7 Beverages To Stop Consuming Today

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7 Beverages To Stop Consuming Today

Today Lately I've been focusing on all foods we should stop using , but what about drinks, which can reach up to 30 percent of daily calorie intake? Many of us take for all those lattes granted calorie soda and other sugary drinks, however, the real problem is not related to calories, but something much worse.

Here are 7 drinks you should avoid consuming at any time, for your health and your waistline:

1. soft drinks (soda, pop, carbonated beverages, soft drinks, etc.)

not enough bad things to say about non-alcoholic beverages of any kind. Soft drinks account for more than a quarter of all drinks consumed in the United States. That equates to at least one 12-ounce can per day for every man, woman and child. It is estimated that at least one third of the problem related to childhood obesity. Carbonated soft drinks offers more sugar added in the typical diet of a 2 year old, cookies, candy and ice cream combined .

Many sodas and diet drinks approach the pH level of battery acid in terms of corrosivity and erosion of tooth enamel.

Besides the fact that diet soda causes dehydration, weight gain, depletion of minerals, diabetes and caffeine addiction, research shows that are also responsible for a increased risk of vascular events such as stroke, myocardial infarction and vascular death .

artificially sweetened soft drinks are marketed as healthier to sugar-sweetened beverages alternatives because of their lack of calories. However, previous research has shown very serious health consequences in the long term due to the highly toxic additives and artificial sweeteners such as sodium benzoate aspartame , acesulfame potassium sucralose and high fructose corn syrup .

men who drink just one can of soda 300 ml per day are much more likely to require treatment for a severe form cancer than those who never drink is consumed. One soda a day can increase the risk of aggressive cancer by 40 percent .

A study of more than 66,000 women found that those who drank drinks artificially sweetened were more 60 percent more likely to develop diabetes those who surrendered to the regular versions of the same drink.

Another recent study published in the journal respirología revealed that consumption of soft drinks is associated with respiratory and lung disorders including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

2. tap water

If you are still drinking tap water, you may be hiding a Flury of information exposing its dangers.

Only 91 contaminants are regulated by the Safe drinking water Act, without But more than 60,000 chemicals are used within the United States, according to estimates Agency for Environmental Protection. Government and independent scientists have analyzed thousands of those chemicals in recent decades, and identified hundreds associated with a risk of cancer and other diseases at small concentrations in drinking water, according to an analysis of government records by The New York Times.

Many readers know
fluoride is a product of chemical waste from the fertilizer industry which is problematic for the environment in regard to how to get rid of it. So the government and industry realized that putting in drinking water would solve the problem.

Studies have shown that fluoride can pull lead from pipes and add that to the mix poison that comes from our taps. That could be the reason fluoride also seems to bring copper and aluminum with him, and lead.

Animal studies have shown evidence of toxic effects of fluoride in brain tissue. These include cellular brain damage, reduced lipid content, deterioration in systems antioxidant defense increased absorption of aluminum, and the formation of beta-amyloid plaques. These are plates which are indicative of Alzheimer's disease. Perhaps this explains why many dogs seem to prefer to drink from puddles their own dishes filled with tap water.

Depending on the country, cardiovascular disease is typically the number one or number two cause of death. A new study published in Journal of Nuclear Medicine Communications has concluded that the increased absorption of fluoride in the arteries may be associated with increased cardiovascular risk.

As if perhaps toxicity levels of fluoride were not enough in the water supply, is now proposed that lithium could soon be added to drinking water .

An investigation by the Associated Press (AP ) has also revealed that the drinking water of at least 41 million people in the United States is contaminated with pharmaceutical drugs .

drinking tap water contaminated with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is a serious health risk. The highest measured levels of PFOA in human blood in the US, with the exception of exposures factory, are in people who have consumed contaminated tap water PFOA .

lead pipes once routinely used in distribution systems municipal water are well recognized as a source of contamination by dangerous lead. Construction crews have been feverishly replacing these tubes in major cities in Canada and the U.S, but only partially using bronze in conjunction with copper lines. Research shows that the assembly of tubes of old lead with new copper lines using brass fittings stimulates galvanic corrosion that can dramatically increase the amount of lead released in drinking water supplies.

3. sports drinks

the market for sports drinks continues to rise because consumers keep feeding confident in the work of the commercialization. Globally, it is a multibillion dollar industry sponsorship of some of the greatest athletes. However, in a word, it is "rubbish".

Gatorade is almost as corrosive as coke . Researchers at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry found that energy drinks and sports drinks such as Gatorade and Red Bull, eroded the enamel more than soda and fruit juices. In a 2008 study published in the journal Nutrition Research, dentists soaked extracted human teeth in various liquids for 25 hours, then structural changes lesions were measured, or.

"Energy drinks can be very acidic usually because there is an addition of citric acid to give those heartburn desired by some consumers, "said Dr. Clark Stanford, the associate dean of research at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry. "It is important to note the label and see if citric acid has been added." Enjoy sports drinks can damage your teeth due to high levels of acid in them, dentists have warned.

A recent study published in the May / June 2012 By Dentistry overall, the clinical journal reviewed by experts from the Academy of General Dentistry, found that an alarming increase in the consumption of sports and energy drinks, especially among adolescents, is cause irreversible damage to the teeth - specifically, high levels of acidity in drinks erode tooth enamel, the glossy outer layer of the tooth.

Some experts called by the Food and Drug Administration US - That treats energy drinks as dietary supplements. - Requiring warning labels on hundreds of energy drinks now on the market

Sports drinks are loaded with petrochemicals artificial colors not other purpose than to make a visually appealing drink. artificial colors offer no nutritional value to support the claim by many that sports drinks are a complete waste of money and really may injury.

If you want a real energy drink, try the powers rehydration coconut water match or better any sports drink with carbohydrates and electrolytes .

even bananas were found that have the same or more health benefits during intense exercise that sports drinks tech .

4. Specialty Coffee

I know this may disappoint many coffee drinkers, but there are ways to drink coffee makers and other forms. If you enjoy great name brand of specialty coffee chains like Starbucks or McDonalds, you're not just getting coffee beans toxic coffee, but that is consuming some serious calories.

How about a Mocha Frappuccino Blended mint coffee? Try 660 calories. Or what about a chip Frappuccino Blended Coffee Java. It'll be 600 calories. Why do you want to add this type of artificially sweetened refined liquid cream, coffee artificially sweetened drinks for daily consumption?

Recently, there has been a great effort to promote the benefits of coffee. The fight against free radicals, to memory improvement diabetes, parkinson and even reduce the risk of cancer , there are plenty of studies They called miraculous touting the health benefits of coffee. But these claims are true and unbiased or exagerrated claims with alterior motives? Some of the biggest promoters of health benefits of coffee come from the biggest themselves like Brazil producers.

Personally I love coffee, but I'll just drink varieties organic bold that responsibily are grown. You will not find this type of coffee at Starbucks or any other coffee chain large. The only types of coffee beans that you get from any major specialty coffee chain is loaded with pesticides and grown chemically.

The coffee plant is one of the most heavily sprayed crops. It is coated with chemicals, pesticides and herbicides, nothing would be ingesting. These chemicals then leech into the soil and water makes people sick in local areas where coffee is grown.

Although many chemicals that have been found that are harmful to the environment have They have been banned or are strictly regulated in the US or Europe, are still legal to use in less developed countries, including many countries that grow coffee.

Endosulfan chlorpyrifos diazinon disulfoton methyl parathion triadimefon and cypermethrin and some of the many chemicals and pesticides used to grow coffee worldwide.

the coffee must be brewed within 4-6 weeks after roasting. The standard industry life is 1 year. More than 70% of coffee importers do not follow these protocols well above the range of time for sales and values.

Organic coffee is one of the options that you could use especially if you are searching for high quality and the best coffee blends. This is quickly becoming a favorite among coffee aficionados because of its great finish and incredible flavor and aroma. Moreover, coffee lovers who are health conscious at the same time get to this coffee the most notable.

There are coffee beans and renowned brands for organic java that are trusted by countless of coffee lovers around the world. Green Mountain: Fair Biologicals, Sprouts and Tom Thumb (Safeway): O Organics European Mix are just some of the established brands in the market today

The best way to help our migratory birds is. the purchase of certified coffees Bird Friendly. Instead of being grown on land that has been cleared of all other vegetation, Bird Friendly cafes are planted under a canopy of trees that provide habitat for birds. Besides being shade grown, bird-friendly coffees are also organic, meaning they are grown without the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers that poison the environment. See what it says about Kenn Kaufman Bird Friendly Coffee in his blog.

The Rainforest Alliance has a broad social and ecological mandate spans many sectors the Agriculture. Coffee is one of agricultural crops Rainforest Alliance programs are directed. The program coffee certification is to ensure that coffee workers are paid fairly, treated with respect and that the harvest tend not contribute to soil erosion, water pollution and destruction of forests: Rainforest Alliance means that both respect social and environmental values.

5. pasteurized milk

the United States is the largest largest producer of pasteurized cow's milk, but curiously is also one of the smallest consumers worldwide. Thus, the dairy industry has a vested interest in eliminating all suppliers of raw milk from the market place to enforce and increase per capita consumption of pasteurized milk is lagging behind most of the world per capita.

pasteurized milk is perhaps one of the most nutritionally deficient misappropriately drinks labeled as a "perfect food". raw milk enthusiasts have long known that unpasteurized milk is only worth drinking milk. Pasteurization destroys enzymes, decreases the content of vitamins, denatures proteins fragile milk, destroys vitamins C, B12 and B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer.

whole cow's milk (regular and 'organic') has 59 active hormones, scores of allergens, fat and cholesterol. Cow's milk may also have measurable quantities of herbicides, pesticides, dioxins (up to 200 times safe levels), up to 52 powerful antibiotics (perhaps 53, with LS-50), blood, pus, feces, bacteria and viruses.

the main demand of the food industry: As the world population increases, sustainable production and food distribution is balanced with the need to ensure its chemical and microbiological safety. Scientists believe they should irradiating, pasteurizing and sterilizing all foods to maintain public safety .

And pasteurization does not always kill the bacteria of Johne's disease suspected to cause disease Crohn in humans who are infected with most cows confinement. commercial milk is much more now ultra-pasteurized to get rid of heat-resistant bacteria and give it a longer shelf life. Ultra-pasteurization is a violent process that takes milk from a cooling temperature above the boiling point in less than two seconds.

One of the possible methods of pasteurization uses propylene oxide, a highly flammable and " highly toxic " chemical used in thermobaric weapon . Foods treated with the chemical is banned in some countries, including Canada and Mexico, as well as the European Union .

A very interesting point directed by Marco Torres is what really need to drink milk of any kind other species besides our own?

I love coconut, nuts and seeds milks. Brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, seeds, nuts, hemp and all make dense, large milk tasting nutrients and they are all essentially made in the same way and you can do it yourself without need for sophisticated equipment.

6. processed fruit juice

One of the great scams of industrial food cartel is called juice "fresh" orange sold in supermarkets

ever wondered why the juice commercial orange -. even the premium, not-from-concentrate "100 percent pure" juice type - tastes the same every time you buy it, but do not know exactly like a freshly peeled orange

turns out there is much more for the manufacture of juice just squeezing some citrus?. As part of the series production, brands such as Tropicana, Minute Maid, Simply Orange, and Florida native added artificial flavors in order to ensure that the juice has a consistent flavor of the carton - and . make sure you know oranges

"it really rocks world people know that the juice most orange is not a fresh product," says Alisa Hamilton, author of "squeezed: what you do not want to know about the orange juice "

Pasteurized, orange juice non-de-concentrated up much storage space. In order to prevent spoiling and without the addition of chemical preservatives, companies "purge" (or pulls oxygen out of) the juice. (Another surprise: During production, ventilates often juice sit in the tanks of millions of gallons for as long as a year before it reaches the supermarket shelves.)

A shocking investigation has also it revealed that some of the known brands of apple juice contain arsenic .

juice American apple is made from apple concentrate, 60% of which is imported from China. Other countries can use pesticides that contain arsenic, a heavy metal known to cause cancer and heart disease.

Results of an investigation Consumer Reports on arsenic and lead in apple juice and grape juice have led the organization to ask for government standards to limit consumer exposure to these toxins.

fruit juices of any kind are rarely 100% juice and specific additives to extend the life can be dangerous to your health and your family.

7. Any artificially sweetened beverage

aspartame and sucralose yet They are used in hundreds of artificially sweetened drinks, including cocktails, milk, juices, coffees and cold drinks. If you see either of these two ingredients in any drink, please do not eat it. They are two of the most toxic in the world sweeteners.

Monsanto , the creator of Aspartame knows all about the dangers. Finance diabetics American Association of Conference of the American College of Physicians and Congress.

When ingested aspartame in the digestive tract, is broken down into numerous other poisons. Aspartame molecule intact and form diketopiperazine poisonings are worse than any of the other poisonings that result from it during digestion, and blood processing the digestive liver, which is delivered directly to the liver by the portal vein lot. The other poisonings, as mentioned, are horrible fact, but aspartame rubber is much worse, so even the smallest amounts in the gum surprisingly dangerous and harmful.

Aspartame, through ingestion in the digestive tract, it is done in about ten other poisoning digestive processes and then with the exception of what is delivered directly to the pancreas, which are transported directly to the liver via the portal vein, where then they are partially treated, and partially reprocessed. these are then delivered somewhat lower concentration throughout the body, reducing the amount that eventually the brain.

A report by scientists at Duke University demonstrated that the artificial sweetener Splenda (sucralose) and its key component sucralose pose a threat to people who use the product.

according to the Food and Drug Administration, 11 to 27 percent of ingested sucralose is absorbed by the body human (FDA 1998). Research published by the manufacturer of sucralose (Roberts 2000) shows that when 8 adults healthy males where they sucralose (1 mg / kg), amounts between 10.4% and 30.6% of sucralose is absorbed. In addition, 1.6% to 12.2% of sucralose accumulates in the body

Splenda / sucralose sugar is simply chlorinated.; one chlorocarbon. Common chlorocarbons include carbon tetrachloride, methylene chloride trichlorethelene and all mortal. Chlorine is attack dog Doberman nature, a highly excitable atomic element, ferocious used as a biocide in bleach, disinfectants, insecticides, poisonous gas World War and hydrochloric acid.

In laboratory animals Splenda produced swollen livers, like all poisons chlorocarbons, and calcified kidneys of the test animals in toxicity studies. The brain and nervous system are subject to toxic effects of metabolism and damage solvency of these chemicals. Its high solvency attacks the human nervous system and many other body systems, including genetics and immune function. Therefore, chlorocarbon poisoning can cause cancer, birth defects, and the destruction of the immune system. These are the effects of dioxins and PCBs, which are known well known deadly chlorinated hydrocarbons.

Natasha Longo has a master's degree in nutrition and is a certified fitness and nutritional counselor. She has consulted on public health policy and procurement in Canada, Australia, Spain, Ireland, England and Germany.

Source: PreventDisease.com

"7 Beverages To Stop Consuming Today", article source: riseearth.com

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