Exposing the FDA's Vaccine Injury Cover-up: An Interview With Walter Kyle, Esq.

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Exposing the FDA's Vaccine Injury Cover-up: An Interview With Walter Kyle, Esq.

Regarding vaccines, the US Federal Claims Court by vaccine damage and HHS / FDA

Attorney Walter Kyle of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, began representing plaintiffs injured vaccine ten years before the Law Vaccine Injury began, and has argued more than forty cases before the Special Masters of the US Court of Federal claims [under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act] - 42 USCA §300aa, et seq. As a result, the Attorney Kyle has a unique view of the nuances of the law of vaccine injuries.

to start the interview, you can know how he became involved in the vaccine law?

I started representing clients vaccine injured in Arkansas in 1977. My first case out of law school represented a mother paraplegic who acquired paralytic polio vaccine mutated polio Sabin live trivalent oral [TOPV] shed virus from her three-month old baby diapers. Centers for Disease Control classified women into the category of "immune deficiency" of "contact cases of vaccine-associated" type 2 vaccine Sabin diseases.

Walter, you just mentioned the phrase "shed vaccine virus." For those who are unfamiliar with this terminology I will say that means that certain types of vaccines contain certain viruses that are alive and once injected into [orally administered to] an individual can infect other people through contact with body fluids, excreta, sometimes coughing or sneezing. In the first case, the vaccine, the mother contracted paralytic polio viruses "shed" in baby diapers of your stained with urine and feces.

Walter, how the case is presented in court?

In the first case against the manufacturer, American Cyanamid, which defended based on the fact that the woman was classified as "immune deficiency" and hinted that the reaction was not his fault,
answered me with the position that the type 2 vaccine made his immune deficiency and had never been sick in his life before contact with the vaccine.

After establishing that the lawsuit against the manufacturer of failure to warn, instituted a federal lawsuit Tort Claims Act (FTCA) against HEW for violations of regulations on license and release of OPV, in general, and individual batch of polio vaccine, in particular. In addition, I challenged the intent of the FDA to use the vaccine oral polio alive Sabin (OPV) for immunization of involuntary contact vaccine recipients as an unconstitutional invasion of privacy (see Loge v. United States, 662 F.2d 1268 8th Cir. 1981), which developed in civil actions of "battery" against the only manufacturer of the vaccine Sabin -American Cyanamid.

can you tell us what happened in that case?

From my perspective I gained a profound lack of respect for FDA experts and defense for the vaccine passed the case could have been wild polio despite the fact that most, if not all of polio in the United States at that time, rose from parents who come into contact with the virus shed polio in feces or saliva of his son.

your justification then similar to its justification now emerged from a policy of CDC / FDA not written to "sacrifice something for the good of all" - a comment related to me by a senior doctor CDC, Dr. Michael Gregg, a private conversation.

This explains why the zero funding is available to conduct clinical studies of reactions to the vaccine in the United States.

Both of the claims settled before trial. The trial judge dismissed the claim FTCA and was overturned on appeal in the decision cited above.

Before we go any further, can you please explain what a box Vaccine Injury is?

According to Health Resources and Services HHS, "The Vaccine Injury Table (Table) makes it easier for some people to get compensation." [1]

This makes it easier for some and impossible for others. Certain reactions within a set time period are automatically compensated. For example, the father of a child was paralyzed by polio within 60 days of the child receiving polio vaccine live automatically be compensated. This was the most common to the two vaccines live and inactivated polio reaction.

However, a child acquire encephalitis, where Colburn CMV (cytomegalovirus) strain was isolated from his brain at the age of six years would not be offset unless his lawyer were smart enough to discover that the Colburn CMV strain is actually simian in origin and came from African green monkeys used to produce polio vaccine live.

Recently baboon endogenous retrovirus (BERV) was discovered in the MMR vaccine, but no one has access to tests to detect in children with possible reactions to the vaccine. Since it is a live vaccine, one would expect the development to occur within 3 days to three years, nor anyone know how to correlate the particular batch of vaccine administered and the FDA maintains that secret.a information protection "commercial privilege" as FOIA.

Walter, what I find interesting about table vaccine Injury is something that most advocates of vaccines / immunizations are probably unaware and "the table lists and explains injuries / conditions presumed to be caused by vaccines. " [1] So, in effect, HHS / CDC / FDA agreed vaccines can cause damage. I suggest that all parents are familiar with the Vaccine Injury Table on the link in reference [1].

The table is in itself insufficient and a mother or father should follow your instinct when faced with a reaction to most of which vaccine probably are not on the table Vaccine Injury. At present there are methods of testing laboratory development, but retained diagnostic use FDA quickly and cheaply can link reactions to vaccines. I do not feel anyone should subject their children to immunization unless it is facing, not a real prognosis of CDC, the outbreak of a potentially deadly pathogen. That is, until these test methods are available to the general public for diagnostic evaluations, both wounded and vaccines are administered.

I am not anti-vaccine, but strongly oppose FDA / CDC / NIH BS (Rhetoric and hyperbole) when it comes to assessing reactions to the vaccine. For example: Dr. Jonas Salk, creator of the vaccine inactivated polio (IPV) gave indisputable testimony before the Senate Committee of the Vaccine Injury Table in that there had been no reaction from paralysis to 450,000 Salk vaccine. 000 doses that produced a table that provides no compensation for IPV-caused polio. The FDA stood by and said nothing, but had good reason to know Salk's testimony was not true. Really!

Salk had provided assistance and expert consultation to me for 12 years, while the ongoing feud between Sabin and Salk elaborates on which the vaccine should be used in the United States.

When the Chief Special Master appointed me to head a committee of lawyers to investigate the possibility that the Salk vaccine had caused hundreds of cases of polio that had never been linked to the vaccine by the FDA, I really believed that Salk vaccine had never caused polio in an isolated problem except manufacturing in 1955.

After the Committee researched and discovered that not only had caused Salk IPV polio epidemics had probably begun, and the famous "Essays Frances field", the predecessor of the FDA touted as demonstrates the absolute safety of IPV were "manipulated" and probably caused both polio, since it prevented.

Walter, which it is something that is not well known and apparently pushed under the rug, as they say.

Under the carpet would have been fine, HHS lawyers pushed my commission in the door. Counsel for the Department of Justice began to attack members of the Commission on trivial matters, opposed to our being paid without delay in all matters including other cases and ultimately all of us stopped practicing in the Compensation Program vaccine injury.

Walter, thanks for pointing that important fact, something vaccine advocates are concerned about security this day-unknowns in vaccines. It's happened several times and constantly pushed under the 'scientific carpet, "it seems. Please continue.

In 1988, I came to the conclusion, based on evidence uncovered file manufacturer OPV and litigation FOIA against the FDA, the FDA allowed the release of vaccines oral polio alive Sabin also containing retroviruses live simian and / or viable genetic sequences of these retroviruses within polio vaccine itself - a fact admitted by the Director of the Office of Biology on April 15, 1980 in the Federal Register

in 1992, a recognized global medical journal, the Lancet, published my article, "retrovirus simian. polio vaccine and the origin of AIDS "339: 600-601 (7 March 1992), which links the 1981 outbreak of AIDS in the United States for use at the national level of OPV for the treatment of genital herpes in dermatologist gay men. Following multiple oral doses of OPV, the virus in their feces go along with simian retroviruses and herpes viruses (ie, SIV and KSHV - Herpes Virus Kaposi sarcoma - and CMV - Cytomegalovirus) then unknown. Interestingly, this picture of herpes viruses apes also infects the first victims of AIDS.

The article identified specific lots of OPV contaminated and suggested independent testing, the FDA refused to re-test, but " It claimed "that had through fake press releases in 1996. the FDA faced enormous responsibility here, so spent millions to send someone to find AIDS-like virus in chimpanzees is genetically more similar to HIV than any other virus simian, the problem was, chimpanzees would eat the same African green monkeys, the source of all SIVs, which were used in the oral polio vaccine.

Interestingly, the Sabin vaccine against polio type II orally, most often (of the three types in a single dose of Sabin OPV) associated with the category of immune deficiency paralytic polio a and was administered last isolated instance of the feces of a chimpanzee.

I think an honest assessment of science would be to place AIDS under the table lesion vaccine, and what a massive spending that would be.

so congressional oversight of the problem may be difficult to acquire, but to be treated, all parents should ask is "whole truth", portions of truth FDA issues often deceiving.

Although I have not actively practiced law for several years, I have followed the progress scientists in the vaccine injury debate. Moreover, I think it is possible to remove the table Vaccine Injury while simplifying the burdensome process litigation HHS has transferred cases of vaccine injury, but only if the FDA provides:

1. vaccine injury claimants have access to technology and deep sequencing matrices detection of microbes able to identify all known and sequenced viruses, pathogens, fungi and parasites that could be associated with the onset of disease after vaccination, and
2. sequence similar data in each batch of vaccine distributed in the United States for comparison of disease after immunization with the pathogens present in vaccines and the average (substrate) used to generate the vaccine, or;
3. for vaccines recombinant DNA (rDNA), feasibility studies, propensities and evolutionary trends agent genetic vaccine when introduced into an appropriate species or free cell line all other portions the original putative agent to which the vaccine is directed.

Walter! That would be an answer to many prayers, I daresay. What has happened recently?

The latest saga of the vaccine began on May 7, 2010 in Gaithersburg, Maryland, when the Committee of Biological Products Advisory Vaccines and Related (VRBPAC) met to consider the finding that They found 200,000 copies of a pig virus in each dose of vaccine against rotavirus. An independent laboratory with access to the array of microbial detection of Lawrence Livermore, (LLMDA), projected some vaccines off-the-shelf for all known viruses and sequenced, and the results were published in Virology on 10 March 2010. The results of tests on polio vaccines were apparently retained, possibly for unwanted results consistent with the observations that I made at the meeting. (Transcript P221).

This modus operandi is to sound a little familiar, I'd say. Please continue.

At that meeting Dr. Holly Franz, developer of patented matrix by Lawrence Livermore Laboratories Transcript declared p330) that more than 2 million known pathogens could be detected with this glass sheet 2x3 inch it costs about $ 400.00 and could detect changes in mitochondrial DNA occurred before any reaction from the vaccine. chips, promoted and proprietary pretensions useful in diagnosing the cause of diseases were developed.

Walter, that's exactly what especially proponents of I-have suggested safety vaccines, asking, and promotion on mitochondrial DNA. Sorry to interrupt, but that's amazing.

The "solution" of the FDA unfortunately, was in place at the time of the meeting and the discussion of the Commission at the end of the day what presaged the FDA scheduled for this diagnostic tool revolutionary. VRBPAC members expressed their concern that someone might use the LLMDA in other vaccines or products and agents detected recently seems to VRBPAC could not explain. The unspoken fear, in my opinion, was that reactions to the vaccine now could be scientifically correlate agents in vaccines, and no longer defend the argument and the suggestion that historical basis of the FDA was formed to ensure the safety of the publicly vaccines.

Walter, if the technology is available, and the invention may have been funded by the dollars-what kind of conspiracy or conspiracy is going on that prevents taxpayers that the public and their physicians and pediatricians to access, especially now that the CDC VAERS reporting system shows the numbers of serious adverse events. Oh God-Congress must engage and release LLMDA FDA mandate for access by health professionals and consumers. Please continue.

The meeting itself seemed to be a focus on "red herring" to quell public protests by a vaccine is not necessary, containing a contaminant that had been in the vaccine for 15 years and could have detected by PCR (polymerase chain reaction). members of the FDA VRBPAC assured the public that no reactions were associated with the swine flu virus in the vaccine during those fifteen years

That, Catherine, was the FDA at its best Orwellian. - orchestration with ease understand that tests for viruses in pigs is done routinely in the diagnosis of potential reagents unusual symptoms. The FDA did not disclose how many, if any, doctors had ordered PCR for these swine virus in the last fifteen years. Why would they? Chances are that no evidence was ever made, which is probably why the FDA "spinning" this lack of data on "safety test." - And allowed the continued distribution of the vaccine

Walter, that makes me want to mourn for all those who received the vaccine more than fifteen years. That's the perfect test to quell that safety advocates say the vaccine are conspiracy theorists and do not know what they're talking or science. What you just said should be considered "high crimes and misdemeanors," I think. Please continue.

This scenario is consistent with the findings of the FDA in 1970 that 100% of the oral vaccine Sabin polio was contaminated with the herpes virus apes and allowed FDA without informing doctors about the potential adverse effects or even its presence in the vaccine. The same can be seen in 1975 when laboratory workers FDA found contaminants simian retroviruses OPV, and was allowed to continue by the Office of Biology (BOB). A year after the claim of the vaccine, the regulations did not prohibit the release of OPV contaminated with retroviruses of simian Director BoB became the senior vice president of Scientific Affairs of the American Cyanamid - the only producer of VPO in the United States at that time.

Walter, what does that tell you? Rear someone should be sitting in a prison cell, I say. What do you suggest?

The President of the American of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Sam Katz, should be in jail with them. I say this on the basis of internal memos Lederle, indicating that obtain their support regulations block would have required Lederle to eliminate herpes virus simian its vaccine after it was discovered in 1971 that 100% of the OPV African green monkey cytomegalovirus leads into the vaccine. I say this without considering its giving me one of the highest awards an injury attorney vaccine could receive when I yelled (after hearing Congressman Burton about the vaccine against hepatitis B) - ". You are a despicable lawyer"

Katz co-author of the treatise FDA vaccine against polio in 1980 that stated the rules do not prohibit the release of vaccines oral polio containing retroviruses simian including viruses simian immunodeficiency rhesus monkeys, African green monkeys and chimpanzees that could be passed by the vaccine.

people should wonder why VRBPAC did not address the baboon (BERV) and human endogenous retrovirus (HERV-K) that it is in the MMR vaccine, Virology reported in the same article that identifies the swine virus. The damage could have been a potential litigation Omnibus FDA on autism pending before the Supreme Court?

Ahhhh! Something smells a little fishy, ​​I'd say.

feel that at least the FDA should have highlighted scientific advances available to the FDA, which should have been used to examine all 5,000 litigants, rather than basing his defense on the testimony of an expert to applicants who vilified. That was the argument and innuendo, not science ... and certainly not in the spirit of the legislation to assist claimants vaccine with injury in a simple and uncomplicated recovery.

Walter, Congress knows about it? If not, why not? Of course, I hope that there can be a congressional investigation on vaccines, and I love that question dynamite. Please continue.

I doubt anyone in Congress is fully aware of the large number of "political" scientists who occupy senior positions in the FDA and the NIH and have the ability to not fund projects scientifically analyze reactions to the vaccine. We have seen that the lack of follow up from the first moment, when SV-40 virus contaminate the Salk initial vaccinations, 1971 discovery of herpes viruses contaminating simian OPV - everything seemed curiously, all appear in the initial epidemic AIDS - to present observations in OBA and OUI where the College of American Pathologists and the American Society for Microbiology subtly "bought" the concern of the FDA on the use of testing for LLMDA victims of vaccines for reactions .

After the VRBPAC meeting, Lawrence Livermore labs stopped looking for "partners" to develop new uses for technology - for example, use it to test the claimants vaccine injured diagnostic purposes, and the FDA threatened to revoke the license of any laboratory using technology for diagnosis and proposed regulations that limited the use of research and research use only. For more information, Google OBA and OUI and attempt to regulate the chip under the regulations "medical devices".

Walter, what is said above is nothing less than collusion and / or conspiracy by the FDA to maintain health sciences of health care consumers who FDA is supposed to be protective.

How irrefutable bottom right of the FDA!

I feel that the actions of the Secretary of HHS, in denying access to the claimants to the latest scientific methodology to present their claims violates the rights of the applicants to due process of substantive and procedural as It guarantees the United States Constitution and the Law Vaccine Compensation. This does not mean that the Compensation Law Vaccine itself is unconstitutional, but that the rights of the Claimants for compensation under the Act compromised by the bar set by the FDA, which should be considered a violation of legal and constitutional powers of the Secretariat. Unlike a claim under the Claims Act Federal Tort (FTCA) that can be prevented by the exemption "discretionary function" the power of the Secretariat to manage arises from the law Law, which was intended by Congress to expedite the recovery of those injured by vaccines.

the Secretary, in the denial of access to the latest scientific advances of the complainants, their lawyers and experts, violates the rights of claimants with substantive due process and litigation, especially where the wounded off the table, are denied the opportunity to present properly and argue your case. Intentionally retain scientific advances Plaintiffs vaccine whose right to recovery is dictated by judges appointed by the Secretary, in a controlled by the Secretary might be better moved to Australia, where kangaroos are a species native court.

Walter, thank you very much for saying that. That is the legal crux of the whole question of the vaccine, I think. So?

Under the law as it is interpreted by the Supreme Court, the claimants are prevented from contesting the relative safety of a vaccine, compared with the safety of the vaccine against each other in demands against vaccine manufacturers. The definition of "security" of a vaccine depends on the discretion of the Secretary of HHS not clinically investigate reactions to any vaccine administered. The Secretary usually chooses not to investigate the safety of vaccines in which adverse reactions were reported and this discretionary decision can not be challenged under the FTCA.

But I do not believe that Congress intended to grant the Secretary or the Secretary has the discretionary authority to block the access of a claimant to the latest scientific technology in order to prove a claim, in which science can be the only possible means of direct evidence and constitutional right of the applicant to "redress of grievances" and access to state courts has been limited by the Vaccine Act.

How outrageous! And innocent infants, children, adolescents and adults suffer!

Do not forget taxpayers. Access to science should streamline and make the claims process less adversarial and more succinct ... elimination of fees for lawyers and experts and save money ... but could open the door to more claims, but also you could close the door to others ... but at least you can now respond to parents questions. If vaccines are as safe as advocates claim, there should be no objection to the application and analysis of information obtained from these advances in meta-genomics and high-throughput sequencing processing. Most suspect that their concerns are that vaccines are not as safe as "announced".

However, when the vaccine is made inappropriately in violation of specific regulations, except discretionary function does not apply under the FTCA.

under Law vaccine Compensation intent clearly Congress that people injured by vaccines must recover damages for more than prove that a vaccine caused the injury without display given warnings were inadequate or that the vaccine was made incorrectly. All that needs to be proven is that the vaccine caused the injury.

Congress also intended that the recovery is rapid and non-confrontational.

Now wait a minute, Walter. Talk to any parent who has tried to get a vaccine complaint filed. Continue.

None of which has been followed since the early days of the program of compensation vaccines and "covered", unfortunately, has been stacked against recovery of the Claimant.

You said it!

In Loge v. United States my proposal for action against the Secretary of HHS under the jurisdiction of a "constitutional tort claim" of an invasion of the right of the mother to privacy to be exposed ae immunized with a proven and unsafe "shed" virus vaccine polio under a government program to immunize people without their knowledge or consent, and against his will, was rejected by the Circuit Court of Appeals for the Eighth.

later I he reported, however, that the FDA was very concerned about this approach, following the logic found in Bivens v. Six federal narcotics agents unknown and unidentified. Loge was allowed to proceed according to the claim that the original vaccine itself could not pass mandatory safety standards and ultimately settled.

Can I make a rough figure, or you can not divulge that prize?

The amount is irrelevant. There is not enough money to compensate a mother for the loss of his legs when his first and, therefore, only the baby is three months old.

I suggest that any child immunization is an invasion itself recipients privacy because the child can not give meaningful consent.

"Exposing the FDA's Vaccine Injury Cover-up: An Interview With Walter Kyle, Esq.", article source: riseearth.com

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