Title : Can Food Make You Infertile? Foods to Eat and Avoid
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Can Food Make You Infertile? Foods to Eat and Avoid

1. men who drink at least one liter of cola a day had sperm account for nearly 30 percent lower than men who drink tailless.
The Danish study that produced this statistic suggests that Caffeine prevents sperm tail. "However, in a petri dish, caffeine improves sperm movement," says obstetrician Niels Lauersen , co-author of Eat, Love, Get Pregnant Guide a Couple of increasing fertility and have a healthy baby . "Therefore, do not discount the high fructose corn syrup found in estosbebidas as being possibly the real culprit. First, studies show demasiadoazúcar can lead to insulin resistance, which disrupts fertility. Second, powerful pesticides used in corn fields, including atrazine-have of the United States has shown in studies to be endocrine disruptors. corn producers male to work regularly with atrazine was found to have low sperm count. "
Tina Kold Jensen, et al.
" caffeine intake and semen quality in a population of 2,554 young Danish men ." American Journal of Epidemiology , 171 (8) :. 883-891
2. Women who eat a lot of low-fat dairy products face an increased risk 85ciento ovulatory infertility than women who consumenproductos little or no low-fat dairy.
lack of ovulation is a common cause of infertility. The affiliate Harvard study that produced these statistics found surprisingly high estacondición in women who consumed two or more at díaporciones low-fat dairy products. Since fertility studies in pasadola milk were inconclusive, "have compared low and high in fat as an exercise of rigor dairy products," says Jorge Chavarro a asistenteprofesor of medicine at Harvard University and co-author of this estudioy of the fertility diet: innovative research reveals the natural ways to increase ovulation and improve your chances of getting pregnant . "These findings are extremely surprising," says Chavarro, taking into account government queGuías Food for Americans recommend that adultosconsumen three or more servings of low-fat dairy products a day.
J. Chavarro E., et al.
" Prospective Dairy intake and anovulatory infertility ." Human Reproduction , 22 (5) :. 1340-1347
3. Men who eat large cantidadesde soy-based foods produce 32 percent fewer sperm per milliliter than men who do not eat food soy-based.
The study based at the University of Harvardque produced this statistic examined the effects of 15 based diferentealimentos soy in men whose partners they were trying to get pregnant. "The reason menopausal women muylas find food soy useful-because ejercenestrogénicos mild effects is the same reason that may be harmful to fertility ShopComplimentary" says Lauersen. "While it include some foods soy-based inits diet not affect most men, if the sperm count of a man is low, or inclusobajo-to normal, soy foods may tilt the balance of estrogen / testosterone inthe wrong direction and reduce sperm count more. "
J. Chavarro E., et al. " Soy Food and isoflavone intake in relation to semen quality parameters among men from an infertility clinic ." Human Reproduction , 23 (11) :. 2584-2590
4. Women who eat at least one daily serving of whole milk are more than 50 percent deexperimentar less likely ovulatory infertility that women who consume less deuna serving of whole milk per week.
Based on Harvard The mismoestudio of the linked low-fat dairy products a type of infertilidadvinculada rich fat dairy products with opposite effect: "Sucesivamenteun increased consumption of ice cream" show promising results, their autores.La fat and cholesterol are building blocks for hormones, so eat all the fat dairy products when trying to get pregnant "is good advice," says Alice Domar, assistant professor of obstetrics at Harvard University yautor of infertility Explanation: the Complete, authoritative guide to all you need to know on your trip to the Family . "Is there anyone who does not want to be told to eat Haagen-Dazs?" But she warns against sensationalism that such studies spark . J. Chavarro E., et al.
" Prospective Dairy intake and anovulatory infertility ." Human Reproduction , 22 (5) :. 1340-1347
5. Men who are exposed to grandescantidades of bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used in manufacturing canned dealimentos they have sperm counts approximately 23 percent lower than men SINLA exposure to BPA.
Still desear¿Espaguetis? When used in can linings, BPA leaches into the alimentos.El study by the University of Michigan, affiliated to that produced this scary statistic also found an increase of 10 percent damage sperm DNA among men exposed to large amounts of BPA. Widely used in muchosproductos since the 1960s, BPA is now the subject of investigations by dela Food and Drug Administration as the body tries to calculate risks, reduce human exposure, and support change alternatives. John Meeker, et al.
" semen quality and sperm DNA damage relative to bisphenol A urinary Among men of an infertility clinic ." Reproductive Toxicology , 30 (4) :. 532-539
6.Vegan women are only one-fifth as likely to have twins as are vegetarian women and omnivorous.
Published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, the study that produced this statistic sugiereque the difference is driven by the factor-like growth (IGF), unaproteína released by the liver in response to growth hormone. IGFson levels much lower in vegetarians than non-vegans. "Diets that include lácteosproductos products, especially in areas where growth hormone given to cattle, seem to increase the chances of multiple pregnancies," writes study author Companion pane.
Steinman, Gary. " Mechanisms of twinning: VII Effect of diet and heredity on the human twinning rate ." Journal of Reproductive Medicine , 51 (5): 405-10 ..
7. men with high levels of trans fatty acids in their sperm have 96 percent fewer sperm than men with low concentrations delos trans fatty acids his semen.
eat donuts, shoot blanks. Trans fatty acids commonly sonencontrado in fast food and junk food; his presence in a man desemen shows that eating foods that contain them. The Harvard-afiliadoestudio that produced this statistic confirms previous studies suggesting that roedoreslo "trans fatty acids can affect espermatogénesisprofundamente" the authors write. High TFA in menorel drastically sperm count men asking tough questions, because researchers do not pudierondeterminar the time interval during which TFA accumulates in the testicles and / ocuánto long it stays there. Potentially, it could last a lifetime.
J. Chavarro E., et al. " Trans-fatty acid levels in sperm are associated with the concentration of sperm among men of an infertility clinic ." Fertility and Sterility , 95 (5) :. 1794-1797
8. Women who consume at least one alcoholic drink per day has an almost 50 percent greater ovulatory deinfertilidad risk than women who do not drink alcohol.
The study based at the University of Harvardque produced this statistic followed 18,555 women for eight years as setratado of getting pregnant. "Alcohol hinders the liver's ability parametabolizar hormones," says licensed acupuncturist Randine Lewis , author of The Infertility Cure: Program ancient Chinese Welfare to get pregnant and have babies healthy . "The ovulatory infertility Most include hormonal imbalances that sonagravado by hepatic congestion. Hormonal excesses blood require a clean and healthy to metabolize and excrete liver. The body can not deshacersedel excess hormones when metabolized alcoholic beverages is busy ".
J. Chavarro E., et al. " caffeinated drinks and alcoholic admission regarding ovulatory infertility disorder ." Epidemiology , 20 (3) :. 374-81
9. Women who are exposed to large amounts of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a chemical usadoen synthetic liners bags microwave popcorn, face a risk of infertilidadque ranging from 70 percent to 134 percent higher than that of women withthe least amount of PFOA exposure.
also used the dulcesenvolturas, fast food wrappers and pizza boxes, PFOA has also been linked to cancers breast and prostate. The study based on the UCLA rindióesta statistical examined whether industrial pollutants could explain why "unanotable decline in fertility rates has been observed in the desarrolladospaíses countries", according to its authors, who found associations entrealta exposure PFOA and irregular menstrual periods, between worrying otrosefectos.
Chunyuan Fei, et al. " maternal levels of perfluorinated chemicals and subfertility ." Human Reproduction , 24 (5) :. 1200-1205
10. Men who eat a traditional diet have sperm Dutch account almost double to do the men who eat a diet of fish and raw materials.
A RotterdamUniversidad affiliated with Erasmus study examined the semen of men whose partners were pregnant tratandoquedar. A group of men meat and potatoes basedieta that the study authors call "traditional Dutch" ate; the other comiólo the authors call high "health conscious" in ypescado diet products. the beneficial factor of the Dutch diet "might not be the ypatatas flesh," Chavarro speculates. "The Dutch diet is also very high ensalsas fats and mayonnaise, which is an important source of omega-3 acids grasosácidos" which many studies related to increasing fertility in mujeresy m
M.Vujkovic, et al. " associations between dietary patterns and semen quality in men undergoing IVF / ICSI ." Human Reproduction , 24 (6) :. 1304-1312
11. Women who consume large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids are 22 percent less likely to be diagnosed with endometriosis common -unacausa of infertility, women who eat little or no omega-3.
"The consumption of each unoadicional 1 percent of energy from omega-3 fatty acids," say, mackerel broadcasted since the flaxseed, or supplements- "rather than saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated omega-6 conaproximadamente associated risk 50 percent lower endometriosis," write elautores affiliate Harvard study that produced this statistic. Powerful anti-inflammatory, omega-3 "are probably the most importantenutriente fertility," says Lauersen, adding that omega-3 "not only You Can Help control emdometriosis symptoms, but can also reverse some of losrelacionados with fertility damage" that endometriosis causes. Missmer Stacey, et al.
" Prospective study of dietary fat consumption and risk of endometriosis ." Human Reproduction , 25 (6) :. 1528-1535
12. Women who consume large amounts of non-heme iron-latipo found in lentils, spinach and supplements have a 40 percent ovulatory infertility menorriesgo that women who consume little or no heme ningunahierro.
"The type of iron found in meats esesencialmente related to fertility," says Chavarro, who led Harvard Elestudio that produced this statistic. "Instead, strong associations, the type of iron that comes from any supplements or vegetalfuentes". Can lentils help you get pregnant? Nobody knows yet. Delmuchas conditions that cause infertility, ovulatory disorders are laslos studies show that responds more strongly to changes in diet, Chavarrodice. Yearning to learn more, your computer is requesting assistance unaenorme new study fertility .
J. Chavarro E., et al. " Iron intake and risk of ovulatory infertility ." Obstetrics and Gynecology , 108 (5):
13. Women who eat at least 5 percent of their daily calories in elforma vegetable protein instead of meat protein 50 ovulatory infertility risk cientomenor that women who consume only carneproteína.
Substitute chicken and red meat verdurasfuentes protein may reduce the risk of ovulatory infertility, write the study authors based at Harvard University that produced this statistic. "Rojocarne contains arachidonic acid which can cause or worsen inflammatory internareacciones" Lewis explains. "When the body is in a state of internal reactivity, which is in a state of" dis-ease "and has menosenergía available for maintenance functions, such as procreation."
J. Chavarro E., et al. " protein intake and ovulatory infertility ." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology , 198 (2): 210.
14. The sperm of men who consume very small amounts deantioxidantes is only two-thirds as mobile as men's sperm queconsumir large amounts of antioxidants.
The member of the University of California, Berkeley who gave estestat found that a high intake of antioxidants increased not only espermamotilidad, ie study, its strength, but also swimming sperm count. Mientrases tempting to think that drinking green tea leads directly fatherlessness, "I do not think that there are some foods you can eat to hacertefértil, nor are there any foods you can eat to be infertile," says Domar. "Would not it be great if the grapes that make infertile then nosotrosno need birth control." His best advice is to "eat exactly like your grandmother told you to eat. Meatloaf and have plenty of yvegetales fruits. Do not drink water . And take prenatal vitamins. "
B. Eskenazi, et al. " antioxidant intake is associated with semen quality in healthy men ." Human Reproduction , 20 (4) :. 1006-1012
15. Men whose mothers ate beef at least seven times a week during pregnancy they have three másprobabilidades sometimes have a low sperm count than men whose mothers ate less while pregnant beef.
managed mom breast pin? "To study possible long-term risks of anabolic and otrosxenobióticos steroids in beef, is analyzed semen quality of men in connection withthe meat consumption self-reported their mothers during pregnancy, "write authors from the University of Rochester study, which threw affiliated with this statistic. His conclusion? "The sperm concentration was inversely related to meals of meat mothers a week." "These findings suggest that the mother's consumption of beef, and possibly xenobiotics in beef, can alter testicular dedesarrollo man in the womb and adversely affects their reproductivacapacidad "the authors write.
S. H. Swan, et al. " semen quality of fertile male United States in connection with the consumption of beef from their mothers during pregnancy ." Human Reproduction , 22 (6) :. 1497-1502
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