Title : How to Prevent Lung Cancer
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How to Prevent Lung Cancer
pulmónEl to Prevent cancer - lung cancer is a terrible disease that kills thousands of personastodos the years.. Most of these cases are the smoker, but also a lot of people which quit smoking years ago. It is estimated that as many of people which suffer from this cancer are men. However, in recent times, the number delas women with lung cancer continues to catch up with the number of men, so the disease.How to prevent lung cancer should be an important consideration for those who have been smoking for a long intheir long lives concern, as they have a high risk of getting lung cancer throat and mouth.
The first thing to do if you want to avoid pulmonarel cancer is to stop smoking. It is clear that powerful addiction cigarrillospodría make people think your lung can erase continúande carcinogens and smoking. It is an inevitable fact that must to stop smoking to reduce the riskof lung cancer. From this point you're still not sure, however, that cigarettes alquitrántrampas carcinogens in the lung. Your body needs a long time to eliminate the toxic ylimpiar without active work on your part. From here you have it quecomenzará to clear the lungs of chemicals that cause cancer.
Some foods will help you achieve better lung health yprevenir you become another statistic of cancer. These are foods quecontienen antioxidants that have been linked to the prevention of cancer todostipos. Some of these foods include green tea, spices and broccoli, but muchosmás there. Other foods can help more indirectly. Some foods just ayudanestimular the immune system, which aides in pulmonesy natural detoxification of the body. Another way to help is to eat foods that liquefy mucus in the lungs, such as chili peppers and other hot food. This allows you to remove the mocoque contains tar and cancer-causing toxins more easily.
The diet is an important measure to prevent lung cancer . The risk of lung cancer in smokers and nonsmokers Ylos would be lower when they eat at least five servings of fruits yverduras every day. Fruits and vegetables to include in your diet are importantesla apples, watermelon, tomato, mango and vegetables dark green leaves and onions withhours. Apples and onions are rich in flavonoids against cáncer.De according to a study conducted in Finland, people consume more apples 58por percent more likely to develop lung cancer than those who do not eat apples entodas.
Try to add a little tomato sauce in the kitchen. Research shows quetomates, especially cooked tomatoes seem to indicate that there protectorpropiedades against lung cancer. Eating large amounts of beta-carotene may reducirel risk of lung cancer in smokers. carotenoid compounds found in ciertosproductos as peaches, melons, mangoes, pumpkins, squash, sweet potatoes and green leafy elvegetales. Beta-carotene supplements should be avoided. A estudiollevada out by a group of Finnish indicate that an increase of 18 percent inthe cases of lung cancer in heavy smokers who take beta-carotene supplements.
There is another important measure to prevent lung cancer that isa routine medical checkup. It should also be accompanied by prevenciónmedicamentos and dietary supplements. There is a need for X-rays, especially paralas people smoking at age 50 or older. X-ray will be very useful for people that WILL are at high risk of lung cancer. Chest radiography is a measure cautelaradoptado for settlement of lung cancer. A routine chest X-ray allows médicospara diagnose lung cancer early for the treatment adecuadoprocedimientos run.
Changes in diet are also important in preventing lung lacáncer well. When a person stops smoking, the risk of lung cancer tieneha reduced by almost half in 10 years. Finally, the second form more comúnde lung cancer is exposure to radon, a colorless gas found in the suelo.Pruebe your home for radon every existence. You can buy a kit-it-yourself paracheque for radon is available in stores for home delivery, or you can hire unprofesional to do it for you. That's all about to prevent lung cancer
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