Title : “My House Used to Smell Horrible… But When They Taught Me This Trick Changed Everything!”
link : “My House Used to Smell Horrible… But When They Taught Me This Trick Changed Everything!”
“My House Used to Smell Horrible… But When They Taught Me This Trick Changed Everything!”
You know how some houses wonderful smell each time you entered? Well, did you ever think how these owners do this?
actually very simple, and all you have to do is prepare a homemade solution and spray all of their curtains, sofas, rugs, etc. Besides being simple and effective, this method to cool the house is absolutely secure.
How to remove negative energy in your home
will not regret trying this simple trick. It only requires 3 ingredients that already have in your pantry: water, sodium bicarbonate , and detergents. Follow these simple instructions and prepare your own air freshener to make your house smell wonderful and fresh.
The ingredients needed for this homemade air fresheners are:
- 2 cups boiling water
- 4 tbsp. sodium bicarbonate
- ¼ cup spheres detergent
- Pot Heat
Mix the fields of detergent and baking soda in a bucket. Then add the boiling water and mix well. Let the mixture stand for 30 minutes until all is well dissolved. Pour prepared in a spray bottle or empty spray solution.
Spray the solution on all his house on their couches, mattresses, drains, carpets, fabrics, etc. You will get amazing results - a home that always smells wonderful
!. Note: If the baking soda does not dissolve or is completely mixed, add a drop of alcohol in the spray bottle and mix well until dissolved
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