Title : Do A Simple Massage Technique At Night And Slim The Belly
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Do A Simple Massage Technique At Night And Slim The Belly
Belly fat is a common problem for men and women and makes us feel less secure and confident, but can also be harmful.
fat causes are aging, poor diet with processed foods and sugars, lack of sleep and stress. To resolve this, see the problem first. In addition, belly fat can be a problem even for people with healthy lifestyle.
Piled fat has different benefits or side effects. It maintains internal security organs, energizes when we starve and shields of toxins.
To eliminate this fat, make the body uses to new changes. Learning to burn fat causing the deficit between meals and workouts.
workouts make our body uses fat as energy and make stronger and lighter than lose more fat muscles. But, if you have toxins and excess fat and unhealthy diets, fat loss is difficult to achieve.
MEDICAL Chinese massage BELLY
To train the core is great for making those strong muscles. However, all this belly fat (crunches, planks, leg lifts) melt.
To do this, you have two minutes that will work the muscles and cleanse toxins to melt belly fat more.
is a technique of Chinese medicine that combines many styles of massage to improve the digestive system and improves the body's processes for detoxification and elimination of waste. Such are the benefits:
- Better digestion
- detoxification in the intestines
- The elimination of adipose tissue
- n constipation
- better job of abdominal organs
- Better blood flow in the abdomen
- less nausea and vomiting, indigestion or
Do this 2 times a day, before breakfast and before bedtime.
This is the way to do this:
Lie on the back on a flat surface. Rub hands together to warm and in a circular motion, moving around the navel and expanding circles. Each circle is 2 seconds.
Then focus on the warmth of the skin. Make the whole process for 2 minutes total of 50 circles. The belly should be warm for this training.
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