10 Diseases That Will Become Far More Common After the Collapse

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10 Diseases That Will Become Far More Common After the Collapse

by Lizzie Bennett
The Daily Sheeple

Diseases come and diseases are ... more like fashion, but with diseases is for the general conditions It is denoting the time getting a foothold and what not. Many diseases are opportunists who will surface while the conditions are right for flowering and more often this is a time when humans could really do with focus on other things. Here are ten diseases that make their presence felt after a major disaster, long-term, whether war, social collapse or in some cases even an economic downturn. Click the link to find many more details about each disease

1. typhus. typhus spread by the body louse is around us, common among people without home and people living in overcrowded unsanitary conditions. The only reason we're not all infected with it is our capacity for laundry and shower / bathe regularly. History teaches us that typhus loves crises and has been shown to emerge during and after every major crisis is the war or a stock market crash.

2. typhoid: not to be confused with typhus, typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria and the spread by contaminated food and water. It spreads rapidly in crowded conditions and / or unhealthy

3. pellagra. Pellagra is caused by lack of vitamin B3 and was endemic ago few decades, those eating diets with low levels of B3 are at risk for pellagra. Is a debilitating causing a slow and painful death disease

4. Hantavirus. hantavirus is caused by ingestion of feces dry mouse that are commonly background in sheds, cabins, etc. It a serious disease that will kill if not treated quickly. In a situation where the population of mice can not be controlled and contact with the feces is more frequent hantavirus will rise cases

5. The bubonic plague. pest has two forms , bubonic and pneumonic. Bubonic plague is often fatal if untreated, pneumonic plague is almost always fatal if left untreated. Both are transmitted by the bite of a flea rat. As with the hantavirus if rodents can not keep under control the disease from spreading. Causes agonizing swellings, often in the groin or armpit that are filled with pus and black color, hence called the black death

6. Leptospirosis. Following rodents did you know that are incontinent? Everywhere the rodent urine is leaking and most rodents carry leptospirosis. It is very common after major flooding freshwater and rodents move to higher and drier ground and come into greater contact with humans. treatable with antibiotics, but often fatal if not what closer rodents people moving or standing nearby rodents cause an increase in cases

7. Chagas disease. Chagas is caused by the reduviid insect that lives in the hardened mud, adobe walls and loose dirt / soils. It is endemic in parts of Africa, India and South America. Causes a debilitating disease and can lead to lifelong medical problems if not treated in time

8. Food poisoning. There are many forms of food poisoning, the most lethal of the which it is Listeria, but has followed closely E. coli 157. the incidence of food poisoning increase almost immediately there is a network situation down. The lack of cooling along with the possibility that food is not cooked properly cleaned or guarantee an increase in these fatal and often debilitating conditions

9. Cardiac / Strokes attacks. heart attacks and strokes emerge after a collapse of any kind. Lack of blood pressure medications cause the death of many, but more die due to overexertion. They will be performing physical tasks that have never done before and for many the strain is just too much. Add the cold weather to a scenario of collapse and the situation is even more serious than the blood becomes cold and clammy and form small clots that can lead to both heart attacks and strokes.

10. emerging diseases: Many new diseases are emerging or have emerged in recent years. There is still much to discover about the mode of transmission, susceptibility and potential pandemic diseases such as MERS-NCV, H5N1 and H7N9 both forms of avian flu, and other zoonotic diseases who pose a threat to human beings.

There are simply too many diseases that could threaten our survival in a post-collapse world for us to prepare for them. The only way to be sure is stay away from others , and make sure other people stay away from you and your group. This is something that can be possible if you live in an area of ​​low population density and has enough supplies to hide until the dust has settled ... how every time can be long. For most people, however that is not an option.

Wearing gloves when away from home, and not to touch your nose or face after any contact with the outside will go some way towards preventing the spread of the disease.

Have any physical contact with "outsiders" as possible and consider using a mask or scarf over your nose and mouth when away.

be sure to remove the outer wear, including footwear before re-entering his house.

Check the seams and pockets of clothing regularly to ensure that no lice hide and inspect body thoroughly if you have been out mixing with the general population. Pay special attention to the armpits and groin and body lice favor the warm, moist areas when feeding.

is a good idea to have a tub of some sort filled with chlorinated water outside the door so that hands be washed before entering. Pay special attention to the area between the fingers and fingertips.

Store an enormous amount of baby wipes and bandages. Use them if you have to leave home. Germs can not do any harm if they can not get into you and usually through put in the mouth and nose or through a wound on your skin.

This list, unfortunately, not it is exhaustive. In fact, not even scratch the surface of the diseases that are out there waiting for an opportunity to attack. The most important thing you can do to prevent the spread of the disease in a crisis is to keep your hands clean and keep them away from the nose and mouth,

Children are wonderful small factories seed collecting bacteria and happily spreading around. teaches hygiene will help you stay safe during everyday life ... and even more during a crisis, when the lack of medical care and access to medication means this simple action could be a lifesaver.

Take Care


About the author:

Lizzie Bennet retired from his job as a practitioner operating high-level department in the United Kingdom earlier this year. His field was the trauma and emergency department and she has been a member of the teams of major disasters around the UK. Lizzie published Medic meter on the theme of preparation.

"10 Diseases That Will Become Far More Common After the Collapse", article source: riseearth.com

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