Title : Suppressing Memories May Cause Amnesia
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Suppressing Memories May Cause Amnesia
id = " Everyone has memories that prefer not to think about, but according to a new study published in the journal Nature Communications, consciously remove one memory of certain events may leave a "shadow amnesiac", resulting in the suppression of other unrelated memories. The processes behind the creation, recovery and forget the memories still not fully understood, although there is much evidence to suggest that a brain region called thehippocampus is very involved. For example, damage to the hippocampus has often been found to inhibit the ability of a person to remember the major events of life. To study this phenomenon further, researchers at Bard College and Cambridge University asked volunteers to deliberately suppress certain memories, while measuring the activity of the hippocampus, before carrying out further experiments to determine how this affected its ability to encode and recall other memories. Participants learned pairs of words, before being presented with one of these words and asked to withdraw the associated word or consciously do not have to. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the study authors found that activity in the hippocampus was significantly reduced when the memory was deleted. Then participants images consisting of an object against a background showed. After a delay, they showed the same background, and had to try to remember what the object was with him. During this phase of the experiment, which had been asked to suppress their memories during the task of matching words were 45 percent less successful in the right object remembering that those who had not repressed their memories. Based on these experiments, the researchers conclude that deliberately unhook memory recovery "commitments generally hippocampus processes" needed for the creation and stabilization of new memories. As such, continuously deleting one memory of certain events may prevent hippocampal be able to fully encode memories of other events. Previously, inexplicable oblivion has been attributed to the hippocampus decay, injury, or the development of conflicting memories. However, the amnesiac shadow generated by the conscious inhibition of the hippocampus "is a process of forgetting unrecognized that can account for memory lapses otherwise unexplained after a trauma," the researchers wrote.(source)
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