where each object is unique, with the uniformity of commercial goods.
-Reduce the intimate sphere of social interaction the nuclear family and the family put in a box. Destroy the tribe, the village, the family and the extended family as a social unit that works.
-Make children remain inside the classrooms segregated by age in a competitive environment in which they are conditioned to perform tasks they do not care or want to do, for the sake of external rewards.
-destroy local stories and relationships that build identity, and replace them with celebrity news, identification of team sports, brand identification, and worldviews imposed by authority.
-Delegitimize O outlawing popular knowledge of how to cure and care for each other, and replace it with the paradigm of the "patient" depends on medical authorities for health.
No wonder that people in our society, press the lever compulsively either lever drugs or lever consumption or lever pornography or joystick gambling or overeating lever. We respond with a million palliatives to the circumstances in which real human needs for intimacy, connection, community, beauty, fullness and meaning are mostly dissatisfied. Of course, these cages depends largely on our own individual acceptance, but this does not mean that a single moment of illumination or a lifetime of effort can free us all. Confinement habits are deeply programmed. Nor can we escape by destroying our jailers: unlike in experiments with rats, contrary to conspiracy theories, our elites are as prisoner like the rest of us. empty and addictive for their unmet needs they seduce do their part to maintain the status quo compensation.
cages suffer no easy escape. Confinement is not incidental to modern society, but woven deep into its systems, ideologies, and ourselves. In the background are the deep narratives of separation, domination and control. And now, as we approach a big shift, a change of consciousness, we feel that these stories are discovering, as well as its external expressions - alertness, walls and fences, ecological devastation - going to extremes without precedents. However, its ideological core begins to hollow out; its foundation crumbles. I think that lifting (not yet secured) of the drug war is an early sign that these superstructures are beginning to crack as well.
A cynic might say that the end of the war on drugs would a sign of such a thing: that drugs make life more tolerable in a cage and absorb energy that could otherwise go toward social change. The opium of the masses, in other words, opiates! The cynic rejects the legalization of cannabis, in particular, as a small, anti-eddy barely significant in a rush tide of imperialism and ecocide, a harmless victory that does nothing to stop the onward march of capitalism.
this view is wrong. Generally speaking, drugs do not make us more effective in the cage of the inhabitants: best workers and consumers. The most notable exception is caffeine - significantly, virtually unregulated - that helps people wake up to a schedule that does not want to live and concentrate on tasks that do not care. (I'm not saying it's all caffeine, and in no way is what I want to degrade sacred plants such as tea and coffee, which are among the only infusions or decoctions being taken in modern society.) Another partial exception is alcohol , which as a stress reliever actually makes life in our society more bearable. Some other stimulant medications and opiates - - can also serve these functions, but are ultimately so debilitating that the guardians of capitalism to recognize as a threat
However, other drugs, such as cannabis and drugs. psychedelics, you can directly induce nonconformity, weaken consumer values, and make prescribed normal life they seem less tolerable, no more. Consider, for example, the type of behavior associated with smoking marijuana. Stoner not arrive on time for work. He sits on the grass around playing his guitar. He is not competitive. This does not mean that marijuana smokers do not contribute to society; some of the richest businessmen was reputedly information are smokers. In general, however, the reputation of cannabis and psychedelic drugs to be disturbing the established order is not unfounded.
The waverers but substantial steps in several states and countries to legalization of cannabis is significant for several reasons beyond the known advantages over crime, incarceration, medicine and industrial hemp. First, it involves a release of the mentality of control: the prohibition, punishment and psychological conditioning. Secondly, as I speak, the object control - cannabis -. It is corrosive to the cages that have lived in third place, is part of a profound change in the consciousness of separation distance and to compassion.
The control mentality is based on the question of who or what He will be controlled. War thinking drugs attributed the individual user of the drug for taking poor moral decisions, a vision based on the theory that social psychologists call dispositionism - humans to make free decisions will on the basis of a character and stable preferences. While dispositionism acknowledges the influence of the environment, which essentially says that people make good choices because they are good people, bad decisions because they are bad people. Deterrence, education, and spring naturally interdiction that philosophy, like our criminal justice system in general. The trial and paternalism inherent in the whole concept of "corrections" are built on it, because it says, "If I were in your situation, I would have done differently than you." In other words, it is an affirmation of the separation. I am different from (and if you are a drug addict, better than) you
Note also that the same belief that motivates the war on terrorism and thus the war against almost anything. But there is a competing philosophy called situationalism that says people make decisions of their entire situation, internal and external. In other words, if I were in their situation, including their entire life, I would like you do. It is a declaration of non-separation of compassion. It is understood, as Bruce Alexander shows that the self-destructive or antisocial behavior is a response to the circumstances and not a weakness of disposition or moral failure. Situacionismo encourages healing rather than war, because it seeks to understand and rectify the circumstances that give rise to terrorism, drugs, germs, weeds, greed, malice, or any other symptoms go to war against. Instead of punishing drug use, he asks, What circumstances does it spring? Instead of eradicating weeds with pesticides, he asks, What soil conditions or agronomy are causing them to grow? Instead of applying extreme hygiene and antibiotics antiseptic broad spectrum, asks, What "body climate" has made it a healthy environment for germs? This does not mean that you should never use antibiotics or lock up a violent criminal who is harming others. But we can not say then, "Problem solved! Evil has been defeated."
Here we see how drug legalization is consistent with the investment of a millennia-long paradigm I call the war against evil. So old as civilization itself, which was originally associated with the conquest of chaos and domestication of nature. Through history, it was cremated almost entire populations and the planet itself. Now, perhaps, we are entering a sweeter time. It is appropriate that some nature, a plant must be a hinge for such a turn.
The growing movement of ending the war on drugs could reflect a paradigm shift far from judgment, guilt, war and control to compassion and healing. Cannabis is a natural starting point because of its widespread use makes the caricature of weak morally intolerable abuser. "If I were in all circumstances, I also would smoke - actually I have"
Marijuana has long been vilified as a "gateway drug", arguing that, even if not it is so dangerous in itself, which marks the beginning of a person in the culture and habits of drug use. Canard which is discredited easily, but maybe marijuana is a gateway other - a gateway to the decriminalization broader drugs , and beyond, to a system of compassionate justice and humble is not based on punishment. In more general terms, it can offer a gateway from values away from the machine to organic values, a world, a green symbiotic world, not an arena of other separate and competing against which one must protect himself, beat, and control. Perhaps the conservatives were right. Perhaps legalization of drugs would mean the end of society as we have known.
About the author
Charles Eisenstein is the author of Sacred Economics among several other books.
"How to Enslave People With Addiction", article source: riseearth.com
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