Title : No Conspiracy Theory -- A Small Group of Companies Have Enormous Power Over the World
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No Conspiracy Theory -- A Small Group of Companies Have Enormous Power Over the World
A major scientific study identified a number of companies with excessive control over a large part of the economy of the land.In October 2011, the New Scientist reported that a scientific study on the global financial system was carried out by three complex systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland. The conclusion of the study revealed what many theorists and observers have noted for years, decades, and indeed, even centuries:
"An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the world economy. "As one of the researchers said: "The reality is so complex that must move away from dogma, whether it's conspiracy theories or free market ... Our analysis is based on reality." Using a database of 37 million companies and investors worldwide, the researchers studied lists all 43.060 transnational corporations (TNCs), including entitlements share together. [1~footnotes at the end of the article]
mapping "power" was through the construction of a model showing controlled companies other companies through shares. The web property revealed a core of 1,318 companies with ties to two or more other companies. It was found that this "core" of owning roughly 80% of global revenues for the entire set of 43,000 transnational corporations. And then it came what researchers refer to as the "super-entity" of 147 closely connected companies, which all have each other, and together own 40% of the total wealth across the network.
One of the researchers they said: "in fact, less than 1 percent of the companies were able to control 40 percent of the entire network." This network represents a major risk for the world economy because, "If you [company] suffers distress ... it spreads." The study was conducted with a data set established prior to the economic crisis, therefore, since the forced some banks to die (Lehman Brothers) financial crisis and other merging, the "super-entity" now be even more connected, concentrated and problematic for the economy. [2]
The top 50 companies on the list of "super-entity" includes (from 2007):
Barclays Plc (# 1), Capital Group Companies Inc (# 2) FMR Corporation (# 3), AXA (# 4), State Street Corporation (# 5), JP Morgan Chase & Co. (# 6), UBS AG (# 9), Merrill Lynch & Co Inc (# 10 ), Deutsche Bank (# 12), Credit Suisse Group (# 14), The Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (# 16), Goldman Sachs Group (# 18), Morgan Stanley (# 21), Societe Generale (# 24) Bank of America Corporation (# 25), Lloyds TSB Group (# 26), Lehman Brothers Holdings (# 34), Sun Life Financial (# 35), ING Groep (# 41), BNP Paribas (# 46), and several others. [3]
In the United States, five banks control half of the economy: JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs Group collectively held $ 8.5 trillion in assets at the end 2011, equivalent to roughly 56% of the US economy . This figure was in line with the central banks of the Federal Reserve. In 2007, the assets of the largest banks amounted to 43% of the US economy ..
Therefore, the crisis has made larger and more powerful than ever banks. Because the government invoked "too big to fail", which means that the big banks will be saved because they are very important, large banks have incentives to make continuous risks and larger, as they will be rescued in the end. In essence, it is an insurance policy for criminal behavior risk taking. The former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis said: "Market participants believe that nothing has changed, which are too big to fail is fully intact." Remember, "market" meansthe banking cartel (or "super-entity" if you prefer). Therefore, build new bubbles and buy government bonds (sovereign debt), making increasingly insecure world financial system and at risk of a larger collapse that took place in 2008. [4]
When politicians, economists and others refer to "financial markets" which are actually referring to the "super-entity" of the corporate-financial institutions that dominate on the whole global economy. For example, the role of financial markets in the debt crisis plaguing Europe in the past two years, often referred to as "market discipline", with financial markets speculating against the ability of nations to pay their debt or interest, agencies credit rating downgrade the creditworthiness of nations, higher yields of sovereign bonds (interest on the public debt), and plunging the country deeper into crisis, forcing its political class to impose austerity and structural adjustment measures in order to restore "market confidence." This process is called "market discipline", but more accurately, "financial terrorism" or "war market" by the term "market", referring specifically to the "super-entity." Whatever you call it, market discipline is ultimately one euphemism for class war. [5]
The Global Supra-Government and the "free market"
In December 2011, Roger Altman, former deputy Treasury secretary under Clinton wrote an article for theFinancial Times which he said that financial markets were "acting as a supra-government global", stating:
they oust entrenched regimes in normal political processes could not. Forcing austerity, bank bailouts and other major policy changes. His influence dwarfs multilateral institutions like the International Monetary Fund. In fact, leaving aside unusable nuclear weapons, they have become the most powerful force on earth. [6]Altman continued, explaining that when the power of this "global supra-government" flexes, "the immediate impact on society can be painful - wider unemployment, for example, often results and governments fail. " But, of course, being a former senior Treasury Department, which went on to endorse the global supra-government, writing is disturbing, Altman concluded "the long-term effects often transformative and positive can be." "If this power is healthy or not is irrelevant.
is permanent, "and" there is nothing to stop the new role of police financial markets. "[7] in other words, the" super-entity " global "supra-government" of financial markets carried out financial extortion, overthrows governments and impoverishes populations, but this is ultimately "positive" and "permanent" instance, at least from the point of view of a former official Treasury Department. From the point of view of those who are being impoverished, the "positive" real populations is not necessarily the word that comes to mind
In the era of globalization, money -. Or capital - it flows easily across borders, with banks, hedge funds and other financial institutions that act as the vanguard of a new international order of global governance. Where funding goes, corporations continue; where venture firms, powerful states stand guard their interests. Our global system is one of state capitalism, where the state and corporate interests are interdependent and mutually beneficial, at least for those in power
Today, financial institutions -. With the banks at the helm - they have attained power and influence in capitalist societies of State unprecedented. Banks are larger than ever before in history, guarded by an insurance policy called "too big to fail", which means that despite their criminal and reckless behavior, the government will intervene to rescue them, as always it has done. Financial markets also include agencies credit rating, which determine the supposed "solvency" of other banks, corporations and entire nations.
The lower the credit rating, the higher the investment risk, and therefore, the higher the interest is for that entity to borrow money. Countries that do not follow the dictates of "financial market" are punished with scores lower credit, higher interest, speculative attacks, and in the cases of Greece and Italy in November 2011, the democratically elected governments simply removed and it is replaced with technocratic government formed by bankers and economists who then push through austerity policies and adjustment impoverish and exploit their populations.
in the era of "super-entity" "supra-government "world no time to shake a little with the annoying process of formal liberal democracy; they are serious, and if their elected governments do not succumb to "market discipline", which will be removed and replaced in what - in any other circumstances. - is known as a "coup"
banks and financial institutions provide liquidity - or funds - for what we call free markets in principle allow free competition between companies and countries, each producing its own comparative advantage "free markets." - producing what best they know - and trade with others in the international market, so that all parties living standards and wealth rise together
the "free market" is, of course, pure mythology.. In practice, what we call "free markets" are actually highly protectionist, regulated and unregulated, and is designed to undermine competition and enforce monopolization. "Free markets" serve this purpose for the benefit of large multinational corporations and banks.
When we use the term "free markets" we generally refer to "real", legitimate and legal economy. When it comes to illegitimate markets, for example, world trade in drugs, which tend not to refer to them as "free markets," but the cartels rather "illegal" and directed by "posters." Like corporations, hierarchically organized totalitarian institutions, where decisions and power and exercised from the top down, with essentially no input that goes from the bottom up.
large multinational corporations, like large posters international, seek to control your particular market throughout the nations, regions, and beyond. Often, cooperation between companies allows them to operate in an oligopolistic way, where the set dominate the market, including carving. The major oil companies, agribusinesses, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, military contractors and companies water management are well known for this type of activity.
The cartels have often been known to participate in a similar practice although they are typically more competitive with each other. When interests are threatened - which is defined as when a corporation or cartel is at risk of losing their stranglehold of the market in a particular region - the conflict, and often arises violently so, with the possibility of coups, assassinations, terror campaigns, and war.
This is when the state intervenes to protect the market for poster or corporate interests. Therefore, a market as global trade functions of relatively similar to the drug "legitimate" economy, pharmaceuticals, energy, technology, etc. Illicit drug trafficking is both a "free market", such as auto trade or oil. And of course, the money ends up in the same place: the global supra-government "financial markets"
Banking Cartel or drug cartel ... or What's the difference
in 2009, the United Nations Office on drugs and Crime reported that billions of dollars in drug money saved major banks during the financial crisis, providing much-needed liquidity. Antonio Maria Costa, director of the Office of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime said it was drug money, "the only capital of liquid investment" available to banks on the brink of collapse, with approximately $ 325 million in drug money absorbed by the financial system. Without identifying specific countries or banks, Costa said that "interbank loans were funded by money that originated from drug trafficking and other illegal activities ... There were signs that some banks were rescued that way." [8]
In 2010, Wachovia Bank (now owned by Wells Fargo) the largest action ever was established under the US Bank Secrecy Act, the payment of a fine of $ 50 million plus $ 110 million loss drug money, of which the bank laundered approximately $ 378.4 million of Mexico. The federal prosecutor in the case stated. "Blatant disregard of Wachovia for our banking laws gave international poster cocaine from a virtual carte blanche to finance their operations"
The fine that the bank paid for laundering hundreds of billions of dollars in drug money was less than 2% of the bank's profit of 2009 and in the same week of the liquidation, shares of Wells Fargo rose reality. The bank admitted in a statement of the settlement, "As early as 2004, Wachovia understood the risk" of holding such an account, but "despite these warnings, Wachovia remained in the business."
the investigator leading the operations of money laundering, Martin Woods, based in London, had found that Wachovia had received about six or seven thousand subpoenas for information on its Mexican operation of the federal government, which Woods said: "An absurd number So at what point someone at the highest level, it gives the feeling that something is wrong, very wrong.?" Woods had been hired by the London branch of Wachovia as agent anti money-laundering high level in 2005, and when in 2007 an official investigation was opened in the Mexican operations of Wachovia, Woods was informed by the bank that he was unable "to perform at an acceptable level." in other words, he was actually doing his job. As regards liquidation, Woods stated the following:
The regulatory authorities do not have to spend more time on it, and not have to push as far as a criminal trial. They only emit a criminal trial, and settle. The law enforcers do what they are supposed to do, but what is the point? All those people who deal with all that money from drug trafficking and murder, and nobody is going to jail? [9]
As the former Office of Drugs of the United Nations and Tsar crime, Antonio Maria Costa, said, "The connection between organized crime and financial institutions began in late 1970, early 1980 ... when the mafia became globalized ", like other major markets. Martin Woods added, "These are the proceeds of murder and misery in Mexico, and medicines sold worldwide," yet no one went to jail, asking, "What makes the arrangement to combat cartels
Nothing - does the easiest to law enforcement and the cartels and anyone who wants to make money by washing their dollars blood are encouraged work Where is the risk not.? there are none, "adding:".? is it in the interest of the American people to encourage both drug cartels and banks in this way
is it in the interest of the Mexican people is very simple: if you do not see the correlation between money laundering by banks and 30,000 people died in Mexico, you're missing the point "Woods, who now runs his own consulting firm, he told the Observer in 2011," new. York and London ... have become two major laundries worldwide criminal tax havens and drug money, and at sea. No Cayman Islands, not the Isle of Man or Jersey. The great wash is through the City of London and Wall Street. "[10]
Like the" too big to fail "acts program as an insurance policy for large banks to participate in activities constant criminal increasingly taking greater financial risks with the guarantee that they will be rescued, settlements and lack of criminal prosecutions for money the laundering banks of drugs provides the incentive to continue laundering hundreds of billions in money drug, because while the fine is less than the cumulative benefit of such a practice, it's all a simple analysis of cost-benefit reduced: if the cost of laundering drug money is less than the benefit, continue the policy. the same cost-benefit analysis applies to all forms of criminal activity by banks and corporations, if bribery, fraud or violation of environmental, labor and other regulations. while it is less than the gain, the problem continues.
An article in the observer July 2012 refers to the global banks as "the wing of financial services for drug cartels," noting that HSBC, the largest bank in Britain, he had been called before the US Senate to testify on money laundering drug Mexican cartels, holding a "suspicious account" for four years on behalf of the largest drug cartel in the world, Sinaloa cartel in Mexico. [11]
Indeed, a multiyear research at HSBC revealed that the bank was not only a major international drug through money laundering, but also laundered money for customers with links to terrorism. In July 2012, while the Senate was publicly are investigating HSBC, Antonio Maria Costa, said: "Today I can not think of a bank in the world that has not been penetrated by the mob money." The global drug trade is estimated to be worth about $ 380 million annually, with most of the money earned in the consumer markets of Europe and North America.
Using the example of the $ 35 billion a year market for cocaine in the United States, only 1.5% of these benefits make their way to the producers of coca (mostly poor peasants) in South America (which became the target of our bombing and chemical war campaigns in the "war on drugs"), while international traffickers receive approximately 13% of the profits, with the remaining 85% obtained by distributors in the HSBC US was accused laundering the profits of distributors. [12]
The report of the US Senate concluded that HSBC had exposed the financial system of the United States to "a wide range of money laundering, drug trafficking and the financing of terrorism" including billions in "the proceeds of illegal drug sales in the United States." HSBC recognized in an official statement that "in the past, sometimes we have failed to meet the standards that regulators and customers expect."
These "rules" HSBC "it Failed times a month, "according to the Senate investigation were lending to banks in Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh were linked to terrorist organizations, while the bank regulator had not a single enforcement action against HSBC. [13] between terrorist organizations potentially received financial support from HSBC through banks in Saudi Arabia was al-Qaeda.
HSBC set aside $ 700 million to cover potential fines for such activities which it is not uncommon for banks to do. Banks such as ABN Amro, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Lloyds and ING had achieved all major settlements admission to facilitate transactions and make money laundering for customers in Cuba, Iran, Libya, Myanmar and Sudan. [14]
As HSBC executives appeared in the US Senate, the head of bank compliance since 2002, David Bagley, resigned as testified before the committee, commenting, "Despite the best efforts and intentions of many dedicated professionals, HSBC has fallen short of our own expectations and the expectations of our regulators. " [15]
Ed Vulliamy As reported in the Observer, in May 2012, a poor black man named Edward Dorsey father was convicted of trafficking 5.5 grams of crack cocaine in Washington DC and was given 10 years in prison. Meanwhile, across the river from where Dorsey had committed his crime, HSBC executives admitted before the United States Senate to wash billions of drug money, like Wachovia had admitted in the previous year, without no one goes to jail. [16] lesson from this is clear: if you are poor, black, and caught with a few grams of crack-cocaine, you can expect to go to prison for several years (or in this case a decade); but if you are rich, white, owns a bank, and are caught washing dollars billion (or hundreds of billions of dollars) in drug money, he was fined (but not enough to make this kind unprofitable) practices, and you may have to resign. Too big to fail is simply another way of saying "too big to jail."
Of course, it is not fair to put all the blame international drug money laundering on the shoulders of HSBC and Wachovia, as Bloombergreported, Mexican drug cartels also funneled money through the Bank of America and to the bank branch of American Express, Banco Santander and Citigroup. [17]
Even the FBI has accused Bank of America for laundering funds Mexican drug cartel [18] But it is not just the money that banks drug wash .; all kinds of illicit funds are laundered through major banks, many of which have been fined or are being investigated for their criminal activities, including JP Morgan, Standard Chartered, Credit Suisse, Lloyds, Barclays, ING and Royal Bank Scotland, among others. [19]
Another major Swiss bank, UBS, has been very consistent in committing fraud and participate in various conspiracies, much of which was committed against Americans, although the bank was given one financial fraud "conditional immunity" from the US Department of Justice .. [20]
and Salt free card '
the world's leading banks have been caught in conspiracies to defraud small towns and cities in the United States, which allowed banks like JPMorgan Chase, GE Capital, UBS, Bank of America, Lehman Brothers, Wachovia, Bear Stearns, and others to steal billions of dollars schools, hospitals, libraries and nursing homes "virtually all states, districts and territories in the United States," according to a court agreement on the issue.
the theft was carried out through manipulation of public tender process, something the mafia has become experts with regard to waste and construction industry contracts. In short, the banking system actually works as a system of signs Mafia, not to mention, taking money from the mafia and cartels themselves. [21]
Banks like JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs commit acts of bribery, fraud and conspiracy that led to the bankruptcy of counties across the United States. [22] Yet still being 'respected' by the political class that refuses to punish them for their criminal activity, and instead, reward them with bailouts and follow their instructions for politics.
During the summer of 2012, another major banking scandal hit the headlines, with respect to the manipulation of interbank interest rate known as Libor London. Libor, says The Economist, "determines the prices that people and businesses around the world pay for loans or receive for their savings," as it is used as a benchmark for setting payments in a market of $ 800 derivatives trillion, covering everything from interest rate derivatives mortgages.
essentially, the Libor is the interest rate at which banks lend to each other in the short term, and is set to through an "honor system" where 18 major banks report their daily rates, of which an average is calculated. This average becomes the Libor rate, and reverberates throughout the global economy, setting a benchmark for a huge number of transactions in the global derivatives market. Whereas the derivatives market is a massive casino of unregulated speculation, scandal Libor revealed the cartel that owns the casino.
The scandal began with Barclays, a bank of 300 years in Britain, It is revealing that several employees had participated in manipulating the Libor rate to meet their own needs. More banks became quickly implemented, and countries around the world began to open investigations into the scandal and the role of their own banks may have played in it. In early July, up 20 major banks were named in various investigations or related rigging Libor judgments. [23]
Among the major global banks being investigated by US prosecutors are Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC, UBS, Bank of America, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, Credit Suisse, Lloyds Banking Group, Rabobank, Royal Bank of Canada, Societe Generale, among others. Prosecutors in the US, UK, Canada and Japan were investigating collusion among the major banks in Libor manipulation. In June 2012, Barclays paid a fine to the US and British authorities, admitting his guilt in the rigging with a $ 450 million. [24]
With the information and documents shedding, involving other banks and institutions in the scandal, a general consensus emerged that Libor had been manipulated since at least 2005, however, as said one former trader at Morgan Stanley wrote in the Financial Times, the rigging had already begun in 1991, if not before.
Association of British banking was responsible for setting Libor by polling about 18 major banks in their daily maximum and minimum rates. Therefore, the rig by a bank cooperating require at least nine other banks in deliberately manipulating their rates in order to have any effect on Libor. Douglas Keenan, the former trader at Morgan Stanley, wrote that "it seems that the misreporting of Libor rates may have been a common practice since at least 1991." [25]
Rolf Majcen, the head of a hedge fund called FTC Capital told Der Spiegel that "Libor manipulation is probably the biggest financial scandal ever." As regulators were using words such as "racketeering" and "banksters" to describe the growing scandal, it was becoming common to refer to large banks as functioning as a "cartel" or "mafia." [26]
The CEO of Barclays, Bob Diamond, resigned in disgrace, like Marcus Agius, chairman of Barclays (who also serves as chairman of the board of the BBC, and married in Rothschild banking dynasty). mercados
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"No Conspiracy Theory -- A Small Group of Companies Have Enormous Power Over the World", article source: riseearth.com
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