How to Prevent Nasal Polyps from Recurring?

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How to Prevent Nasal Polyps from Recurring?

the key to preventing nasal polyps recur is to avoid allergies, keep your nose clean, treatment of infection. breast promptly, and diet prevents the formation of nasal polyps again. This article will tell you how to do all this to prevent recurrence of nasal polyps.
Those who suffer recurrent nasal depólipos can only understand the pain of susufrimientos! It's like getting deprived of the basic necessities of life, breathing! Yes, large nasal polyps not only make the respiracióndifícil, but also snatch their small básicasincluyendo prerogatives good sleep at night, smelling and feeling laenorme due to pressure exerted on the face and head. Not only you, your family sinomiembros also suffer from snoring and cold and crónicainfección suffering without any interruption. How many vecesque undergone the surgery to remove their nasal polyps? Trescuatro two or even more? Its time to get rid of these nasal monstruosapólipos who keep coming back. There are many ways you suchas the use of nasal sprays, which has kind of nutritious diet and ciertaejercicios as well as natural remedies to prevent breathing nasalpólipos happen again. But first, let's understand what they are and why estospólipos nasal repeat!

Loson nasal polyps?
The carnosasmembrana excrescences inflamed mucosa of the mucosa of the nose or sinuses sonllamado nasal polyps. They are not cancerous. Initially sonpequeñas polyps growths, but they can become large or may grow in clusters hacerque difficult to breathe. They also result in decreased sense deoliendo with a headache, insomnia, facial pain ypresionar apart from the general malaise. You can lock the senosque blocks the normal drainage, hence leading also to frecuentesinfecciones.
LoCausas nasal polyps?
Nasal polyps form RESULT FROM nasal inflammation without long-term treatment. Although you can presentaren people of all ages, nasal polyps are more common in those who estánmás 40 years old. Men are also more likely to develop nasalpólipos than women. Children under 10 years of age rarely desarrollanpólipos nasal and if someone of this age they have, their cause is probableser cystic fibrosis. The following are some of the causes that sonAunque to be behind the development of nasal polyps.
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Asthma
  • allergy aspirin
  • sinus infections
  • Acute and chronic infections
  • cystic fibrosis
However, this is not exhaustive unalista cause of nasal polyps. Restosdesconocida often cause or may include a foreign body in the nose. Puedena nasal polyps sometimes be a sign of developing asthma or sinusitis. DesconocidoLas allergies can also cause nasal polyps as some theories that support lacreencia nasal drip, sneezing, itching, etc. make people prone adesarrollar nasal polyps. However, this can be true only aquellospersonas whose bodies are likely to develop this type of polyps nasales.Generalmente, people who have asthma, frequent infections yalergias breasts can be said to be more likely to develop nasal polyps.
Loson symptoms of nasal polyps?
People who have nasalpólipos suffer from chronic inflammation of the lining of the nasalpasajes and breasts. The following are the symptoms of nasal polyps queson more or less likely to develop in anyone who suffers from it.

  • Runny nose. This is almost always there and it seems as if the person who always suffer from the cold.
  • covered and the resulting difficulty in breathing nose.
  • Insomnia. As breathing is difficult, the person with nasal polyps can not sleep.
  • postnasal drip. As mucus continuously run down the back of the throat, nose polyp patient can feel all the time.
  • Poor or no sense of smell.
  • Headache. As the sinuses are blocked, leading to headache
  • facial pressure. Also because the sinuses are blocked.
  • snores. Clogged nose leads to snoring.
  • itching around the eyes.
  • Double vision. This symptom is present only in severe cases of nasal polyps, especially if the person also has allergic fungal sinusitis or cystic fibrosis.
Tratamientode nasal polyps
If you have a nose nasalla secretion from the days and cold not just going to disappear, you must buscarconsejo a specialist in otolaryngology. This may be nasal polyps. the médicogeneralmente uses a nasal endoscope (tool with the camera) to view narizy breasts to find out whether or not you have nasal polyps. Mientrasél can see through the endoscope polyps, may need a CT scan to see severity of it. To what extent they have nasal polyps crecidoy blocked sinuses can be represented by a CT scan on the basis deel which your doctor decide if you need medication or sólomedicamentos and then surgery. The following drugs are administered to patients generalmentese nasal polyps.
  • sprays- Nasal corticosteroid can reduce and sometimes even eliminate nasal polyps, especially when they are smaller in size.
  • Oral corticosteroids- They reduce inflammation, redness, itching and allergic reactions.
  • Antihistamines- They control allergies.
  • They Antibiotics treat the underlying infection.
songeneralmente These drugs given to patients with nasal polyps But what these combinationof or other drugs, the dosage amount etc. only may decidirpor your physician based on the individual status of their polyps is recommended nasales.Nunca any medication without consulting sumédico.
Cirugíapara nasal polyps
If polyps nasalesllegar to be too large or block most of her breasts and nose, cirugíase becomes inevitable. In such cases, nasal sprays nasal endoscopic ineficaz.cirugías are carried out with the help of a nasal pequeñatelescopio. Large polyps are removed from the nose and lasenos. This is a surgery that does not require the patient to remain inthe hospital for several days. He is sent back home, either in the mismodía or the day after surgery. However, a nasalque tamponade is removed only after 2-3 days it is inserted. Medications also continue poralrededor 2-3 weeks, depending on the condition of the patient yrequisito.
What is sad is the hechoque even after surgery, nasal polyps return. Some people are tiendenpara develop nasal polyps and these polyps recur, sometimes as early comodentro a year or two. To prevent nasal polyps from recurring after surgery dela, a continuous effort is required and management derechala diet, medicine, nasal spray and other remedies.
CómoPrevenir recurrence of nasal polyps?
Nasal polyps parecencrecer as a result of long-term inflammation and irritation in his narizque may be due to allergies, asthma, or the infection. Therefore, laprimeros steps you can take to prevent nasal polyps include:
  • Avoid allergies
  • Treat sinus infections immediately upon receipt.
  • continue using nasal spray. This is no small polyps that grow and will keep the airway open so you can breathe freely shrink.
  • Keep your nose clean and free breasts.
  • Having a diet that prevents the formation of polyps.
  • also can practice pranayama, yoga breathing exercises also help prevent nasal polyps.
avoid them allergies to prevent recurrence of polyps nasal
If you are prone aalergias or asthma, manage well with prescritomedicamentos and do and what not specified by your doctor.
  • If you see that you have caught an allergy or asthma does not appear to be in control, consult your doctor immediately.
  • Avoid anything that irritates the nose. Avoid breathing any substance in the air that can lead to irritation or swelling of the nasal mucosa. This may be the smoke of snuff or any chemicals, dust, fine debris, pollen, pet dander, etc.
  • Avoid bacterial and viral infections. The best way to do this is to maintain good hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently to avoid getting infected by viruses or bacteria.
  • Avoid too dry environments. Use a humidifier if the air in your home is dry. This will help keep your nasal passage moist and improve the flow of mucus from the sinuses. As a result, you will be able to prevent inflammation, the leading cause of polyps in the nose.
MantengaNariz clean to prevent reoccurrence nasal polyps
If the duct nasalse inflamed or obstructed, there ensinusal mucus retention, which erased fails due to obstruction. You need to mantenersu sinus and nose clean to avoid infection. One of losmaneras to keep your nose clean breast and is through the saline.
UsoSolución saline to clean nose and sinuses
lalas saline water dilutes mucus and prevent crusting within. TambiénRestaura moisture in dry nasal passages and sinuses Help on reducing inflammation of mucous membranes. Too much salt, however, can be counterproductive and dry the nasal passage. The key estáen using the right amount of salt. There are over-the-counteraerosoles nasal available as well. They can even remove pollen from nasal surevestimiento if you have been exposed to pollens that lead to allergy. saline sprays also mantienencilios, small structures similar to nose hairs and healthy. Ciliapara works trap bacteria and prevent entry into cells intact tambiénmantiene their sense of smell. If a saline solution is used caseraque can be made by mixing 3-5 cups of water and ½ to 1 teaspoon Desai, use a Neti pot, which is unarecipiente made especially for nasal irrigation. You can also use rubber unapera a plastic spray bottle, or just your cupped hands ahacer nasal irrigation with saline.
WashSu nose with clean water instead of blowing it
MientrasYa have recommended nasal irrigation with the help of pot NETIO by other means, I'm including this point to emphasize the importanciade keep your nose and sinuses clean in order to avoid a mayorcirugías. Blow your nose to clear has been a habitualcuando practice has runny nose or cold. This seems to be the most obviamanera to clear the nose! But stop now on, no sonarsela nose, at least not too often and not at all with force. investigacioneshan it is shown that nose blowing enormous pressure and sinus mucus fuerzael whenever blowing. This means quelos viruses and bacteria still live in the sinuses causing másinfecciones. Not only this, blowing your nose also aumentacongestión, the same condition that tries to alleviate soplandonariz. As the sinus mucus back, drainage becomes slow yprovoca even more congestion. This leads to the formation of polyps, however, again!
Lopuede do instead, is to wash the nose, preferably with water destiladao at least clean water, which is used for drinking. If tuno do nasal irrigation, just throw in a little water through narizde cups his hands and then let it drain. This seráhacer easily after using the oil in the nose. Remember, aceiteafloja everything in your nose and sinuses! The siguientesección underlines the importance of using the oil in their nostrils paramantener lubricated and why it is important lubrication management nasaly breast health.
MantengaNariz lubricated to prevent nasal polyps
dry Demasiadonariz makes it difficult for the mucus in the sinuses and nose to move yescurrir. The accumulation of mucus can lead to infection, congestion, swelling and nasal polyps eventually. While puedasutilice always humidifier to keep the nose moist, there otramanera to keep it lubricated. You can use the oil that is a tradicionalmétodo to keep the nose lubricated. Oil not only lubricates but tambiénevitar bacteria and other harmful microbes etc. enter sunariz preventing any kind of infection. Here are some suggestions Paracon about what oils to use for the nose.
Mostazaaceite - Mustard oil has traditionally been used as one of the mucolytics that are best able to break the mucous and help drain out the paranasal sinuses. Estael oil has anti-fungal has, along convarias vitamins, minerals and fatty acids beneficial in mismo.G anti-bacterial properties and mustard oil lucosinolate prevents microbes mientrasel compound called allyl isothiocyanate in that hongosinfección avoided. Glucosinolates is also anti-carcinogens impidecrecimiento of cancerous tumors. traces of selenium found in mustard oil tambiénhace that is anti-inflammatory and magnesium that helps clear cualquiercongestión including chest congestion and to be aflema. All these properties of mustard oil makes it better oil detratar his nose. Only store a little oil in a spray bottle ouna glass bottle with dropper. Pour a few drops of this oil vecesdía- two in the morning, preferably before taking bath and elnoche. You can also use your finger (wash it properly though) oalgodón to put oil in their nostrils. Initially, you may feel a pocoincómodo if you are not used to put oil in their nostrils due ael strong character mustard oil, but be sure not make ningúndaño to you (unless you are very allergic to oils) and a pocosdías where they are used to it.
beef fat (clarificómantequilla) - Ghee or clarified butter milk cow has muchasnutrientes, fatty acids, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-oxidants antiviral ypropiedades. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicine, usaeste ghee for a variety of medical conditions including sangradonariz, sinusitis and headaches. Just heat some vacamanteca and put it in both of his nostrils, preferably at bedtime. Túpuede use a cotton swab or a dropper or rub some of it with dedoen inside the nostrils.
Sesame oil - Esteaceite has been used by Ayurveda to cure even chronic sinusitis. Esantibacteriano, antifungal oil with many antioxidants in it. When túponer sesame oil in your nostrils, mucosassu membranes lining the nasal cavity and minimize discomfort to kill bacteria.
Coconut oil - Eses again an antifungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial todosus oil fatty acids with medium chain useful. Not only lubricates the narizpero will also give relief from allergies. Elmisma put in their noses so that puts any other oil. As it is solid when it is inthe low temperatures, which can take part of it on the palms and rub unapequeño. This not only melt to give oil, but tambiénconvertido in a little warm. If it is in the form of oil, heat the oil unapoco to be warm before applying it to the nose.
oil remedy nose tieneestado there since ancient times. After understanding the benefits of laaceite administered through the nose, many doctors recommend modern technical hoyesta after nasal surgery for polyps. Many sugierenel medical use of oil in the nose so that the oil can lubricate the inside of the narizy help loosen any debris that accumulates there after cirugíaprocedimiento. When the oil is put on the nose, drenching secósangre and other debris in the nasal cavity and sinuses. This Help them to move smoothly and remains disposed through the nose or garganta.Aceite, and oil, will help clean the nose excellently and sinejercer any force or pressure on the site even after the curacióncirugía. However, you should still check with your doctor about using oil deel after surgery.
DietaRemedios to prevent recurrence of nasal polyps
Naturalezaha provided in abundance, all that our body needs to mantenersano. This is true when it comes to preventing nasalestambién polyps. Inflammation and allergies are the two main causes of polyps nasales.Si you are able to prevent these two conditions, you may actually be able to prevent recurrence of nasal polyps. Experts say quelos foods that have nutrients such as vitamin C, quercetin (a flavonoid), the omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and E, beta-carotene, selenium, yThe bromelain are beneficial to have when you are prone to nasalpólipos develop. Besides taking foods with these nutrients, also debeevitar food allergens or allergy causing foods in your case.
hanLa vitamin C foods
ElLa vitamin C is water soluble, a natural antihistamine that ayudaprevenir allergies. Histamine is a chemical produced by the body quedesencadena allergic reactions and also results in the inflamación.La vitamin C fights this histamine. Vitamin C is also a potenteantioxidante that fights free radicals. Free radicals are vinculadosa tissue damage in the nasal polyposis. Vitamin C also supports elproducción glutathione, which is again a powerful antioxidant Yque helps promote breast health and the immune system andthe respiratory health. You should try to have as much vitamin Calimentos as possible. Here is a list of foods containing vitamin C.
Listade foods rich in vitamin C
Fruits : The guavas; black currants; mango strawberries; papayas; citrus fruits, elderberries; peaches; raspberries; blackberries; bananas; kiwi; drops of honey; pineapple; cranberry.
Vegetable : red peppers; green peppers; kale; parsley; Broccoli; Bruselascoles; Mustard greens; watercress; Cauliflower; red, green, white yrepollo; spinach; turnips; asparagus, melon; pimentónPimiento; green onions; new beans; black-eyed peas, green peas, radishes; yellow summer squash; sweet potatoes; tomatoes; nuevoPatatas; lettuce.
hanFlavonoide quercetin rich foods
flavonoids, sometimes also called bioflavonoids, are natural plant pigments be fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors. Quercetin is unatales flavonoid which is also a natural antihistamine. estabilicemastocitos that body to prevent the manufacture and release dehistamina. It also contains quercetin inflamatorias.La allergic compounds and also helps to improve the effectiveness of vitamin C yfortalece the walls of blood vessels in your nasalpasajes intricate. All these properties make foods containing quercetin perfect unaelección for prevention of nasal polyps.
Listade Foods rich in quercetin
Fruits : apples; red grapes; cherries; citric fruits; including bayasframbuesa, cranberry, blueberry and
Vegetable : capers; Yellow and red onions; lovage; Broccoli; Garlic; parsley, tomatoes; Broccoli; lettuce;
Otroalimentos : tea; red wine, vegetables
hanLos foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids
3The Omega-fatty acids have anti-allergic and natural antiinflamatoriopropiedades. These fatty acids also improves immunity and reduce cualquierla inflammation and pain associated with an allergic response. They tambiénapoyar prostaglandin production that not only the only contadoresinflamación, but can also prevent the formation of nasal polyps. They aceitosopescados such as salmon, and nuts and seeds are good sources of Los omega-3 fatty acids. You can also take fish oil supplements.
Listade foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids
fish and meat -The fatty fish such as salmon, anchovies, herring, mackerel, sardines, Yatun; fed meat Nuts -Nuez Seeds -The hemp seed; linseed Oils -The canola oil, linseed oil
hanLos rich in vitamin A [food
vitamin A is not an anti- allergic, but helps protect the membrane cubrede her breasts. It is an essential vitamin for skin and mucosasporque not only helps keep them soft, but also keep suforros. Any weakness or a fault in the linings of the membranes mucosashace it easier for bacteria that attack and those who give Infectionsa then lead to nasal polyps. Vitamin A is also counted as a potenteantioxidante that can combat chronic inflammation.
Listade foods rich in vitamin A
Fruits dry -albaricoques, especially cantaloupe melon melons, mangoes,
vehicle- potatoes, carrots, kale, squash, romaine lettuce, bell peppers, green leafy vegetables like mustard greens, kale, turnip greens
Otroalimentos - tuna fish
hanLos rich in vitamin E
vitamin E is nuevootro powerful nutrient that fights free radicals. In estoproceso fighting respiratory problems, and maintains immune susistema to fight infections. Infections as you know puededar place polyps.
Listade rich in vitamin E
Fruits -The avocados, papaya, olives, dried apricots, kiwi, mango
vehicle- spinach, broccoli, squash and pumpkin, chard, turnip greens, asparagus, mustard greens
Tuercasy seeds - almonds, girasolsemillas, peanuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts [

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