The Health Benefits of Yogurt You Must Know

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The Health Benefits of Yogurt You Must Know

deYogur Health Benefits is always essential for humanity. Yoghurt is the power of yvitaminas minerals are present in milk as well. In addition, yogurt is a good proteínafuente digestion. Yogurt is useful to keep cholesterol levels in lacuerpo and prevent diseases such as high blood pressure, while increasing body immunity lala well. It is very good for improving healthy teeth and bones, Help on digestion and is valuable in skin care.
Health Benefits deYogurt is because that is prepared from milk. healthy dessert option was ofrececomo and used to flavor dishes of Asian cuisine. Nevermind the way it is consumed, it maintains the benefits of milk formade some fat. It can also be consumed by people with lactose intolerance not puedendigerir natural milk. Benefits healthof yogurt consumption is the presence of Lactobacillus, useful class of bacteriasque ferment milk into yogurt and helps in the digestive process in the intestines cuerpo.Protege succumbing to infection by harmful bacteria.
Here are SaludBeneficios yogurt:
1. source of important minerals " Being derived from milk, yogurt include calcium grandosis that are necessary to maintain healthy teeth and bones . calcium suficienteconsumo reduces menopausal women the incidence of osteoporosis. the tienemuchos yogurt magnesium and potassium. magnesium is also important for óseacalcio health. potassium is important for healthy nerves and keeps the defluido balance of the body.
2. rich source of vitamins yogurt contains plenty of vitamin B2 and B12 levels. VitaminaB2 is important for health eyes, skin and nerves. vitamin B12 is importantfor maintain healthy bones and causes deficiency anemia. Yogurt has a sanacantidad vitamin E, vitamin D.La well as vitamin E helps maintain healthy skin and reproductive health, while Vitamin D is necessary for healthy skeletal.

3. bone Health calcium is important to maintain our status bones. Nosotrossabe that milk is a good source of calcium, however, to digest milk is difficult to muchosgente. Yogurt has all important minerals, calcium covering is presenteen milk, however, is also easier to digest. Therefore, yogurt consumption mantienenla bone strength aids. It is also good for patients suffering from arthritis and osteoarthritis reumatoidela. Yogurt is a blessing for many people who sufrende be lactose intolerant.
4. The animal protein The protein in yogurt was found to be higher than LALECHE and also discovers that it is easier to digest than milk proteins' casein incomplete breaking, by bacterial fermentation. This is consistentecon the results of a study by the research journal of dairy products.
5. Improve gastrointestinal health Yogurt can be consumed as a substitute milk delas people who can not digest milk, and usually lost in health benefits of lactosa.Debido to the presence of active bacteria in yogurt strains is fácildigerir. In fact, the biotic element pro yogurt, which is produced by the lácticobacterias acid in it, help reduce diarrhea, constipation, inflammatory disease intestinoy colon cancer and even bacteria peptic ulcer cause H. pylori puedeconducir to cancer stomach over time.
6. Increase immunity Strains of probiotic bacteria in yogurt immune lasistema strengthen and reduce the incidence of infections "allergic inflamatoriasenfermedades.
7. Reduce hypertension regular consumption of dairy products has been shown to reduciralta blood pressure. But as high-fat, excessive consumption not esrecomendado. low-fat milk yogurt combined with the option of profiting choice normal dairy products.
8. Reduce blood cholesterol studies conducted by various institutes LDLlos cholesterol decrease in cholesterol levels in the blood when a person regularly consume yogurt. Therefore, all may be díasingesta A leads to reduced cardiovascular disease.
9. Prevent vaginal infections Vaginal infections caused by Candida, which is why generalobservado in diabetic women. Daily yogurt consumption reduces the pH inthe vaginal canal and prevents infection by Candida.
10. the treatment of halitosis Other yogurt SaludBeneficios is a natural cure for bad breath and has cut the halitosishasta 80% in test subjects. Gingivitis and plaque levels were also siendomenor yogurt consumers everyday.
11. Cancer intake of yogurt mayprovide relief for people suffering from colon cancer as well. The study tienemuestra that a diet rich in dairy products can prolong life a little delas people with colon cancer.
12. Effective against hair and skin condition Yogurt, when applied topically, has been shown to treat rashes, acne and gives a healthy to reduce puffiness and tighten pores shine. Estambién is useful for the treatment of hair and scalp itch and dandruff.
is quite clear that yogurt is very useful enlograr and maintain a healthy body. Daily consumption of yogurt dauna much of the vital nutrients also. That's all about Health Benefits of yogurt.

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Thank you for reading this The Health Benefits of Yogurt You Must Know, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

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