Title : Relieve A Headache In Minutes With These Simple Techniques
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Relieve A Headache In Minutes With These Simple Techniques
No matter if it’s a rare occurrence or a chronic condition, headaches can be very painful and distracting to your day. People who deal with chronic headaches always know some tricks to wait out the pain. In this article, we’re going to present some tricks that can help relieve the pain almost momentarily.
In the future, instead of using medications right away, why don’t you try activating specific pressure points on your body that can help you get relief? Follow the steps in the video below and learn how you can fix a headache almost momentarily with a few simple massages.
You can activate these pressure points by yourself, you do not need an expert to do it for you. Massage gently one or all of these pressure points whenever you experience headaches.
- Massage both sides of the spine to the base of the skull
- The webbing between your index finger and thumb
- Two thumb widths above the gap between your second toes and your big toe
- One hand width above ankle, behind shin bone
- Inside ridge of the eyebrow
- Temples
If you have tried this simple yet effective therapy feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below.
Source : http://healthinformative.net/
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