Is this proof near-death experiences ARE real? Extraordinary new book by intensive care nurse reveals dramatic evidence she says should banish our fear of dying

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Title : Is this proof near-death experiences ARE real? Extraordinary new book by intensive care nurse reveals dramatic evidence she says should banish our fear of dying
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Is this proof near-death experiences ARE real? Extraordinary new book by intensive care nurse reveals dramatic evidence she says should banish our fear of dying

As a nurse, I'm always in a good mood when I see a patient who appears to be making a good recovery. That certainly seemed the case of 60-year-old Tom Kennard, who had been suffering from sepsis after surgery for cancer.

After a couple of weeks in the intensive care ward, which was well enough to be moved from his hospital bed to a chair. Moments later, however, she suddenly dropped into unconsciousness.

There was no doubt he was out of action. He answered my neither urgent nor to the painful pressure of my Biro on his fingernails questions

Worse, his skin turned clammy, his oxygen levels dropped and his blood pressure plummeted. - Clear signs that his condition was critical.

As quickly it gave extra oxygen, which is called the other nurses in the intensive care unit. Four of them immediately went to bed Tom, and gently helped her back to bed and call a doctor urgently.

the rise of Blessed, detail from a panel from an altarpiece of the Last Judgment. historical texts are full of accounts of near-death visions. They are to be ignored so easily?
Not yet responded when the doctor, followed within minutes by a consultant arrived.

Indeed, Tom did not regain full consciousness for another three hours.

However, during those three hours lost, apparently he had gone on a life changing journey. His first feeling told me later, was "floating up to the top of the room I looked down and saw my body on the bed was lovely, very quiet -... And no pain at all '

in the next moment, the ward had disappeared and had entered a pink room, where his father was standing next to a man with "long hair and scruffy black and beautiful eyes. "for a while, Tom spoke telepathically with his father.

At some point, he realized that something touched him. Once again, he was back on the ceiling hospital ward - I looked down and the doctor

was putting an instrument shaped lollipop in his mouth to clean it, he recalled later
he could also see a woman beyond the cubicle curtains, who kept twitching to check their status.

in fact, I can personally verify that everything Tom 'saw' while unconscious was 100 percent accurate - to the hyssop I used to moisten the mouth and the names of the consultant and the physiotherapist lurking behind the curtains

While all this was happening, Tom heard the man with the scruffy hair say. 'He he has to come back. "This was a hard blow. He remembers desperately wanting to stay

Shortly after that, he said, 'I was floating back and reentered my body in bed."

fear: is death so terrible that we need to silence and delay it with drugs and machines
His pain was unbearable, but could still remember vividly how quiet it had been in that room pink. 'Pen' he said, 'if that is death, is wonderful. "

This near-death experience had two important effects on your life. First, says Tom, that completely eliminates any fear of dying.

Even more extraordinary is what happened with his right hand, which had been frozen since birth in a claw-like position.

(This has been observed in form of hospital admission, and since his sister has signed a statement confirming that.)

However, in front of me, shortly after his near-death experience, Tom opened and flexed the same hand. This should not have been physiologically possible because the tendons were contracted permanently. what had caused this sudden cure, apparently spontaneous? Even now, science has no answers.

But when experiences near death are studied, as I have done over the last couple of decades, they get used to the phenomena that defy rational explanation.

Take for example the case of Fred Williams, a retired 70 years of Swansea, who was suffering from the final stages of a terminal heart condition .

One night in the hospital, he lost consciousness and feared he was about to die.

But he managed to keep his faltering grip on life. And when he finally came to, I realized at once that looked very happy. My colleagues also commented on this.
The whole time this was happening, I felt very well :. Full of joy, peace, floating gently to bright light
By the next morning, Fred had recovered enough to see their anxious relatives.

To his surprise, he told them he had been visited - while unconscious - by his mother and grandmother, both of whom were dead, and by his sister (of life). They'd just standing next to her bed, keeping vigil. "I could not understand why my sister was there too," he remarked.

Unknown to him, his sister had died in fact the previous week.

Fearing news could jeopardize his recovery, his family had preserved it. Poor Fred never learned the truth, and died a week later.

But perhaps the most extraordinary case I know personally that of a Moroccan woman in her 30-year-old, who ran a clothing business.

in November 2009, Rajaa Benamour had an injection of anesthesia for minor surgery, after which displacement was found mentally throughout his life, back to his birth. This was followed by what could only be described as a quick review of the creation of the universe. After being discharged from the hospital, she began trying to find books about what he had learned during his vision.

Eventually, she realized she had acquired a thorough knowledge of the quantum physics. - despite not having never known anything about

This motivated her to study the subject at university level

the head of his studies professor was astonished.. The knowledge he had acquired, he said, could not have come either from the study of textbooks for students or take a quick course

Stranger still was surprised by some of his scientific theories. - however, have since been confirmed by papers published in physics journals.

Penny Sartori began his study of eight years as a cynic. But at the time it ended, she was convinced that near death are a genuine phenomenon
As a staff nurse who has worked in intensive care in British hospitals for 17 years, I have seen thousands of patients die

Some were heavily drugged or connected to many machines.; many were no longer able to speak

Already in 1995, began to wonder. It is so terrible death we have to do everything possible to delay with powerful drugs and machines? What is death anyway? What happens when we die? Why are we so afraid of it

So I started reading about death - and finally found the concept of near-death experiences or NDEs. People who had experienced these strange and intense visions everything seemed to be saying the same thing: death is nothing to fear. They could be right? My scientific training told me that ECM were almost certainly be hallucinations. Or wishful thinking.

But in the end, decided to undertake a doctorate in the experiences near death, while working in intensive care.

began my study of eight years as a cynical. But at the time it ended, I was convinced that near-death experiences are a genuine phenomenon.

So what exactly is a near-death experience? In its simplest form, it is a clear and memorable vision that occurs when people are near death -. Although only a small percentage of us will have one

Now, researchers agree each vision will contain at least one of several recognized components, like traveling through a tunnel toward a bright light, meeting dead relatives, or have an out of body experience.

as the person leaves' your body, you can hear a humming, whistling, ringing or buzzing, or click. Another common component of ECM is a beautiful garden with lush green grass and colorful flowers. There may be a stream or river in the background. Some people come into the garden, while others come to a door or barrier -. And know they will die if they pass through it

During an NDE, ear and sharpened view, and awareness is high. Often, the experience has been described to me as' more real than real. "
As reduced oxygen levels in the blood, the brain becomes increasingly disoriented, confused and disorganized.
time ceases to make sense in many cases, it feels as if the vision lasted hours, although the person may have been unconscious for a few seconds or minutes sometimes, it feels as if accelerates time tracking..; sometimes going slower

Then I started talking publicly about my own work, hundreds of survivors Nde I started to write to me with their own personal stories -.. and they all had similar elements

Far from being attention-seekers, most of the people I interviewed had only one or two people what had happened previously he said.

Indeed, it is often the case that people who have had ECM are afraid of being ridiculed or disbelieved. Some who have reported an NDE have been misdiagnosed with a psychiatric illness - often post-traumatic stress. And I know a woman who said she had unresolved emotional conflicts and ordered to take tranquilizers

However, NDEs are not a new phenomenon at all.; . Which have been reported throughout history

also have some of the best books of history - including the Bible; The Republic, the Greek philosopher, Plato; and the Tibetan Book of the Dead, an ancient religious text in the interval between life and rebirth. It is only in recent decades, however, scientists have tried to discover the causes of the ECM.

The most common theory is that they are a peculiarity of the brain when it is deprived of oxygen. But this seems unlikely now.

As reduced oxygen levels in the blood, the brain becomes increasingly disoriented, confused and disorganized. I have seen this happen many times. And I can assure you that when most patients regain consciousness, they are usually stunned and bewildered.

This is in complete contrast to those who have had an NDE.

With great clarity, they structured reporting experiences that in many cases, remain vivid in his mind for decades. In other words, not at all what one would expect from a disorganized brain with greatly reduced blood flow.

In any case, if the experiences near death due to lack of oxygen, then all patients who had a cardiac arrest would have a

in fact, make it seem more likely that no one has an ECM -.. but even in this group, the experience is relatively rare

researchers agree each vision will contain at least one of the several components recognized like traveling through a tunnel toward a bright light, meeting dead relatives or have an out of body experience
in my own study, for example, only 17.9 percent of people who survived a heart attack had been through an NDE.

Another nail in the oxygen theory is that two patients in my own studio actually they had blood drawn at the time of his near-death experience. His oxygen levels were perfectly normal.

ECM could, however, be a side effect of high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood, which can be another sign of approaching death? Again, unlikely.

Although patients with high levels of carbon dioxide can have OBEs and feeling of euphoria, your muscles twitch and jerk while this happens. That does not happen during a near-death experience.

to ECM hallucinations caused by drugs it limited? Clearly not -. 20 percent of patients in my sample, including Tom Kennard, had received no drug

In fact, when I discussed my research, I found that eliminate pain and sedatives, especially at high levels, they seem to make it less likely that a patient will have an NDE.

In other words, doctors that patients who die over-sedate can they be denied a well-intentioned natural and comforting final vision.

Moreover, also I interviewed 12 patients who had drug-induced hallucinations. These were random and often frightening - like being chased and stabbed with needles by drug traffickers. - Absolutely bore no relation to the ECM

Another theory is that near to death are caused by endorphins, opiates made by the body itself. But runners have high levels of endorphins -. And none of them have similar ECM experiences

Moreover, if the body releases endorphins when we die, one would expect that everyone close to death to have a near death experience.

Nor is quite likely that NDEs are nothing more than a kind of wish fulfillment, as is sometimes suggested.
medical Well-intentioned patients dying over-sedate can they be denying a natural and comforting final vision
most occur when a patient is sick unexpectedly, instead of contemplating his own death - so the person just does not have time to think what it is happening

One thing is clear:.. research has shown that near death often lead to a spiritual reevaluation

Some people undoubtedly become more religious after experiencing -. in some cases, even the preparation for the priesthood

Others believe that their particular religion, not properly maintained it was 'revealed' or felt during his ECM
Regardless of what you believe, however, usually become more considerate of others.

Marie-Claire Hubert, a nurse who had an NDE when she was hospitalized with meningitis, was through a . tunnel and he came out to find dead relatives, former patients and even pets dead long ago

Now, she says, "I know with certainty that we did find with our loved ones over time. I have made a better person and try to do at least five a day kind things for other people. "

For some, the experience of what has been described as 'unconditional love' makes them re-evaluate what they do with their lives.

Not a few have been retrained to be nurses or doctors or started doing voluntary work in a hospice.

Pam Williams of Swansea had an NDE when haemorrhaged after birth. While unconscious, who "saw" a medical and explosion on his chest, breathing in mouth and a needle in his heart is inserted

. "the whole time this was happening, I felt really good. full of joy, peace, floating gently to bright light

" suddenly, in the distance, I heard my eldest daughter cry, "Mam." I remember thinking, 'Oh dear, Jacquie needs me,' and I came back with a jolt.

"I'm not a religious person but I [now] think there's a, quiet, beautiful warm place after death. '

At the time of her NDE, Pam was the wife of a miner uneducated and four children. Then it says, "the need to help and support others" felt -. And trained as a nurse and, ten years later, became a sister in the coronary care unit of a hospital in Sheffield

A woman has stopped using clocks that are no longer working on his wrist. Another light bulbs 'blows' regular
Two lesser-known consequences of NDEs - reported by many researchers - is that some people develop a new sensitivity to light or have problems with their wristwatches. Sometimes not even connected to the fact that the clock can not keep time - or stops completely -. With what they have spent

When I started doing the people who were investigating whether they had experienced this, I discovered that many of them had

One was a nurse -. a colleague who had had an NDE - who told me he had stopped watches bearing after his own experience, as they invariably did not work .

Those who had been particularly intense ECM reported even more problems. One woman told me she bulbs 'blows' regularly when you light them - so much so that it has become a joke standing in his family

"have also pulled me back and to the right through. a room several times when using or touching electrical appliances, "he said.

Disruptors differently were the accounts of people who had developed psychic tendencies after having a near-death experience. One woman told me which could subsequently foresee 'bad things' that were to happen, and even predict when people would die

so much has traumatized now rarely goes out -. and only when using headphones so you can play loud music to distract her from her thoughts.

a colleague of mine who had an NDE at nine claims to have similar powers.

she said that since her vision, she has been able to "read the minds of other people" - their anguish because she feels it's morally wrong

can all these people -. and many more that I have interviewed - be delusional

Or there could be more to the approaching death every time scientists have recognized?

Some names have been changed. Excerpted from the wisdom of NDE by Dr. Penny Sartori, to be published by Watkins Publishing, on 6 February at 10.99 £. © 2014 Dr. Penny Sartori. To order a copy for £ 9.99 (including postage) call 0844 472 4157.

Source: Daily Mail

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