Title : Spiritual Karma: "DNA of Our Soul"
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Spiritual Karma: "DNA of Our Soul"
Karma, meaning action, is a term in the spirituality of yoga to explain the evolution of the soul from life to life. Karma is usually presented as the effect of our individual actions, stretching from past lives to present and future lives. It is often seen as a force of determination, like fate or destiny. We talked about the karma of a person catch up with them, "what goes around comes around" or "what you sow so shall you reap ', with the inevitable result of what we have done.However, if we look deeper, we see that the karma reflects the fact that we create our own reality. we create ourselves and our environment according to everything we do in life. karma, therefore, means that we are universal creators, not just the helpless products of external forces. Karma is the underlying process of "self-creating universe '. It indicates that the universe creates itself according to its own inner intentionality. Through the power of karma, we are beings self-creation of a creation existence. Even the forces of nature, like time or gravity, which appear beyond our control, are manifestations of an intelligent reality in which we are active participants.
the evolution of consciousness

science today stands genetics as the main mechanism behind this evolutionary process. It has discovered a 'genetic code' that lies behind the great diversity of life, linking all creatures together in the greatest evolutionary process. This wonderful genetic code is simpler, more concise and more powerful in their results than any code or database that the human mind can invent however. Therefore it is necessary to ask: Can a code of physical information exist without enduring intelligence behind this
This scientific explanation of evolution leaves no life force? or consciousness out of the picture, except as a byproduct of the body's processes. It is as if we are following in the footsteps of an animal and proposes an evolution of the tracks themselves without raising any creature making tracks, as if a track somehow manages to become the next!
we can contrast this with the view of yoga, the great spiritual science of the East, which recognizes an evolution of consciousness, and one of form. Yoga does not deny evolution in order to justify a religious view of creation, or reduce evolution to a blind play of material forces. Yoga teaches that the form can not evolve without conscience. It is an inner awareness that causes evolutionary change of form, not the form itself, which is nothing more than a shell. The creatures seen in life are the result of an awareness that domestic developments in their own self-expression through the great movement of time.
Karma and rebirth are the middle of this evolution consciousness, its underlying modus operandi. Only an intelligence that can truly become reborn consciousness. Otherwise, intelligence die with the body, leaving the way disintegrate leaving nothing to continue.
Vedic Astrology and our Karmic Code
The soul can be defined as our "being karmic 'as opposed to our merely human personality is his mask. The soul takes our karmic propensities called samskaras from one body to another.
our karma, we might say, is the DNA of our soul. Just as the body has its own genetic code, the soul has its particular "karmic code '. karmic soul's code is based on the patterns of life that has created: the habits, trends, influences and desires that has launched more of their many births. These karmic tendencies or samskaras as the seeds ripen in the field of our lives, to take root and sprout under the circumstances. the energy of our soul is filtered through our potential karmic, which create the same pattern of our life at a subconscious, instinctive level.
For the evolution of our species and our own spiritual growth we must take into account both genetic and karmic codes. We can not understand ourselves through genetics alone, which is only the code of the organism; also consider the karmic code, the code of the mind and heart. Consider how two children from the same family can share the same genetic pattern, education and the environment and yet may have very different lives, characters and spiritual interests. This is due to their different karmic codes.
Fortunately, there is a way that we can see our karmic code as clearly as our genetic code. Vedic astrology, or Jyotish called the science of light (Jyoti), it helps us understand the laws of time and karma. Vedic astrological birth chart is probably the best indicator of karmic code soul. The natal chart pattern is like the 'DNA soul' behind the current physical incarnation. The positions of the planets-not birthchart only in relation to the twelve signs of the zodiac but most importantly with respect to the Nakshatras or twenty mansions of the Moon - provides a wealth of knowledge through which we can read in our code karmic great detail.
Here, the Vedic chart is probably the most important document we have in life and more important than our genetic code. However, like our DNA is written in the language of nature and needs to be deciphered by a researcher trained in order to make sense of their indications code. Through the astrological chart Vedic we can understand the greater purpose of our lives and of their potential, our vulnerabilities and hidden strengths that can help fulfill our true destiny.
In addition to showing our karmic code from birth, Vedic astrology can trace its development through the change of course of our lives using their system of planetary periods and transits annual letters. That's why Vedic astrologers can be so incredibly accurate both in their delineations of character and determination of the events of our lives. In addition to this, through the use of planetary gems, mantras, yantras and meditation planetary deities, Vedic astrology also provides many methods that can optimize our karma and take us beyond the limitations of our karmic code.
is imperative that each of us is aware of our karmic code and learn the tools to work with him and to show that the optimum potential. Vedic astrology is probably the best tool in this regard. This does not mean that the natal chart will answer all our questions. We still have to act, but we show you how to act in the best and smartest way possible. In this sense, the natal chart is our karmic guide to life.
To change ourselves is not enough to alter the genetic code. We must learn how to alter our karmic code too. However, to change our karmic code is much easier than to alter our genetic! The efforts needed to be made within ourselves and not in an external laboratory. It requires that we change the way we live, breathe, see and think, such as the methodology of Yoga and other Vedic sciences instructions.
To transform our karma requires that we expand our connections with the universe consciously that we live the life of the soul, which is one lifetime. As the soul holds the karmic code, only the soul can change. Once we awaken a soul level, aware of ourselves as children of immortality, we can change our karma in a spiritual direction of the further evolution of life.
Our Karmic fire Administration
the karmic code requires a vehicle to contain it and to take it from birth to birth. For this we also have a body or 'subtle' 'soul', an inner flame that serves as a receptacle for our karmas. We could call this our "inner fire body" as opposed to "foreign material body ', or simply we could call our" karmic body fire'. This subtle body, which serves as a container for the soul enters the physical body like a flame, taking his station in the heart and heating of the whole organism. As a flame shell material leaves the body at death to take their karmic capabilities along with it.
advanced yogis can perceive this inner flame and watch their movements. They know how to get into it and work directly with him and uses it to travel to various planes or lokas, higher realms beyond this material universe. In death they merge into it and consciously leave this world, who is not afraid of death. Its interior flame is not a metaphor, but more real to them than their own flesh.
The Soul as evolutionary intelligence of nature
the soul, therefore, is the evolutionary intelligence of nature. Or registration code is Karma, which is the internal DNA of the evolutionary process. Overall, the soul bears the karmic code of nature, like breathing or skills to perceive that we share with related creatures. On a more specific level, the soul bears the karmic code of the individual and their particular tendencies, impulses and desires. The individual soul is the main vehicle that nature has developed for the purpose of conscious evolution. The individual provides an approach that allows consciousness to grow through various agencies and gradually manifests in the form of increasingly intelligent life.
The basis of all consciousness is the sense of self Also, the basic feeling of 'I am'. You can see this for yourself to see your thought process.
Meditate for a few minutes and watch the endless parade of his thoughts, worries and imaginings that usually arise in your mind. Try to find the root of where your thoughts arise.
You will discover that all your thoughts directly or indirectly back to thinking-I, which is the source of their identity and vitality, as well as movement a wheel rotates about an axis. You can not think of anything without thinking about yourself.
This sense of self is the source of all our motivation and action. Consciousness automatically projects a sense of self or morning-ness. This sense of identity underlies all five senses as our immediate feeling of being alive. It is more intimate and powerful than our senses of sight, hearing or touch. It is for us a feeling of well-being that makes possible all other respects. Even when the other senses are not functioning remains.
Our soul is our underlying sense of self, which is the flame of consciousness behind all our states of mind and body. The soul is pure 'I am', natural or spiritual being behind the ego or socially conditioned, which is like an artificial accumulation built upon it. Within that 'I am' is the evolutionary power of all nature and one's view of God. This Being-God is the supreme deity behind all religious and spiritual effort. It is the basis of true immortality. Underlying the self-creating universe is this self-creation of the higher self, the supreme Atman consciousness.
Our soul is the seed of fire not only from our own bodies and life experience, but of all life on earth and, ultimately, of the whole universe. Is the seed or seed sun light and infinite cosmic consciousness. It contains within itself the code development of the whole universe. This code of existence or seed of God is present in the soul, pushing his karma forward towards realization.
The fire of Self-
What is the goal of evolution? Is it simply the proliferation of life forms and the development of complexity species? Or, as a mechanical process, you may have the evolution of any purpose whatsoever, that after all some kind of conscious intention is required? Clearly, evolution presents a progressive unfolding of life, intelligence and consciousness, such as leaves, flowers and fruits evolve from a seed.
Self-realization is the true goal of all lifetime. All creatures are striving to deploy their specific potential, which are not merely external movement capabilities, but inner feelings and perceptions. Behind all evolutionary effort is an effort to promote the manifestation of consciousness.
The universal principle is not survival of the fittest, but survival of those who are more aware. The awareness level creates an internal resilience externally. Survival of the fittest is a rule only for carnivores. However, even at that level, the little creatures who know how to hide themselves can last for larger creatures that can not adapt.
Self-realization, however, is not simply the realization our isolated potential based on the creature. It is self-created self-conscious self-discovery within their own universe creatures. It is the universe awareness of self, the individual recognizes his oneness with the All. The individual carries the sacred fire, which is the seed of universal consciousness. This is the seed of Being, God-seed hidden in the heart of the shape of the sacred fire.
Karma as an evolutionary force
Karma, therefore, is an evolutionary force. Our own human karma is part of the evolution of consciousness on the planet, not just part of our own personal growth and development. Karma pushes us to a greater sense of unity to take responsibility for everything we do to ourselves and others.
As the karma is an evolutionary force, there is nothing fatalistic about it. It is a natural power designed to ensure the full development of consciousness in creatures. Karma, you might say, is the power of self-rectification of self-creation universe. The individual remains the vehicle for operation, but karma is simply not working for the good of the person.
Behind the unfolding of karma is not merely a deterministic view of the good or bad actions but a conscious force for the growth of intelligence. Karma requires us to develop our consciousness, not only internally but in the field of action where it really counts. It makes us aware of our dynamic relationship with life. We can not eat, breathe or think apart from other beings or the universe. In everything we do we part of the universe and the universe part of us too. Each of us is a sacred offering for life and life is continually offered to us in several ways from food to breathing relationship. The question is whether the fragrance of our offering is sweet and uplifting or is bitter and obstruction upflow of life.
When we act with unity, not dividing ourselves out of others but to see our Self in all beings, then there is no binding karma. What unites us is our personal karma limiting the universal creative force. If we let our actions follow the universal force, then our action is no longer restricted, but becomes liberating. Action with awareness of the unity creates the "fire of karma ', which burns all negative karma.
Today we must redefine the spiritual quest of an environmental way, as the urge all nature to grow in consciousness. The spiritual impulse is not only a human need, but the evolutionary imperative inherent in all life. We can only develop spiritually if we recognize our greater unity with all. We can only liberate ourselves if we become one with the whole universe.
However, if the karma is an evolutionary force, then it is not a positive goal for development. It is not merely sharing a common suffering, but the development of a common joy, in which we help others to be free, independent and happy in their own natures. Evolution is an expression of the same joy of life from which creation naturally arises, what Yoga calls "Ananda" or Divine Bliss. We must continue this deeper happiness if we find true happiness and understanding in life. That true joy is not a personal achievement, but the joy of unity, the power of love. If we look at the wisdom of karma, which will lead to greater unity in which all our sorrows disappear, in which the very possibility of sadness cease to exist.
Karma as an ecological education
the law of karma contains an important ecological education. This shows that our individual action is tied to the fate of everyone. In doing, so our world becomes. By acting, so that the world reacts to form us turn. Karma represents the power of self-harmonization of cosmic intelligence that keeps the evolutionary movement aligned with your highest good. As the planet is a single organism, our individual actions affect the entire web of life, working to get us back to harmony when our actions become harmful. Although you may experience this action to harmonize as pain, which only aims to awaken our deeper connection to life and the need to act for the greatest happiness of all beings.
A "ecology yoga 'or spiritual, an ecology of the soul, must be based on understanding of the law of karma. is required to cultivate an awareness of the sacred as the basis for all our interactions. There is consciousness recognize as the unit force behind of life and all its different ecosystems. we must recognize the evolution of our own individual consciousness as part of a broader evolution of the universe. This is not to deny our own individual development but to facilitate it. our real Being is what unites us all. your body is the entire universe and its action is the same movement of life.
Our spiritual practices should be consolidated into a green light as a human expression of cosmic intelligence for greater process evolutionary. If we forget the ecological basis of spirituality, then easily we lose touch with the very forces of the universe through which you can only grow. We lose our foundation needed on earth that provides support for our ascent into the light.
Our Collective Karmic Crisis
Our current planetary crisis , our crisis in consciousness, is also a "collective karmic crisis." We are launching long-term negative of our civilization in harmony with life karmic consequences. Such collective karma powerful can cause profound changes in the world of nature, including changes in the geological and climatic levels that can go far beyond what our species can control. the next century resembles an era of karmic correction by the devastation that has caused our present spiritually immature civilization. we need the wisdom to take us through this next fire from the collective experience and help minimize potential as nature once again demands that the soul within us is the front of their destruction.
the problem is that our culture does not believe in karma. We do not teach the law of karma in our schools and even many of our religions are ignorant of it. Many who speak about the law of karma act in violation of it too. We believe that if we make money or become famous that have achieved the goal of life, regardless of the karmas that have started for us or for our world.
Our soul is a karmic center awareness that we have to face sooner or later. When we die, all that goes with our soul is your karma. Corporal be no continues but the soul - the sensitive core of consciousness within us that allows us to feel happiness or sadness - that happens where your karma can lead, that eventually you must experience. If you have hurt your world in a life, you may have to go back the next in order to rectify the wrong he has done, what hurts the soul, even if the outer mind can ignore it.
If you really want to avoid pain and suffering, not only in this life but in the continued existence of your soul, you should strive at all times to act with awareness of the law of karma and its consequences. This is a sobering consideration unlike the promises of easy happiness, salvation quick or instant enlightenment. While these fantasies appeal to our desires, do not address the realities of how the universe works, and let us deluded and deceived the end, when the inevitable effects of our karma be revealed.
Currently our species has not yet seen the worst of what their collective karma created. We imagine that our consumerist civilization blindly can continue, with wealth and pleasure for everyone, or at least for our own country. However, if we look deeply at all, we can easily see that our increasing social and environmental problems must continue until we eliminate their cause wrong in our relationship to life. To evolve as a species, we must confront and transform this collective karma.
The action of the Enlightenment
The truly enlightened or Self-realized person brings above Earth forces from the power of his conscience released. This is how the individual lighting can elevate everyone, even in the absence of open external actions. Such individual lighting, however, is not lighting separate self, which is a contradiction in terms - but the soul, our universal being, which is itself one with everything. It does not occur via deny or ignore karma, but through reaching a level of action that is no longer tied to external or time. An enlightened individual becomes a secret sun, pouring the glow of consciousness to all beings. His sacred fire is the sacred heart of all beings.
One can not be free of karma without becoming everything and everyone. So we talk about great saints and yogis in the desert befriended wild animals. They did this by fulfilling the sacred presence in all beings, not considering themselves as more enlightened or better than other creatures.
One recalls the story of Ramana Maharshi, the great sage south India, who freed his own cow when the animal died. When his disciples asked him how the cow named Lakshmi had gone, he replied that he had achieved self-realization. Not believe that a cow could reach as high spiritual state, we asked if she gained full self-realization or just a superior, presumably human birth. Ramana replied that it was the same self-realization that any human being can reach, and that very few dedicated disciples even never come. In his ashram today, there is not only sanctuaries Ramana and his great disciples, but also to Ramana's favorite animals - a cow, a dog and a rooster. Such scholars are aware of the soul in animals and can communicate with them as easily as they can with other human beings.
While few of us can attain the state of supreme enlightenment, we can all contribute aspects of lighting in our daily lives. We can carry a unitary consciousness in our larger environment, the establishment of our relationship with all aspects of the conscious universe of greeting the morning sun to remember the stars at night. We must respond to the evolving message of our karma, which is to take responsibility for our world and look at all creatures as our own Self. All nature will support us in this task if we recognize his movement as an expression of our own soul.
Author: David Frawley
"Spiritual Karma: "DNA of Our Soul"", article source: riseearth.com
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