The Life Changing Magic Of Practicing Yoga

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The Life Changing Magic Of Practicing Yoga

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The Life Changing Magic Of Practicing Yoga

This is a guest post by the daughter of Steve Denning, Stephanie Denning, who writes about leadership issues from a Millennial perspective. The views expressed here are her own.

When did life get so busy? Most leaders – both actual and aspiring –  in most fields work punishing hours. Work follows us everywhere. And like a lot of leaders I admire, running and exercise had always been my antidote to this hectic lifestyle.

What I didn’t expect was my body no longer agreed. After another work-filled weekend, crouched over my computer, I woke up with an unusual pain in my shoulder. As diagnosed by the internet, I had “Mouse shoulder”, an ailment from aggressively using a computer mouse. Then a stress fracture in my lower leg followed.

These two injuries had successfully conspired: I would give running a rest.

Now if I had to pick from a pool of athletic options, yoga would have been dead last. Unfortunately for me, it was the only thing I could do.

Giving Yoga A Go

I had causally been doing yoga for the past ten years, casually being the critical word. Yoga had always been synonymous with a running “rest” day. Let me briefly explain to you my level of yoga commitment. At the beginning of each class, when it came time to set your intention, my intentions would range from finally finish my book to winning the Pulitzer Prize. To put it differently, my expectations were low.

Off I went for my two weeks of yoga, committing to an open mind and to go every day.

Fast forward two weeks. It’s a Sunday. As my two weeks came to a close, I could finally get back to running. I made it! I told myself. No more yoga. And then a strange feeling came over me:  a pang of sadness. I didn’t want to stop doing yoga. That’s weird. It was ever so slight, but I was sure I had detected it. I didn’t think much of it, and went back to planning my running schedule for the week.

As luck would have it, the next morning I stepped on the treadmill, and the pain in my lower leg had minimally dissipated. Just when I thought I would be met with disappointment, a feeling of relief came rushing in. I could continue yoga afterall. Yoga had done little for my injuries in the two weeks, so I was surprised it had triggered any emotion at all.

Was there really something to all the yoga hype? I would soon find out there was.

Yoga For The Uninitiated

Of all the things I was hoping to gain from yoga, the last one would have been a sense of enjoyment. But in practicing yoga, the thing that became immediately clear was how much I pushed myself in my everyday life. Not only in running, but in everything I did. I pushed myself to run faster, work longer. It’s you versus your body. Yoga had awakened a feeling that had laid dormant for a long time, a feeling of being in sync with myself rather than pushing myself all the time. With yoga, for the first time in a long time, I didn’t feel like I was pushing myself, but rather flowing with my body. And that feeling started to seep into other parts of my life as well. I started to notice I went to bed when I felt tired, rather than pushing myself to stay awake.

Still, I wasn’t convinced. More often than not I was bored during yoga class. It just so happened in my fourth week of my yoga adventure, I was out of town. A hot yoga studio was the only opportunity for yoga nearby, offering a hot vinyasa yoga. I had never done hot yoga before, and frankly, I was intimidated. I could imagine a bunch of yoga pros contorting their bodies in unnatural poses, oddly unaffected by the heat. And when I walked into the studio, I realized I was right. I, however, was not one of them.

And yet, I stuck with it. And it was during this week that I started to see some improvement. One day I found myself in class, when the pose of the moment was crow pose. I had no intention of doing it, instead I was content with a single leg lift, that would do. But as I tilted forward, I came into a balancing crow pose, with very little effort. It just happened. I was so excited I spent the next few days in what felt like a perpetual crow pose. I woke up with a crow pose, I would take work breaks in crow pose, and would reward myself after a long day with a crow pose.

My newfound interest in crow pose was really a reflection of what I uncovered about yoga poses in general. Aside from looking completely ridiculous to a yoga-foreigner, I started to realize that to find the balance in each yoga pose was an ongoing trade off between concentrating on the pose but also letting go of the mind and letting your body do the work. If I lost sight of this balance, as I may have once or twice when trying to compete with my neighbor, I would immediately lose my balance and tumble over.

The benefits of yoga soon began revealing themselves outside of the classroom. There was some inexplicable flow that replaced the continuous push mentality I knew so well. I felt strangely in tune with my body. The more yoga I did, the more recalibrated my body felt. These changes were are very, very subtle, but those small changes slowly accumulated.

The cumulative effect had me hooked. After doing yoga for over a month, maybe five weeks in, it felt like a veil had ever so slightly been lifted, and replaced with a feeling of wholeness. I was less stressed. Less anxious. I got annoyed, but I was easily able to let it go. And, occasionally, these moments of gratitude would just befall me, out of nowhere. The feeling was so foreign, at first it freaked me out. Until I realized, it must be the yoga.

But to explain how monumental this felt, I have to go back a few years to where this story really began.

Yoga: Magic For Grown Ups

Growing up, I had it pretty easy. It was only a matter of time before hardship would rear its ugly head and make a guest appearance in my life. That time came, in 2009, right after graduation. Graduating in the middle of recession, I had no job lined up so I moved back in with my parents. Living with my parents was actually pretty great. What was a lot less great was my mom’s cancer diagnosis. A moment that felt like my whole world had collapsed on top of me. It’s still far too painful for me to write about.

Tragedy is taboo to talk about, or at best awkward, mostly because people don’t really know what to say. And while I felt a lot of support, I also felt very alone for a very long time. There were very few people I felt I could talk to. And even fewer I knew who had gone through something similar. I found solace in Dave Egger’s book A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, because for the first time he expressed exactly how I felt. But the feeling was fleeting as soon as I finished the book. Hardship had done it’s best to turn my life upside down, and until recently, I never felt quite capable of piecing it back together.

And it wasn’t for lack of effort. I exercised regularly. I tried meditation. I tried the gratitude journals thing. I read about happiness as a choice. I was choosing, but nothing seemed to be sticking. Objectively, things were good, I liked my life. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had lost a part of myself I wasn’t sure I’d ever find again. It was as if a malaise had settled over. An uneasiness of going through the motions, but not quite living them either. Given the popularity of books like Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project, I didn’t think I was alone in having ever felt this way.

And so, seven years later, I was amazed when yoga began to unmask this weird veil that had settled over my life. It felt like nothing short of a miracle.

It felt like such a miracle to me, I felt compelled to do more research. Yoga was magic for grown ups and I was determined to find out why.

Shirking Chakras

In class, I had always heard about chakras, but had also managed to dismiss them. Chakras, after all, are about “energy flow” points, and you would be right to assume that I thought this sounded a little kooky. I tried to read about it in Anodea Judith’s book Eastern Body, Western Mind:  “The chakra system is a seven-leveled philosophical model of the universe. Chakras have come to the West through the tradition and practice of yoga. Yoga (which means “yoke”) is a discipline designed to yoke together the individual with the divine, using mental and physical practices that join the mundane and spiritual lives. This goal is achieved by passing through steps of ever-expanding states of consciousness. The chakras represent these steps.”

The divine? I was skeptical.

Yet, I couldn’t deny the changes. I was my own test subject. And after doing yoga daily for two months, the null hypothesis, that the experiment would have no impact, was proving to be incorrect. There must be something – something scientific – to yoga.

It was only when I read an article that each of the seven chakras correlated with a gland or organ, that my mind began to shift. Now, this made sense to me.

As I started to read more about chakras, I recognized my own experience in the descriptions. Starting with the first chakra: the root chakra. The first chakra has to do with survival. A chakra can be unbalanced, experiencing either an excess or a deficiency. In chakra patois, “the demon” of the first chakra is fear. Feeling overly afraid or worried all the time can be a sign of an unbalanced first chakra. And to put it mildly, I was always worried. It didn’t matter what it was, I was worrying about it. It was only after doing yoga for several weeks that this fear and paranoia mysteriously melted away, with no extra effort on my part. It just happened.

As Judith explains, “Our culture, so proud of its mind-over-matter philosophy, cuts us off from our bodily experience and from the earth itself.” And many years of this thinking had left me disoriented. Yoga works to ground your body, balancing the first chakra.

According to Eastern philosophy, imbalances in our chakra system are the root of a lot of our problems. The first time you hear this, it sounds whacky. But the more I saw evidence to support  it in my own case, the more I began to believe. I admit, I drank the koolaid. And this belief was critical element of practicing yoga. As I read in Judith’s book: “Integration of mind, body, and energy makes healing possible. It is not enough to merely understand without action or to merely move energy without understanding. It is the integration of these two currents that creates the changes we seek in our lives.”

If you had told me 6 weeks ago I would be preaching chakras to you, I would have laughed out loud. But six weeks later, here I am, trying to convince you to give it a try. In running (and in life) I had always pushed myself. And for the first time, I was in wonder as this practice was giving back what I put in, maybe even more.

Is Happiness All It’s Cracked Up To Be?

It was around this same time that I picked up another book The Path, by Michael Puett, on Eastern Philosophy, which happened to expound on these very ideas.

The Western world today is so focused on the definition of the self. Who you are, what you like, what job you have. It’s all about defining who you are as a person. But the idea of the self is in and of itself an assumption. As Puett puts it: “What we in the West define as the true self is actually patterns of continuous responses to people and the world; patterns that have built up over time.” The idea of the “true self” is in fact, fabricated.

Yet the way we cling to defining ourselves is the same way we cling to our emotions. We’re a culture obsessed with happiness; believing that the penultimate goal is perpetual happiness. Becoming attached to the idea of achieving happiness is an emotional extreme. Puett argues this causes us more harm than good: “These emotional extremes are exactly what the Inward Training would say devitalize us, exhaust us, and drain us of spirit.”

Puett reminds us that mindfulness was intended not to to trigger happiness or peace, but to break down the notion of the “true self”: “Mindfulness is hyped widely as a popular technique for gaining peace and serenity in our fast-paced lives. Today it is even promoted as a tool for productivity and effectiveness by business schools, corporations, and the military. But mindfulness was intended to break down the self. Buddhism is the doctrine of no self, and Buddhist practices as a whole are designed to do away with the notion that any sort of individual self exists.”

A lot of the lessons Michael Puett articulates in The Path, I realized I had already internalized in yoga. I began to understand the gift that yoga had given me: learning to let go. Not being so tied to our past and future selves and emotions that come along with it. Yoga taught me to get outside of my own head, a place I hadn’t explored in a long, long time. Because holding on is really the root cause of all the unhappiness to begin with.

I decided to write this story because I fell in love with the practice of yoga. That decision wasn’t easy. A post about yoga? I was sure it would be an instant snoozer. But the more I see leaders today who create hostile work environments because their own demons seep into the workplace, or they are just struggling with general unhappiness, the more I felt compelled to write it. I know what it’s like to want to project frustrations onto other people. We all do. But yoga showed me that I didn’t need anyone or anything to find what I was looking for. I had it in me all along. I just needed yoga to show me how.


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