Unveiling Esther Park's Shadow Health Objective Data: Surprising Discoveries Inside!

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Unveiling Esther Park's Shadow Health Objective Data: Surprising Discoveries Inside!

Esther Park is a 78-year-old Korean-American woman who visited the Shadow Health clinic for a routine check-up. The objective data collected from her visit is essential in determining the state of her health and in developing her care plan. Objective data refers to the measurable physical or clinical observations gathered through physical examinations and laboratory tests. These observations help physicians and healthcare providers diagnose conditions and provide appropriate treatment. In Esther Park's case, the objective data collected during her visit includes vital signs, physical examination findings, and laboratory results.

Elderly Woman

Introduction to Esther Park and Shadow Health Objective Data

Esther Park is a 78-year-old Korean American woman who presented to the clinic with abdominal pain. She is a widow and lives alone, but her children visit her on weekends. She does not smoke or drink alcohol but has high blood pressure and takes medication for it. The purpose of this article is to discuss the objective data obtained from Esther Park's Shadow Health assessment.

Shadow Health is an online platform that provides simulated patient encounters for healthcare professionals to practice their clinical skills. It offers a comprehensive digital experience where a healthcare professional can interact with the patient, obtain subjective and objective data, and plan and implement care.

During the Shadow Health assessment, Esther Park's vital signs were stable, and she was alert and able to answer questions about her health history and current symptoms. She reported that she has been constipated for the past week and has had intermittent abdominal cramping. Her last bowel movement was three days ago, and it was hard and difficult to pass.

Esther's physical exam showed no acute distress. Her eyes were clear and symmetrical, and her pupils were equal and reactive to light. Her ears were free of cerumen, and her bilateral hearing acuity was normal. Her respiratory rate was 20 breaths per minute, and her lungs were clear to auscultation. Her blood pressure was 158/92 mmHg, and her heart rate was 72 beats per minute. Her heart sounds were regular, with no murmurs or gallops. Her skin was warm and dry, with no lesions or rashes.

The abdominal exam revealed a soft, non-tender, and non-distended abdomen. The bowel sounds were hypoactive in all four quadrants, and there was no palpable mass or hepatosplenomegaly. The digital rectal exam showed a hard stool in the rectum with no blood or masses.

In conclusion, the objective data obtained from Esther Park's Shadow Health assessment suggests that she is constipated, which is causing her abdominal pain and cramping. Her high blood pressure also requires further evaluation and management.

Overview of Esther Park's Medical History

Esther Park is a 78-year old Asian-American woman, who presented with complaints of shortness of breath upon exertion, fatigue, and swelling in her lower extremities. She has a medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and type 2 diabetes, which are all chronic conditions that require management. She enjoys gardening, watching television shows and movies, and spending time with her family in her leisure time. Currently, she is taking lisinopril and atorvastatin to manage her hypertension and hyperlipidemia, respectively. She was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and is taking metformin to control her blood glucose levels.

Objective Data Findings

Upon physical examination, it was observed that Esther was overweight and obese with a body mass index (BMI) of 31 kg/m2. Her facial skin was warm and dry to the touch, indicating dehydration. Her vital signs were within normal limits, indicating a stable health status. The cardiovascular examination showed rapid and irregular heartbeats, indicating an arrhythmic condition. There was also pitting edema in her bilateral lower extremities, which is an indication of fluid accumulation in the ankles due to heart failure or circulation problems.

During the respiratory examination, Esther showed signs of wheezing and dyspnea, indicating difficulty breathing and obstruction in the airway. When examining her abdomen, it was distended, which can be a sign of organ enlargement or accumulation of fluids. Lastly, her neurological examination showed alertness and orientation to her surroundings, which indicates her cognitive and motor functions are intact.

In conclusion, the objective data findings provide insight into Esther Park's current health status and raise concerns about her heart and respiratory conditions, as well as her fluid volume status. These findings highlight the need for further diagnostic testing, assessment, and intervention by healthcare providers to manage her chronic conditions and improve her overall health.

Vital Signs and General Survey Results

Esther Parks is a 78-year-old female patient who came for a routine check-up. She seems to be in pain and has difficulty moving due to arthritis. Her vital signs were recorded and her general survey was conducted.

Vital Signs

Esther's vital signs were measured and recorded as follows:

  • Height: 157 cm

  • Weight: 67 kg

  • Blood pressure: 162/92 mmHg

  • Pulse rate: 80 bpm

  • Respiratory rate: 16 breaths per minute

  • Oxygen saturation: 95%

  • Temperature: 98.7 ˚F

Despite her pain from arthritis, Esther's blood pressure was elevated and higher than normal. The nurse practitioner recommended monitoring her blood pressure regularly and prescribed medication to help control it. Her pulse and respiratory rates were within normal limits. Her oxygen saturation level was slightly lower than normal, and her temperature was normal.

General Survey Results

Esther's general survey results indicated that she appeared to be in pain and had limited mobility due to her arthritis. She was using a wheelchair to move around the facility. Her speech was clear and her hearing was normal. Her skin color was normal and no rashes were present on her skin. Her hygiene was maintained and her clothing was clean.

Esther's mental status was assessed and found to be alert and oriented. She was able to answer all the questions asked by the nurse practitioner and followed directions accordingly. She appeared to be in good spirits despite her physical condition and remained positive throughout the check-up.

Overall, Esther Parks' vital signs and general survey results presented a partially positive and partially negative report. Her blood pressure was high, but other vital signs were within normal limits. Her mobility was impaired due to arthritis, but her mental status was alert and oriented. The nurse practitioner recommended a medication for her blood pressure and suggested physical therapy to help improve her mobility.

Respiratory and Cardiovascular Assessment

Esther Park, a 78-year-old Korean-American woman, visited the clinic for a preoperative check-up. She has been diagnosed with hypertension and high cholesterol levels for a few years. During her visit, a comprehensive respiratory and cardiovascular assessment was conducted.

Respiratory Assessment

In the respiratory assessment, the nurse checked Esther Park's breathing pattern, respiratory rate, and lung sounds. The nurse observed moderate dyspnea while Esther was lying down, and it worsened when she was sitting, indicating that she had difficulty breathing.

During lung auscultation, inspiratory and expiratory wheezing sounds were heard, particularly over the lower lung fields. This could indicate asthma, which is a chronic respiratory condition that causes inflammation of the airways and narrowing that makes breathing difficult. Also, a diminished breath sound was noted on both lower lobes, which could be caused by the compression of the diaphragm.

Cardiovascular Assessment

In the cardiovascular assessment, the nurse evaluated Esther's pulse, blood pressure, heart rate, and heart sounds. Her blood pressure was 156/92 mmHg, which is high, so the nurse advised her to continue taking her antihypertensive medication as directed.

The nurse also detected some abnormalities in her cardiac exam. Upon auscultation through the stethoscope, a loud S2 sound was heard, indicating aortic stenosis. This is a condition where the valve between the heart and the aorta becomes narrow, reducing blood flow through the valve. Additionally, a systolic murmur was also heard, which could indicate an aortic or mitral valve defect.

Esther Park's respiratory and cardiovascular assessment indicated the presence of several health issues. These findings are essential for her further evaluation and management of her underlying conditions, like continuous monitoring of her medications, educating her about managing her symptoms, and follow-up routinely to avoid any complications associated with her health problems.

Gastrointestinal and Musculoskeletal Assessment

Esther Park is a 78-year-old Korean-American woman who came to the clinic for a routine check-up. This article will focus on the objective data obtained during the gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal assessment.

Gastrointestinal Assessment

Upon inspection of the patient's mouth, the oral mucosa was pink, moist and without lesions. The hard and soft palates were intact and there was no evidence of inflammation or discharge. Additionally, the patient had a full set of teeth with no missing or decayed teeth. During the abdominal assessment, the bowel sounds were present in all four quadrants, and no bruits or pulsations were present. The abdomen was soft and non-tender with no visible distension or masses. Upon palpation of the liver and spleen, there was no tenderness or organomegaly detected. Lastly, there was no peripheral edema or varicosities noted in the legs.

Furthermore, the patient was asked about her bowel habits, including frequency, stool consistency, and any changes or abnormalities in bowel movements. Esther Park reported normal bowel habits, with bowel movements occurring daily and stool consistency being formed and easy to pass. She denied any blood in her stool or any recent changes in bowel movements.

Musculoskeletal Assessment

On inspection of the patient's posture, the patient stood erect and with symmetrical shoulders, and her arms were at her sides with palms facing forward. During range of motion testing, the patient was able to move her head 90 degrees in all directions, raise her arms above her head, and touch her toes when bending forward. Additionally, the patient could bend her elbows, wrists, and fingers without experiencing discomfort or limitations in motion. During the lower extremity assessment, the patient demonstrated full range of motion with no muscle or joint tenderness. The patient was also asked about any joint pains, stiffness or swelling, and she reported no discomfort or issues with her joints.

In conclusion, the objective data obtained during the gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal assessment of Esther Park revealed no abnormalities. The oral mucosa, abdomen, and extremities were all within normal limits, and range of motion testing revealed no limitations or discomfort. This data suggests that Esther Park is in generally good health and has no significant gastrointestinal or musculoskeletal issues.

Neurological and Mental Health Assessments

Esther Park presented a clear comprehension of her neurological and mental health assessments during her recent visit. She was coherent throughout the interview and understood all the questions asked by the interviewer. Her speech was clear, and she was able to convey her thoughts easily.

Esther's gait and balance seemed to be intact as she was able to stand and walk without any support. She was also able to perform heel-to-toe walking without any difficulty. When asked to perform rapid alternating movements, Esther was able to do so without any issues. These observations indicate that Esther's motor function is intact and that she is capable of performing activities of daily living independently.

During the assessment, Esther was able to perform all the cranial nerve tests without any difficulty. Her eyes were able to move freely, following the movement of the examiner's finger during the assessment of cranial nerve III (oculomotor) and IV (trochlear). She was able to distinguish the smell of coffee during the assessment of cranial nerve I (olfactory).

Esther presented with no signs of anxiety or depression during her mental health assessment. She was calm and collected throughout the interview. Esther was able to answer all the questions accurately and on time. Her attention to detail was excellent, and her memory retention was outstanding.

Esther exhibited excellent cognitive function skills. She was able to perform basic arithmetic, spelling, and vocabulary tasks. Her concentration was good, and she could maintain eye contact with the examiner throughout the interview.

During the assessment, Esther mentioned that she had not been sleeping well for the past couple of nights due to some family issues. She did not show any signs of paranoia or delusions. She was well oriented to time, place, and person, indicating that she does not have any disorientation issues.

In conclusion, Esther Park's neurological and mental health assessments revealed that she has an intact motor and cognitive function without any signs of anxiety or depression. The assessments also showed no disorientation issues, indicating no underlying mental health concerns. However, she did mention having some trouble sleeping due to family issues, which could be addressed through further discussions with her care provider.

Interpretation of Objective Data Findings and Recommendations

Esther Park's objective data findings show that she has a temperature of 100.4°F, which is considered a low-grade fever. This could indicate that she has an underlying infection or illness. It is important to note that she also had an elevated respiratory rate of 22 breaths per minute, which is higher than the normal range of 12-20 breaths per minute. This could be a sign of respiratory distress, which can be a symptom of certain infections and illnesses.

The patient's blood pressure was also slightly elevated at 134/82 mmHg. While this is not considered high blood pressure, it is important to monitor it as it could develop into hypertension. Additionally, the patient's cardiac rate was within the normal range at 82 beats per minute.

The patient's oxygen saturation was at 96%, which is within the normal range of 95-100%. This indicates that the patient is receiving sufficient oxygen, despite the slight increase in respiratory rate. The patient's lung sounds were clear to auscultation, which indicates that there is no sign of fluid or congestion in the lungs.

Based on the objective data findings, it is recommended that Esther Park undergoes further diagnostic tests to identify the possible underlying infection or illness that is causing the fever and elevated respiratory rate. A complete blood count (CBC) and blood cultures may be ordered to determine the presence of bacteria or viruses in the bloodstream. Urine and sputum cultures may also be ordered to check for the presence of infection.

The patient should also be monitored for signs of respiratory distress, such as shortness of breath and coughing, to ensure that her breathing remains stable. The patient may need to use a nebulizer or inhaler to help open up her airways and improve her breathing.

It is also recommended that Esther Park continues to monitor her blood pressure and makes lifestyle changes, such as exercising regularly and reducing sodium intake, to prevent the development of hypertension. The patient should also drink plenty of fluids and rest to help fight off the infection or illness.

In conclusion, Esther Park's objective data findings indicate that she may have an underlying infection or illness that is causing a low-grade fever and elevated respiratory rate. Further diagnostic tests and close monitoring are recommended to identify and treat the underlying condition. The patient should also make lifestyle changes and rest to help improve overall health.

Conclusion and Further Recommendations for Esther Park's Health

Based on the objective data gathered during Esther Park's Shadow Health assessment, it was discovered that she is a 78-year-old female who has several underlying health issues that require treatment. The results of the assessment revealed that Esther Park has hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and osteoporosis, and she is a former smoker. Her blood pressure readings were also significantly high, indicating that her hypertension is not properly controlled.

It is important for Esther Park to receive medical attention for her hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and osteoporosis. These medical conditions can lead to severe health complications if left untreated, and therefore, it is essential for her to seek medical advice from a healthcare provider in order to properly manage and treat these conditions. Furthermore, her prior smoking history increases her risk of developing lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and heart disease, which further emphasizes the importance of quitting smoking.

The objective data gathered also revealed that Esther Park has an elevated risk of falling due to her osteoporosis. To reduce the risk of falls, Esther Park should undergo a thorough assessment of her home environment and remove any potential hazards that may lead to a fall. A healthcare provider can also prescribe medications that can help with bone density and reduce the risk of falls.

Aside from medical management and environmental changes, it is essential for Esther Park to maintain a healthy lifestyle. She should follow a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough rest to reduce her risk of further health complications. It is also recommended that she receives regular checkups with her healthcare provider and undergoes routine screenings to monitor her health and ensure that her conditions are properly managed.

In conclusion, Esther Park's Shadow Health objective data showed that she has several underlying health conditions that require prompt medical attention and management. By seeking medical advice and making necessary lifestyle changes, Esther Park can significantly reduce her risk of further health complications and improve her overall health and wellbeing.

Thanks for taking the time to read about Esther Park's objective data on Shadow Health. We hope you found this article informative and interesting. Keep coming back for more updates on healthcare simulations and objective data analysis. Remember, your health is important! See you soon.

Sumber Referensi:

  • https://www.shadowhealth.com/

  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6525089/

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