How Vitamin D Reduces the Risk of Cancer

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How Vitamin D Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Researchers the University of California found that vitamin D intake laalta, particularly serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D, can reduce the risk of cancer. The study was published in the líneanúmero PLoS One in April 6.

Cedric Garland, a professor at the School of the University of California San Diego MedicinaDepartamento and member of the Cancer Center Moores University of California San DiegoSalud he explained that it has adequate amounts of vitamin D can inhibirtodos types of invasive cancer. These include the bladder, breast and pulmóncáncer.

"Science Daily" reported that the study involved looking for what kind of blood level of vitamin Dpuede effectively reduce the risk of cancer. The researchers conducted clinical unaensayo consisting of 1,169 women and 1,135 prospectivaestudio cohort of women. The researchers combined the two studies and acquired a wider range of blood serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D or 25 (OH) D.
Vitamin D a person can be measured accurately through laprueba blood. In the cohort of Lappe trial, there were 30 nanograms pormilímetro median serum 25 (OH) D. Moreover, prospective cohort of the Health Base, there were 48 ng / ml.

found that in the cohort Base Health lala-adjusted cancer incidence age was 722 per 100,000 person-years and inthe cohort Lappe, there were 1,020 cases per 100,000 person-years. Estasignifica that the incidence of cancer is reduced with increasing 25 (OH) D. Women with 25 (OH) D concentrations of 40 ng / ml or higher tienesobre 67 percent rate that can reduce the risk of cancer compared with women withhours 20 ng / ml or less.

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends an intake of vitamin D for about 20 ng / ml for ages 19 to 70. This is equivalent to international 600Unidades vitamin D every day.

"" shared some sources you can get enough vitamin D. rays one lataproporcionar few sun vitamin D. it is advisable that you are exposed to sun radiation about 20 to 25 minutes. Food is the major source of vitamin D as well. These include fatty fish like tuna, mackerel, eel, trout and salmon. Other foods that can provide vitamin D are mushrooms, fortified milk, orange juice, egg yolks and fortified cereals, beef liver and liver bacalaoaceite.

Additional information
  • is important tenersu level of serum vitamin D tested every six months. The level séricodebe be between 50 and 70 ng / ml for optimal health.
  • main source of vitamin the body is the sun. Therefore, exposing your body to the sun in the morning for 10 to 15 minutes daily without sunscreen.
  • Some excellent dietary sources of vitamin D include fish, cod liver oil, egg yolk and dairy products and fortified cereals.
  • can also take a vitamin D supplement after consulting your doctor.

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