How the Globalists Write The Script, And What Can Be Done to Change the Story

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How the Globalists Write The Script, And What Can Be Done to Change the Story

By Jack Mullen

Neo: "What truth," Morpheus :. "You are a slave, Neo That, like everyone else, was born into bondage ... kept inside a prison that you can not smell, taste, or touch - a prison for your mind."
~ The Matrix

In the movie Matrix, Morpheus and Trinity knew that something had actually changed suddenly when Neo experienced a deja-vu. The deja-vu was like a little virtual world reformatted changing reality enough for a new "reality" is presented with an advantage for the drivers.

is interesting to pay attention to the matrix of life "real "because there are many similarities with inspired ideas communicated in the film of the same name. If enough attention is given time will notice some of deja-vu. This "real" life seems to have components scripts when noticed the change reality before our eyes.

currently global drivers are changing the script in order to carry out some sort of change that facilitates its plan for world domination and enslavement will call a global government.

the stage is filled with new props and have a feeling of deja-vu.

wHO controls the world

I think the socio-political context of the United States and the world are works created by the script powers-that-be having critical knowledge of human psychology and control of the media worlds, education, money, military, religions, and energy (especially food, water and medicine). And because it's important later, I will point the writers-a-stage WORLD are obsessively interested in hidden esoteric symbols, numerology, astrology and religious ritual.

As many of you already know, the United States of America during the government (by agreement made called the Constitution), commonly known as the Federal government (USG) was infiltrated and usurped many years; the final purge was almost complete with bankruptcy and subsequent relaunch of the USG in 1933. One way to help your mind work better when thinking about this is to rename the USG mentally. Renaming results in clearer thinking, because it makes clear alliances. I like to think that the USG as Federists (rhymes with terrorists), which helps me remember that I am talking about a foreign professional, hostile, well-funded, highly intelligent, band, evil usurpers. Federists occupy the highest positions and control bodies main application of the old USG.

Federists control America remains primarily by deception, then bribery and blackmail and, finally, when necessary, murder.

in other words, the control system has been put before our eyes blind us from the truth, he is now in control of the richest nation and militarily powerful of world on earth.

the world, then, is controlled by an unidentified group focused powerful, malevolent, super-staters, which, power, occupy and control higher functions, organs enforcement and military of the richest and most powerful nation on earth.

the world is controlled by the globalists.

RESOURCES globalist

the globalist maintain its control over the world through control of the media worlds, education, money, military, religions, and energy (including food, water and medicines).

the primary source of globalist energy comes from money intended form of currency and energy monopolies. All other controls are derived from these two sources. And for future reference, these two main sources of energy are the Achilles heel of the globalist.

counterfeit money is a system of money lent by the banks alleged imitation governments interest. Interest represents real wealth rebroadcast banks imitation in the payment of the counterfeit currency (nothing).

The crux of the crime is that anything of value lends itself to exchange of interest payments. Using the promise of payment by the debtor as currency, banks become imitation of debt as money. In other words, no value was given by the bank in return for interest payments. Hence, a system was devised by the globalists can issue currency in almost unlimited quantities, at no cost to the globalist, in exchange for an increasing flow of interest payments are draining wealth from borrowers.

the globalists using intermediaries such as Federists can then "loan" without limit (at least in the short term, as this type of bank fraud, possibly auto destroy) the currency of Federists, using the currency to boost globalist agenda while the globalist still retain current interest now pass as income tax the working class of the United States of America.

the actual currency (dollar) is useless, but a false value is derived, because people accept the dollar in trading real goods. Since the currency grows on trees, the amount can always increase (and of course it does), thereby reducing the supply of goods available that cause prices to rise in proportion to the amount of play money in existence . Rising prices are a second form of taxes, as it now takes more dollars to buy the same good. (Their loss of purchasing power has been transferred to the Federists to be used in the service of the globalist.)

The use of this currency, the globalist can then legislation on funds in the country concerned to erect monopolies in energy, buy and control the media, trust fund education and college scholarships, bribery and control of religion and the military.

AS gLOBALISTS write the script

for the record it is easy to write the script when you own the media, schools, churches, energy, money and military.

the globalists write the script through a careful control of images, themes and thought. Deception is the operational concept, even if the data are complex and complicated. In essence, the globalists frame the problems of the world and then provide solutions. Many people have reported this idea, David Icke calls "problem, reaction, solution '. Using fear as a means to obtain and maintain attention, globalist, behaving like the best magicians, keep your attention on fear while moving the props around the stage. Then, when the terrible problems do arise (usually staged), the globalists through their operatives are waiting for solutions, solutions that require the transfer of more power, wealth, resources , freedom and subjugation of the globalists.

strict of the media and churches restrictions propaganda and issue control while limiting their energy, the issue of their currency and direction of the military, the globalist has almost total control of the mind of an individual, wealth, health and spirituality. This control is used to create a world of pseudo, not a complete matrix (I hope), but a mixture history macro written and directed and allowing limited micro story directed staff. You have control of parts of the work, but the point is, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players"


control the minds of Americans it is critical to the globalist because the United States has been captured and occupied by the Federists, its main tool of action and Americans who have the best chance of disconnection of the matrix and welcome everyone to the real world.

the media in America, with the exception of some uncontrolled, unaffiliated nondenominational, and unregulated, alternative means of support is busy biases normal or fear ( as needed) through images and symbols. The images and symbols are necessary to maintain control of mind during transmission, the encrypted data mass through the short hand symbols.

The events of Nine-Eleven (leaving numerology in the background) allow a fault in the matrix, a deja-vu was noticed by the very sensitive, the matrix was updating step to facilitate the globalists. Unlike other false flag events throughout history, however nine-one-one that occurred in an era of technology for the benefit of the global media. The global media, being controlled by the same people who perpetrated the crimes, provided that the globalist an unprecedented opportunity to reach the minds of Americans and the world in a ritual mass murder in real time on television. Murder, one of the ways in which the globalist maintain control over the Americans (as needed), the globalists were indicating a change in the matrix to include tighter control of Americans (the new security, police state.) tighter control would require the cooperation of Americans get. American cooperation was secured through hypnosis and mind control based on the trauma. Events nine-one-one were orchestrated to move the globalists to the next level of its long-term plan.

One World One STAGE

For decades, the awake Americans and others have put together the pieces that make up a story told about the drivers, the globalists, the destruction of social structures in the world, reducing populations and reform of a unified global society take the form of communism or some similar socio-political and economic tyranny loaded up. Communism and their collective cousins ​​are economic and socio-political pseudo invented by the globalist as tools to manipulate the minds to cooperate with their own enslavement.

The globalists apparently are unhappy control nations, while raping and robbing people through deception. The globalists have a higher goal, in order to rule the world directly, not through deception, but through absolute tyranny. Perhaps the globalists tire rule by deception, is only able to tell their story through predictive programming and works of dark minions given pieces of information inside.

Regardless of the reasons, globalists are moving quickly now to complete his prison planet. In fact, it is essential to end their useful work now because many people are waking up, unplug and noting the real world. It is also essential to end now because the universe is waking up and the sun and earth are responding to changes of their own.
You see the globalists know the Americans, armed with the remains of a philosophy of supporting the right to life, a philosophy that supports people who live their own life as a means to their own ends, still they have a chance to change the script.

Americans are also armed with the necessary weapons to regain control of the nation to throw the Federists and stopping globalists wherever they are.

But the clock is working, tic tac, the next change in the matrix is ​​coming and this time the Americans traumatized to cooperate with its own disarmament.


I mentioned earlier that our drivers have an obsessive interest in hidden esoteric symbols, numerology, astrology and religious ritual.

Take a walk in Washington DC in search of ancient religious and occult symbols. See if you can detect Egyptian or Roman gods. Have a good look at the Statue of Liberty, see if you can identify lady liberty as someone oldest hidden history. Investigations into the world of Freemasonry and Babylonian cults will present many coincidences. For fun exploring the beginnings of the Mormon religion or the Church of Scientology. The world of religion is made up of symbols and secrets, and it is an ancient system of mind control. And, as I said, mind control is even easier when you own the media, schools, churches, energy, money and military.

I recently read a book by SK Bain entitled " the most dangerous book in the world: 9/11 as a mass ritual "

This is one of the best resources for understanding the meanings and rituals occult and esoteric associated with nine-one-one . According to the author of all the horrible event was scripted with great attention to detail using the ancient religions and occult symbols, numerology, worship deity and enchantment.

This well-documented analysis of the scripts nine-Eleven, Bain describes the event as having an opening ceremony followed by a statement saying the ritual was worshiping a deity, followed by identification of the deity spell and then worship including sacrifices, and finally closing ceremonies. A MEGA modern occult ritual plays, including mock those who could not see or recognize the event, while making a hat tip to Aleister Crowley. - All done to the eye and is transmitted through television worldwide

The point of bringing this to your attention is that Bain makes a good argument, and so do many others in his documented investigation and elsewhere, that nine-one-one was planned many decades, if not centuries advance. Detailed information on the extent to which drivers script Nine-Eleven is surprising, even for those of us who have been awake for some time. For many readers this may be difficult to accept, but I recommend you clear your mind of accepted beliefs and start your research.

The second part of the book is what Bain calls "predictive fiction 'in which, using information obtained by decoding the events nine-one-one and taking note of the props placed on the stage of life in advance to be ready for use in the MEGA ritual (recent ritual killings), makes a prediction the MEGA ritual, which originated long before nine-one-one, and included the deaths of more than 3,000 people on September 11, 2001, is not over.

the literary tool count a story after the events occurred in history (before the actual events in reality), Bain continues its reasoning research line nine-one-one and leads us to the conclusion of the next stage and the conclusion of the events witnessed the September 11, 2001 will culminate with the nuclear destruction of downtown Phoenix, Arizona, in religious and astrologically significant date of 25 December 2012 the ritual conclusion MEGA as the beginning of a great new era begins with the start of the next solar cycle of 26,000 years around the Milky way.

Conclusions and consequences drawn in the book are shocking and follow the facts, as known to date, including information on recent and related sacrifices public ritualistic in Arizona, allegedly by lone gunman Jared Lee Loughner, and Colorado, shot with 'Batman', supposedly by lone gunman James Holmes; sacrifices prefigure the event on Christmas Day.

Knock Knock

Events in the world and especially in America are telegraphing something big is coming soon. This all leading to something and if I'm right, slopes are already in place, props and propaganda are taking shape in the Matrix.

For Americans, like Neo in Matrix, means wake up and read the writing on the screen. We have an exponential increase in the state police growing before our eyes. Men, machines and assets are being deployed to more than the population growth rate. Military is actively involved in policing, cities are seeing large-scale military exercises, including planes and helicopters. The Federists are buying hollow point ammunition in quantities that are not necessary except for total war; ammunition that has no purpose other than killing. The Federists MREs are buying, coffins, death certificates, building prison camps and killing announcing lists. The Federists by decree announced that Americans can make raids for the arrest and disappearing without due process. The Federists are arming drug gangs in Mexico and America and have opened the border with Mexico for entry by hordes of non-US citizens to the effects of stress that cause chaos and racial struggle.

other indications planning something big is the exorbitant growth of TSA. The Transportation Security Agency was originally part of the Department of Transportation, but did not stay there long. In 2003, the TSA was assimilated by the Soviet probe (legitimize and recognize the communist system installed globalists in Russia after 1917) Department of Homeland Security. The TSA were originally bag-less plate check public servants assigned as auxiliary security aides in airport baggage areas. But after 2003, the agency took on its primary function, which has nothing to do with the safety of transport. The TSA is clearly a support of tyranny assets and is part of the creation of false security theater fear in the minds of travelers and travelers traumatizing groping, sexual assault, robbery and verbal abuse. Clearly we are being conditioned to associate the fear and pain to travel, and unskilled thugs with blue shirts and tin plates.

As regards security, the TSA obviously not it is charged with or concerned about the safety of traveling. The TSA does not have skin in the game transport (unlike airlines or airports) and deliberately employes some of the poorest personality types of the lower walks of life. Robbery, sexual assault and more by TSA agents is rampant, begging the question, how could I trust a TSA agent to protect themselves from criminals out when the crime is rampant inside.

the TSA is a cancer in commercial air transport (and now entering train stations, bus stations, shopping centers and highways) and use them for security is similar to the management of the Rolling Stones hiring the Hells Angels for provide security for the concert at Altamont Park in the winter of 1969. According to Wikipedia "Although peaceful at first, in the course of the day, the mood of both the crowd and the angels became very agitated gradually intoxicated and violent."

the point is that there have been terrorists, except those certainly created and deployed by the FBI and intelligence agencies, but nevertheless, the number of TSA employees has tripled since 2003, more 16000 to 50000 is over.

the agency has never thwarted a terrorist plot, never a single terrorist and the best that can be said is that the airline industry is still survive despite the TSA was captured. Therefore one could ask is that there is more to the history of theater TSA transportation security. Perhaps the TSA is grown to fill the responsibility of supporting a full on tyranny, where the true function is to support tyranny by arrests, document processing, which prevents travel in search of valuables (under the control of white changes) and disappear marked.

Perhaps the TSA is cultivated for a new event, which is on stage now, but off-site. After all, at this rate of growth of the TSA soon be the size of a small army - even with nothing productive to do

What is going to take to beat based mind control trauma. Nine-one-one for Americans to start resisting now. When weapons are confiscated, chances of stopping the tyranny of the United States also confiscated.

What can be done

If we could read something like " the most dangerous book in the World "sometime before nine-one-one, we could have started watching and looking for signs of the writers were placing props and propaganda in the" matrix "and possibly stating the support and propaganda, we may have been able to stop the event. We could have seen the malls in the world are preparing for destruction. You may have noticed the huge amount of financial bets placed with businesses and airlines participating in the event (inside information). Center operators flight control and military strategists may have notice the unusual number of exercises '' exact planned scenarios for that particular day.

Fortunately we can read the book now, and though nothing happens Christmas day (hopefully), we can all begin to see and paying more attention to the stage and changes in the matrix.

for example, remembering that Federists are globalists and control the media, then everything presented in the media must be constantly analyzed by the propaganda.

for example the means of religious communication is telling Americans that Iran is a man boogie and Israel must be protected all costs. This mantra is in support of a propaganda campaign to attack Iran dating back more than 10 years. But now has given a ripple in the pond in support of this story from a slightly different angle, we are now starting to hear about the possible "sleeper cells" of Iranian Hezbollah or Iran or other related groups hiding in America. It has also been told by some alternative media that Iranian or Hezbollah troops are concentrated in Mexico or Belize prepares to infiltrate the country through borders without protection.

This narrative could be used as a tool for assigning guilt after a nuclear attack on an American city through technology, which incidentally could only be created and built by Federists or globalists, such as a portable nuclear bombs. For the record Iran / Persia has a history of self-reliance and non-violence; a nation, ironically, is surrounded by warring nations, aggressive claiming that Iran is destabilizing peace in the region. See my article "Hostage Crisis Iran: Reloaded." for more information regarding Iran

globalist misinformation and disinformation usually takes a firm to be contrary to the true. Remember Americans Federists say al Qaeda is responsible nine-one-one, but Federists in the league with the background of NATO and the UN and deploy al-Qaeda to destabilize the Middle East and Arab countries.

If an American city is undergoing a nuclear bomb, there may be other perceivable objects by Americans. Now it's time to start looking and reporting.

I recommend buying and reading "The most dangerous book in the world" and do it before Christmas. The mockery in his face globalists is over the top and it is time to wake up and lead them out.

Bain wonders how the names Obama and Osama and Saddam Hussein and Barack Hussein all be so similar. In the name of Osama Bin Laden is the name or the name of Obama Biden. In the name of Barack Hussein Obama is the sentence "Amen Ra is Back BHO US" It's just an accident? I firmly believe that accidents are highly unlikely in this highly controlled matrix.

As individuals, we must not consent to tyranny and rule by hidden love psychopaths. passive and deliberate breach of peace by any possible aggression is ready and willing to work for the end of this crazy person. Time is now:

tell people

• Get voice in events and meetings of state and local government,
• Get your money globalist banks and keep their savings in silver and physical and food long-term gold and weapons and ammo
• Put in states that seem to be against the organization of this tyranny,
• hold the consent and system support to get off the grid,
• support the second amendment, learn to shoot, talking about weapons, support organizations second amendment,
• Turn off the TV,
• stop buying products globalists companies when possible,
• Cultivate a beautiful
• Oppose any program 21 chance you get,
• Creation of new products and services in the market for privacy protection
• Creation of new products and services at home off the market grid
• If you are teacher, reverse indoctrinate their students, help awaken
• If you work for the sector "defense", find another job,
• If you are a police or military check out the oath keepers
• Stop supporting the war against drugs,
• Oppose the militarization of the police departments and sheriff
• Film and post signs youtube of tyranny,
• Stop answering questions, when silence will do
• Learning about of the law and their rights,
• exercise and eat well,
• learning a martial art,
• Stop supporting the system, do not seek help from the state or government, learn to solve their own problems, including internal problems
• Lower prescription medicine, alternative medicine has no remedy for almost everything,
• food markets support sell organic
• Ask your local stores organic food to stock
• Oppose fluoride in the water, even if nobody listens,
• More information about itself and its own power.

Standing now before the confiscation of weapons leads to a civil war false flag
Source:. redicecreations

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