Title : Early Warning Signs Of Ovarian Cysts Most Women Ignore Every Day (And What To Do If You See Them)
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Early Warning Signs Of Ovarian Cysts Most Women Ignore Every Day (And What To Do If You See Them)
One of the most common conditions reproduction that affects women of all ages are ovarian cysts. Ovarian cysts are sacks or bags inside or on the surface of an ovary filled with fluid. Usually they are harmless and can vary in size. Sometimes they are small and pose no problem, but sometimes are larger and can cause complications.
polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, is a condition in which the levels of sex hormones in a woman estrogen and progesterone are out of balance. This leads to the growth of ovarian cysts and if not treated in time and properly PCOS can cause problems with the menstrual cycle of women, fertility, heart function, and appearance. Most importantly, when it comes to the treatment of polycystic ovaries, cysts is to stop growing. And the only way to do is to bring your hormones back to normal and under control.
There are many different courses of treatment, but a more natural approach is always much better than conventional medicine. That is, if there is space for it, if the condition is much progressed should consult a doctor and follow its recommendations.
Licorice has amazing healing properties that allow you to bring your hormones back to normal and keep them balanced. It can stimulate the function of the adrenal glands and many recommend as the best and most effective treatment for ovarian cysts.
How to use licorice for ovarian cysts
You can buy licorice in any local store and is quite cheap. Pour some water in a pot and put licorice in it. Bring the water to a boil and left at high heat for about 5 minutes and then set it aside. Let cool and strain the liquid. Drinking the beverage twice daily.
chaste berry
chaste berry is a very effective remedy against all gynecological problems. It is a powerful herb such that it can reduce the size of the cysts, relieve pelvic pain and menstrual flow control. This amazing plant contains diterpenes, a compound that reduces the production of the hormone estrogen and helps maintain hormonal balance.
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