Title : “MAGICAL SEEDS” That Cure Colon Cancer! They Do Wonders Inside Our Organism!
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“MAGICAL SEEDS” That Cure Colon Cancer! They Do Wonders Inside Our Organism!
Id = " Although everyone knows of their nutritional value, not many know that the seeds of chia were also used as currency because its value. These seeds have been around for over thousands of years. Chia seeds (Latin: Salvia hispanica) are abundant in omega fatty acids, proteins, antioxidants and dietary fiber. They have the sweet smell of a walnut and because of its ability to absorb liquids, are excellent for hydration. In addition, they make you feel full longer.These seeds were highly valued by the Mayas and the Incas. In fact, "Chia" is a Mayan word meaning "strength". Chia seeds actually increase their strength, because they are a number of nutrients.
Chia seeds are abundant in healthy essential fatty acids; in fact, there are eight times more omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds in salmon.
In addition, chia seeds have omega-6, antioxidants and proteins, all of which are essential for general health. Just one gram of chia seeds contains four times more antioxidants than fresh blueberries.
Numerous studies have confirmed that due to the high content of protein (20%), consumption of seeds Chia also it has a positive impact on the quality of your hair and nails.
In addition, chia seeds pack some protein based more easily digestible herbs. They are a rich source of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. Chia seeds are very beneficial for skin rejuvenation. Stimulate fat burning, strengthen your body and have a positive effect on your digestive tract.
According to nutritionists, chia seeds are the best foods to eat if you feel weak and tired due to that they stimulate muscle function and the release of energy in your body. That's why they are often used by athletes. Moreover, chia seeds package 37% of dietary fiber, which promotes the proper functioning of the intestines.
A diet incorporating these seeds is highly efficient in the treatment of colon cancer and in preventing Cancer.
Chia seeds reduce appetite, improve metabolism and stimulate the production of glycogen, which is essential for fat burning.
How these magic seeds are used?
There are a number of ways to include these seeds in your meals.
On the one hand, you can add to your salad to increase their protein intake. In addition, you can add them in grains such as brown rice, quinoa, amaranth or millet or end of cooking. Furthermore, it can be used in soups, meat balls or as a mixture frying chicken and fish -. Instead of breadcrumbs
For dessert, you can make the chia seed pudding.
Alternately, these seeds with coconut or almond milk are mixed and add some of these ingredients: dried coconut, cranberries, walnuts, raspberries, ground almonds, cocoa, grated apple, ground pistachios, hip or pink blueberries
regardless of how chia seeds are consumed greatly benefit your health.
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