Title : This Woman Managed To Remove Wrinkles Within Hours Alone With This Elixir of Youth!
link : This Woman Managed To Remove Wrinkles Within Hours Alone With This Elixir of Youth!
This Woman Managed To Remove Wrinkles Within Hours Alone With This Elixir of Youth!
Women go to great lengths to stay young. In fact, aging is something that most of our lives to fight. Even medicine, including dermatology, has made great strides in that field, so today you can choose between Hyaluron-fillers to plastic surgery to get the look you've always dreamed of.
However, cosmetic treatments are not readily available. In addition, they often come with unexpected side effects that can come out of fear for life.
On the other hand, there are amazing natural recipes that not only prevent premature aging, but also restore the youthful look on his face.
One of these recipes is the elixir of youth recommended in this article. Tested and approved by many, this natural remedy amazing literally wipes years off your face. As the ingredients are completely natural, you should not fear unwanted side effects. An added bonus is that this combination nourishes the skin while neutralizing the effects of free radicals -. These have been linked to the times of premature aging and again
- oil pure linseed 100ml
- 2 medium lemons
- 1 large clove garlic
- 500g raw organic honey
To prepare this elixir of youth homemade, start with the peeled garlic clove and one of the lemons. Use the other unpeeled lemon. Mix the garlic and lemons in a food processor then add honey and flaxseed oil. Mix until well blended. Transfer the mixture into a glass jar with a tight lid and keep refrigerated. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day, preferably half an hour before meals, on a regular basis.
- This homemade elixir is rich in healthy fatty acids including omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9.
- it also contains a high content of antioxidants known as lignans, which in combination with lemon, significantly improve liver health.
- The recipe also provides abundant amounts of vitamin C -. Another vital antioxidant for immune and cardiovascular systems
- Garlic works wonders in eliminating toxins that accumulate in the body over time.
- Last but not least, all the ingredients in this recipe challenge aging by preventing oxidation caused by free radicals.
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