Title : Seven Drinks You Must Avoid To Save Your Health (#2 Will Shock You)
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Seven Drinks You Must Avoid To Save Your Health (#2 Will Shock You)
Often we focus on the foods that we should stop eating, but what about drinks that cause about 30 percent of the daily calorie intake? We usually take for granted sweetened drinks, but what most of us know is that high in calories is not the real problem, which is much worse.
We have listed 7 drinks that you should avoid to protect your health and keep your waist line
1. soft drink - soda, pop, carbonated beverages, soft drinks
the list of bad things about soft drinks is endless. These drinks account for more than a quarter of all beverages sold in the US, which makes about a 12-ounce can per day for every man, woman and child. Soft drinks are at least one third of the problem with obesity in children. In the typical diet of a 2 year old, carbonated soft drinks containing added sugar greater than cookies, candy and ice cream together.
Soda and diet soda reach the pH level of the acid battery charge corrosivity and erosion of tooth enamel.
diet soda causes dehydration, weight gain, depletion of minerals, diabetes, and of course, addiction to caffeine, but researchers have also found that this drink also It increases the risk of conditions that affect the cardiovascular system, including stroke, heart attack, and vascular death.
Soft drinks contain artificial sweeteners and usually marketed as a healthy alternative to sugar-sweetened beverages alternative, especially due to the fewer calories. However, the latest research has shown that consumption of these drinks leads to serious health consequences long term, due to the large amount of toxic additives and artificial sweeteners such as sodium benzoate, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose , and high fructose syrup calluses.
Men who drink one can of 300 ml of soda a day are more likely to undergo treatment for a severe form of cancer, compared with men who never consume these drinks. A soft drink a day increases the risk of aggressive cancer by 40 percent.
A study involving 66,000 women found that respondents who drank soft drinks sweetened artificially were 60 percent more likely to develop diabetes than women who enjoyed the normal version of the same drink.
The daily respirología published another study that found regular form of soda consumption is linked to respiratory and lung problems and disorders such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
2. Tap water
If you are still one of those who give up in tap water and still drink, do not know much about the dangers offered.
The Act Safe Drinking Water has regulated only 91 contaminants, and according to the Agency for Environmental Protection, there are over 60,000 chemicals used in the US .
according to the analysis of government records by the New York Times, in recent decades many governments and independent studies have analyzed thousands of these chemicals, and have identified hundreds of them in small concentrations in drinking water, and have been associated with chemicals with increased risk of cancer and other deadly diseases.
Most of you know that fluoride is a waste product of the fertilizer industry. Environment affects the appearance it has. The government came up with a solution and the industry decided to put in drinking water.
Many studies have shown that fluoride is able to take the lead from pipes and add it to the poisonous combination that comes from the taps. This may be the reason why fluoride brings copper and aluminum with lead.
Animal studies have found that fluoride has a toxic effect on brain tissue, leading to brain cell damage, the content of reduced fat, increased absorption of aluminum , deterioration systems antioxidant defense, and beta-amyloid plaque. These pests are common indication of Alzheimer's disease. This probably explains why dogs tend to drink from puddles their own tap water-filled dishes.
usually depends on the country, but cardiovascular diseases are either number one or two cases of death from. Nuclear Medicine Communications Journal published the latest study confirmed that the increased absorption of fluoride in the arteries is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
As if fluoride levels were not enough, is not a new proposal that the industry must add lithium tap water.
The Associated Press (AP) did some research and found that tap water of about 41 million people in the US It is contaminated with pharmaceutical "goodies".
Tap water contaminated with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) causes serious health risk. In the US, the highest levels of PFOA in human blood, with the exception of exposures factory found in people who drink contaminated water PFOA.
lead pipes are commonly used in municipal water distribution systems, and are a great source of contamination by dangerous lead. In the major cities in Canada and the US, construction crews replace lead pipes, but only partially, and use bronze in conjunction lines and copper. The researchers say that adherence to old lead pipes and new copper lines using brass fittings leads to galvanic corrosion that will significantly increase the level of lead released into the tap water.
3. Sports drinks
Sports drinks are becoming more popular as consumers have They not even suspect the dangers they cause. This multimillion-dollar industry sponsores some of the most popular athletes, but sports drinks are nothing more than "popular junk."
Gatorade is as corrosive as coke. A group of researchers at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry found that energy and sports drinks like Gatorade and Red Bull can erode tooth enamel more than soda and fruit juices. The journal Nutrition Research published a study in 2008 in which dentists human teeth soaked in different liquids for 25 hours. Later injuries or structural changes were measured.
"energy drinks can be very acidic, usually because there is an addition of citric acid to give those heartburn desired by some consumers," says Dr. Clark Stanford, the associate dean of research at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry. "It is important to note the label and see if citric acid has been added." Dentists warn that sports drinks can damage teeth by its high acid content.
General Dentistry is the peer-reviewed clinical journal of the Academy of General Dentistry. In the May / June 2012 You can find a recent study showing that increased consumption of sports and energy drinks, especially among adolescents, causes irreversible damage to the teeth. It was found that high levels of acidity erode tooth enamel, which is the glossy layer of the teeth.
The Food and Drug US treats energy drinks as dietary supplements, and some experts necessary for warning labels on all those energy drinks that are sold in the markets.
Sports drinks are full of petrochemical artificial colors that have the function to give a visually appealing drink. artificial colors have no nutritional value, and this supports the claim of the experts that sports drinks are losing money, not to mention its harmful effects on health.
If you still need some kind of energy drink, try coconut water powder and rehydration. It is even better than any sports drink with carbohydrates and electrolytes.
Bananas have been shown to have the same or even more health benefits during heavy training of high-tech sports drinks.
4. Specialty Coffee
This insurance will disappoint coffee lovers, but surely there are ways more enjoying coffee makers. If you prefer a brand of specialty coffee, like Starbucks and McDonalds, you are not just drinking coffee made from coffee beans toxic, but a lot of calories also consumed.
Like Pepperming Mocha Frappuccino Blended Coffee? Well, that's 660 calories. And Java Chip Frappuccino Blended Coffee? You're getting 600 calories. Why coffee are consumed to artificial liquid cream, loaded with refined sugar and artificial sweeteners?
Experts recently promoted the benefits of coffee, including its power to fight free radicals, improve memory, diabetes, Parkinson's, and even reduce the risk of cancer. There are many studies that confirm the alleged health benefits of coffee amazing. Do you think these statements are true and unbiased, or promoted with ulterior motives? The biggest promoters of these health benefits come from the biggest coffee producers, such as Brazil.
We all love coffee, but not many people stick to organic varieties bold trusted sources. These types of coffee are not offered at Starbucks, or any chain of popular cafes. The major chains offer coffee pesticide-laden and chemically treated.
Coffee plants are sprayed largely crop. The coffee is treated with chemicals, pesticides and herbicides, and I bet you do not want to ingest these substances. Chemicals leech into groundwater and increase the number of diseases in areas where coffee is grown.
Many chemicals are harmful to the environment and the US and Europe have banned or regulated these but are still legal in the least developed countries, including countries that grow coffee.
Endosulfan, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, disulfoton, methyl parathion, triadimefon and cypermethrin are just some of the chemicals used to grow coffee worldwide.
Coffee should be brewed in 4-5 weeks after toasting. The standard shelf life is 1 year. More than 70 percent of coffee importers do not follow the necessary protocols and pass the time range of sales and values.
Look organic coffee, as it is one of the best options that you can use if you are looking for a mix of high-quality coffee. It becomes the most favorite choice among coffee lovers, especially because of its incredible flavor and aroma. Coffee lovers who care for their health believe that this type of coffee is the most notable.
Innumerable coffee lovers around the world prefer coffee beans and renowned brands for organic java. There are many brands that are established in marking today, including Green Mountain: Fair Biologicals, Sprouts and Tom Thumb (Safeway) :. O European Organic Blend
help migratory birds by buying Bird Friendly coffee. Bird Friendly coffee planted under a canopy of trees that provide habitat for birds, rather than being grown on land that has been released from other vegetation.
Bird Friendly coffee is shade-grown and organic, which means it is free of all those chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers that damage the environment. Kenn Kaufman has something more to say about Bird Friendly coffee on your blog.
Rainforest Alliance offers a wide social and ecological mandate covering many sectors, including agriculture. Rainforest Alliance coffee programs target as one of the most popular crops.
The program coffee certification ensures that workers are well paid, respected, and that the coffee harvest does not contribute to soil erosion, water pollution and the destruction of the forests. The Rainforest Alliance has respect for both social and environmental values.
5. Pasteurized milkthe United States is the largest producer of pasteurized cow's milk in the world, and, interestingly, is one of the countries where less milk is consumed. The dairy industry eliminates suppliers of raw milk market in order to increase the consumption of pasteurized milk, which is lagging behind most types of milk worldwide.
Pasteurized milk is a beverage that lack nutrients, and is considered misappropriately as a "perfect food." Raw milk lovers have long known that unpasteurized milk is the only milk which is the value of consumption.
processing pasteurization destroys enzymes, reduces the content of vitamins, denatures proteins fragile milk, destroys vitamins C, B12 and B6, destroys the good bacteria, promotes pathogens, and the experts linked to allergies, tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer.
whole cow's milk, regular and "organic" contains 59 active hormones, allergens, fat and cholesterol. Cow's milk also contains herbicides, pesticides, dioxins -. up to 200 times the safe level, 52 strong antibiotics, or 53 LS-50, blood, pus, feces, bacteria and viruses
The food industry says that as the population increases the world, production and distribution of food is balanced with the need to ensure the microbiological and chemical safety. Scientists also believe that all food must be irradiated, pasteurized and sterilized in order to protect public health.
Pasteurization does not always kill the bacteria of Johne's disease held as responsible for causing Crohn's disease, and most confinement cows are infected with it. commercial ultra-pasteurized milk in order to remove bacteria resistant to heat and provide longer life. Ultra-pasteurization is quite violent in which milk is from a refrigeration temperature above the boiling point within two seconds.
Propylene oxide is used in one of the pasteurization methods. It is highly flammable and toxic chemical used in thermobaric weapons. Canada, Mexico and the European Union are among the world powers that have banned foods treated with this chemical.
Marco Torres led a very interesting point, wondering what is what we really need the milk of any kind from different species from ours?
Today, people choose coconut, nut and seed milk. Brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts, hemp seeds and give delicious nutrient-dense milk ,. All are made in the same way, and you can make each of them without modern equipment.
6. processed fruit juice
The orange juice called "fresh" sold in markets it is one of the biggest scams of industrial food producers.
Have you ever wondered why the popular orange juice, including marks "100 percent pure" premium, tastes the same every time you buy it, but it's nothing like like a freshly peeled orange?
You can be sure that there is much more than just compression of citrus. During mass production, popular brands as Tropicana, Minute Maid, Simply Orange, and natural Florida prefer to add artificial flavor so the juice can taste consistent of the carton, and you get an orange flavor.
"so cool world of people to learn more than orange juice is not a fresh product," said Alisa Hamilton, author of "Squeezed: What You Do not Want To Know About orange juice "
pasteurized orange juice much space. To protect it from destruction and safe from chemical preservatives, companies "purge" the juice, or strip oxygen. You are surprised? Wait for it. deaerated juice usually found in deposits of millions of gallons for about a year before its sale in markets.
Another shocking research also found that the best known brands of apple juice are packed with arsenic.
American apple juice trade is made from apple concentrate, and 60% of the concentrates are imported from China. Many countries use pesticides that contain arsenic probably. It is a heavy metal that causes cancer and heart disease.
Consumer Reports conducted research on arsenic and lead levels in apple juice and grape, and the devastating results made the organization calls on government regulations that will limit exposure to these toxins.
Fruit juices are not 100% juice, and additives that prolong life can seriously damage your health.
7. Any artificially sweetened beverage
Producers still aspartame and sucralose used in the production process of hundreds sweetened drinks artificially, including cocktails, milk, juice, coffee, ice and soft drinks. If you see any of these substances on the label of the drink, please do not drink it. These two are two of the most toxic in the world sweeteners.
Monsanto created aspartame, and everything is known about its harmful health effects, but finances the American Diabetic Association, the Conference of the American College of Physicians and Congress.
When ingested, aspartame is broken down into many poisonous substances. The molecule of aspartame intact and diketopiperazine form are worse than other poisons deriving from it during digestion, and blood processing digestive liver, which is taken to the liver via the portal vein.
The other poisonous substances are dangerous, but gum Aspartame is the worst. Even the smallest amount of aspartame in chewing gum has a destructive and damaging effect.
In digestion, aspartame is made in another ten poisonings, and except for what goes directly to the pancreas, the others are delivered to the liver through the portal vein, and they are reprocessed later partially. lower concentrations of poisonings are sent throughout the body, and finally reach the brain, of course, in much lower concentrations.
According to the report of a group of scientists at Duke Unversity, Splenda and its main component sucralose are a serious threat to consumers.
As the Food and Drug Administration said US, the body absorbs Items 11 to 27 percent of sucralose we eat (FDA 1998). The manufacturer of sucralose (Roberts 2000) published an investigation which were given eight healthy men sucralose (1 mg / kg), and absorbs about 10.4 to 30.6 percent of the amount they received. Besides this, 12.2 1.6 percent sucralose later accumulates in the body.
Splenda / sucralose is actually chlorinated sugar, or chlorocarbon. Chlorocarbons include carbon tetrachloride, methylene chloride and trichlorethelene, and each of these is fatal. Chlorine is highly excitable and fiery element used as a biocide in bleach, disinfectants, insecticides, poisonous gas World War I, and hydrochloric acid.
In laboratory animals consuming Splenda resulted in inflammation of the liver, like all poisons chlorocarbons do, and calcified kidneys, as shown in toxicity studies.
These chemicals affect the brain and nervous system. Also they affect other body systems, including genetics and immunity. chlorocarbon poisoning may be the root cause of cancer, birth defects and immune system damage. These are some of the known known effects od dioxins and PCBs, chlorinated hydrocarbons and more deadly.
Source: www.fhfn.org (obtained permission from the content owner)Thanks for Reading Seven Drinks You Must Avoid To Save Your Health (#2 Will Shock You)
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