Effective Ways to Lighten Dark spots on inner thighs

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Effective Ways to Lighten Dark spots on inner thighs

effective ways to lighten dark spots on the inner thigh Edition: the skin is the indicator of your health. There are a number of pielcondiciones that make you feel uncomfortable even though they may not have gravesconsecuencias on your health. One such common skin conditions is oscurapigmentación or skin hyperpigmentation. Pigmentation can surgircomo small dark spots, dark circular spots, dark spots or uneven skin oscurecimientode in specific areas. One of those areas is uncomfortable your interiormuslos! Yes, dark spots on the inner thigh are not uncommon.
Some people suffer from dark inner thighs but dark spots on the inner thigh is a different matter. This is diferentea from the condition when all her inner thighs appears oscuraque skin from other areas of your body. When specific esteproblema occurs, simply dark patches of skin that are comúnmentellamada dark spots on the inner thighs. can sometimes parecermanchas brown or even black spots or patches. Those who have black or oscuromanchas in the arms and legs are more likely to have dark spots on their interiormuslos and vice versa.
Lighten Dark spots on thighs

dark spots on inner thighs Vs dark inner thighs

changes in skin color in general on a specific area differs muchocon changes in skin color in the form of circles, dots, spots omanchas. dark inner thighs are common. It is caused due to numerosafactores such as poor hygiene, obesity, friction and hormonaletc imbalance. While a person may have an inner thigh complete darkness, hayotros simply have dark brown spots on the inner thighs. Some common loscaracterísticas of such dark spots inside the incluyensiguiente thighs.
  • dark brown spots are usually formed on both inner thighs
  • These spots usually do not hurt
  • Some are light brown and yet others are darker brown spots
  • are flat spots and not exalted
  • start with just a few brown spots, but over time the number and dark spots continue to rise
You can not prove any remedy to lighten the skin to lighten the oscuridadmanchas on her inner thighs. As mentioned above, it is a diferentecondición dark inside thighs. Understanding the causes of oscuridadmanchas in the inner thighs could help find the right solution.

What are the causes of dark spots on inner thighs

Some of you may feel, "I have dark spots on the inside of my thighs, but mipiel thigh is not so dark! "That's fine, because both are diferentescondiciones, have different causes. However, some of the causes could sersimilar in both dark inner thighs and dark spots on the inner thighs! Sometimes you may have inner face of dark thigh and internal dark spots en¡muslos! It may appear as black spots on the dark thighs.
Some of the common causes of dark spots on the inner thighs include the following.

hormonal imbalance

Hormones affect our lives in many ways. Hormonal imbalances are many times reflected through the skin. The following are some of theTerms that can cause hormonal imbalance.


Pregnancy is one of the main causes of dark spots on the thighs internos.También may have dark spots on the neck below the breasts yotras difficult areas. after childbirth, dark spots usually desaparecenen their own. You can simply ignore these dark spots on the inside of muslodurante pregnancy, as long as you never had those points before embarazoy also when these spots remain flat.

menstrual cycle and menopause

Not every woman or girl who suffers menstrual cycle get points oscurosel inner thighs. It is associated with hormonal disorders and inadequate comohigiene during menstruation. Poor hygiene leads to alérgicareacciones and / or friction leading to delicate skin rashes delos inner thighs. These eruptions then appear as dark spots and blemishes. Similarly, during menopause, a woman's body undergoes Russian unamontaña due to hormonal fluctuations. This can be a from degraded dark spots on the inner thigh in elderly women.
Other hormonal imbalances that can cause dark spots on the inner thigh include
  • Hypothyroidism - underactive thyroid glands can also cause dark spots on the neck with inner thighs
  • - prolonged oral contraceptives or frequent use control natalidadpíldoras can also lead to hormonal imbalance and finally dark spots eninterior of thighs, along with many other health problems.


The skin on the thighs can get affected by infections. The following are some of the common infections that lead to dark spots and stains on lainterior thighs.


refers to recurrent infection of the hair follicle. foliculitises the main cause of dark spots on the inner thighs (representing 50per cent of the population suffering from black or dark spots). Estainfección also associated with poor genital hygiene.

bacterial infection

When your inner thighs are wet or sweat a lot, wing accumulation of bacteria is carried. Bacteria grow rapidly in the skin folds of the thighs and lazona end up causing dark spots.

fungal infection

This condition is called tinea versicolor. This infection específicaocurre in various parts of the body, not just inside the muslos.Sin But there is also the risk of infection inside of the thighs ysubsiguientes dark spots there.

yeast infection in women and men

Almost all women suffer from vaginal infections at some point in time in their life. When yeast infection spreads to the thigh part interiorde, which affects the skin and gives rise to discoloration.
same type of infection also affects men and comoinfección known penile yeast. Therefore, men can also have dark spots on their interiormuslos.

sexually transmitted infections

About 20 percent of the total population suffering from inner thighs oscurasel spots, is affected due to sexual.Recuerde transmitted infections, this is not a sexually transmitted disease, but esInfecciones sexually transmitted. Thus, dark spots on the inner thigh entanto men and women can be caused due to sexual intercourse.

Scars of rashes, razor bumps or boils

Often, the dark spots on the inner thigh are more than cicatricesde eruptions which developed in the past. Due to perspiration excesivao poor hygiene, you may have developed rashes or blisters on interiormuslos. Any injury to the skin such as razor bumps, you can leave unamarca temporary or permanent skin.

acanthosis nigricans

This condition is characterized by thick, dark, velvety patches omanchas in the skin caused by increased levels of insulin in the body. Esoprovoca dark spots on inner thighs, neck, armpits and back. Repentinoaparición of dark spots is also a sign of diabetes.

poor care of the genital area

genital poor care or poor hygiene, can simply cause internal enmuslos dark spots. Poor hygiene can cause fungal growth on the skin. This, in turn, can lead to de-pigmentation. However, these are not points oscurospero light patches that resemble those observed points vitiligo disease.

Other causes of dark spots on the inner thighs:

In addition to the above, the following are some other causes that can lead to dark spots inside of the thighs:
  • sudden friction on the thighs affect the skin and causes dark spots (which may be caused due to obesity, running, cycling , etc.)
  • constant or frequent rubbing of the thighs due to inadequate clothing can also cause stains on the inner thighs
  • If I had a Brazilian wax, which are more likely to have dark spots or brown on the inner thighs as one of the common side effects.
How to remove dark spots of the inner thigh depends mainly deabordar the root cause. When you can identify the cause, puedehallar the right solution.

Why should not ignore the dark spots on inner thighs?

While darkening of the skin may be due to lifestyle or poor hygiene, appearance of dark spots can sometimes involve serious consequences for salud.Una of the warning signs of melanoma, a form of skin cancer is the dark azarmanchas in the body and also including the inner thighs. Also, you oscuromanchas in the inner thighs are also associated with some other of the saludcondiciones.
Check your hormones and make sure they do not suffer from gravesenfermedades that could be causing your dark spots on the thighs. Do not asusteaunque. If a dark spot on the inner thighs is observed, act immediately.
If it is nothing serious, take the help of home remedies to remove dark spots aligerary the inner thigh. Here are some remedies for such you.

How to lighten dark spots on inner thighs

There are many remedies for skin lightening that can try to lighten elmanchas dark in the inner thigh . The first thing we discuss here estamoslos bushes that can lighten dark spots on the thighs.

How to lighten dark spots on interior a scrub was noted with

you can lighten dark spots by rubbing the muslo.Fregado skin softens the skin, removing dead skin cells. Gradually, it lightens the skin by exposing the skin new, cleaner and more fresco.A Some of the simple DIY scrub that you can try at home to conseguirdeshacerse of dark spots on the inner thigh are presented.

almond Scrub

almond is rich in vitamin E, which is responsible for a good pielsalud. Topical application of almonds improves skin tone. The skin lightening properties almond gradually treat skin discoloration dela.
get this:
  • almond 06.05
  • Water few drops
Do the following:
  • Peel 5 to 6 almonds and turn it into a paste gross.
  • Add few drops of water if necessary.
  • Apply the paste on the dark spots and blemishes.
  • Wash after 15 to 20 minutes with warm water.
  • do regularly.


Like in almonds, walnuts are loaded with essential minerals yvitaminas. Nuts nourish the skin, make it smooth, improve pieltextura and also retain moisture there. It is used as one of theleading ingredients while manufacturing scrubs skin lightening and nuts cremas.Las also exfoliate the skin by removing dead skin cells. Mezclanueces with sour curd (anti-bacterial properties) provide even mejorresultados.
get this:
  • Walnut- 5-6
  • yoghurt- 1 -2 teaspoons sour
Do the following:
  • Crush about 5 to 6 nuts coarsely and mixed with sour curd.
  • Weeds should be dense and thick.
  • Apply the dark spots of the inner thighs.
  • let it dry for 30 minutes and wash with warm water.
  • Try it every other day or three times a week.

Oatmeal Scrub

Oats is known as super foods rich in fiber which helps in weight loss. But let him know, oatmeal is a natural exfoliant and effective skin too! Oats contain a lot of healing properties and can transform your dry, cracked skin soft and smooth the skin that provides exfoliate skin tone uniforme.Al the skin in the thigh using an exfoliating oatmeal helps queeliminar dead cells and expose new clean skin devoid of any oscuramanchas.
get this:
  • Oats- 1-2 tablespoons
  • water or plain yogurt - pasta to make
do the following:
  • Grind oats powder to get your
  • is mixed with water or curd to make a thin paste.
  • Apply the paste on the stains on the inner thighs.
  • Wash with warm water after 30 minutes.

How to lighten dark spots on Interior was noted with simple ingredients

There are many common household ingredients can be used to lighten spots dark on the inner thigh. Find in your kitchen or armariosy get rid of dark spots on the inner thigh.

The Paste

Turmeric is an anti-bacterial ingredient, anti-viral and anti-fungal, loaded with unimaginable curative properties . If you have any rough, dark spots or black spots on the inner thighs, only decúrcuma paste is applied powder
get this:
  • dust- 1-2 teaspoons turmeric
  • water to make paste
do following:
  • Add water to turmeric powder and make a paste.
  • Apply this to your dark spots on the inner thigh.
  • You can leave it overnight and it will not damage the skin. If not, it is left for a few hours.
Remember, turmeric causes temporary patches on the skin. Therefore, wear such clothes that you do not worry about getting spotted!

Sandalwood Paste

Sandalwood is one of the cooling and soothing ingredients puedenmejorar your skin tone. Skin irritation is reduced, it prevents dryness, goes to the discolored skin, and makes the skin soft yflexible.
get this:
  • sandalwood dust- 1-2 teaspoons
  • Water for making pulp of
Do the following:
  • Mixed powder sandalwood with water
  • Apply the paste on the dark spots.
  • can leave this overnight and wash the next morning.
the overall color and texture of thigh skin is improved.


Glycerin is an ingredient of wonder for the skin that prevents loss dela moisture cells skin. The lack of moisture not only cause rough skin ymanchas leading to discoloration, but sometimes also lead to skin otraproblemas such as infections.
get this:
  • Glycerin- 1 teaspoon
  • Water / Water Rose 5/4 teaspoon
  • lemon juice (optional but recommended) - a few drops
Do the following:
  • all ingredients are mixed.
  • Apply the mixture of glycerin in the affected areas and gently massage elpiel. If you feel sticky, add a little more water to glycerin.
  • is not necessary to wash the area. Leave it as it is.
  • Do this 2-3 times a day, especially after taking bath and before going to sleep at night.

How to remove dark stains inner thighs

The elimination of dark spots is different to lighten the internal dark spots encosas. Some points would be very deep, hard and bumpy eliminar.Debe consider removing stains after dark spots are black yáspero skin. If you have rough and dark spots, you can try eldespués remedies.

exfoliate the skin every day to eliminate dark spots on the inner thigh

Exfoliation of the skin every day is not a practical recommended. However, dark and deep stains in a harsh tone are not something quedesarrollado overnight. Therefore, you can go for gentle exfoliation of the oscuridadpuntos every day before bathing. Just get a little sugar or salt and rub inthe pigmented spots. Use a little water for easy cleaning. Be gentle on sensitive skin of the thighs. Being too hard can lead to problems like rashes diferentesotros, etc.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains a lot of healing properties for the skin. The sedelos rough and dark spots on the inner thighs and gradually lighten skin latono. Over time, you will be able to ease to a level quecomo you feel as if you removed the dark spots on your interiormuslos. Apply fresh leaf extract aloe in their dark spots. losenzimas aloe vera gel has been known to form new skin cells. You can do almost daily.

Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate is a less known of the miraculous ingredient skin. Escomúnmente used to remove acne and the treatment of skin hyperpigmentation. Mezclabicarbonato sodium with water alone or a few drops of rosewater and aplicarlopara rid of dark spots on the inner thigh.

Orange Peel

If you have dry and rough spots on the inner thighs along with oscuridadmanchas, look no further than the application shell orange to orange afectada.piel area contains more vitamin C than the pulp. Vitamin C esesencial skin lightening and treatment of dark spots, all thanks ael natural acid present in the skin orange!
orange peel grind in a blender along with a few drops of water yaplicarlo in their dark spots on the inner thigh. Alternatively, you can also dry orange peel and turn it into a soft powder. Then add a little water parahacer a paste and apply to dark spots.

The dry skin and moisture balance to get rid of dark spots on inner thighs

Remember, your skin inner thigh or should nihúmedo be completely dry. Dry skin leads to dark spots or stains, while cables húmedade skin fungal or bacterial infection. Therefore, if your skin is dry, with regularidadmasajear thigh skin with coconut oil or vitamin E. If your skin esmojado or wet, apply some talcum powder to absorb excess moisture.

OTC and prescription creams to get rid of dark spots on inner thighs

Here are some of the creams and ointments that you can comprarover- the-counter or get prescription by a doctor after compruebasus dark spots thoroughly and discard any serious health problem!

cream Retin-A

This is commonly used to treat acne. However, you can also use paraeliminar dark spots on the inner thigh. Retin-A cream larugosidad reduces skin and to manage even skin tone and cream textura.Esta removes the top layer of the skin and creates a newCapa, as exfoliating agents. The new layer of skin usually grows without any stain or irregularities.
Because it can affect the health of the skin of her thigh negatively, not hacenusar cream Retin-A on all of your thighs or to clarify the internal oscuridadmuslos. Simply apply a small amount of cream Retin-A in the dark spots (tomarno care that apply to healthy skin surrounding your dark spots).
Although you can get without a prescription cream that esrecomendada to obtain a prescription from a dermatologist or médicopara the Retin-A cream.


It's like a bleaching agent and is usually applied before químicopelar a product. To remove dark spots, you can buy a prescription hidroquinonasin a concentration of more than 4% to be applied on the inner thighs. Talk to your doctor and try to get the cream with vitamin C as a adicionalingrediente. Do not buy this without consulting a doctor.

Topical steroid creams

If you notice dark spots on the inner thigh spread quickly, consult a dermatologist immediately. In most cases, steroids tópicoscremas prevent infection and help lighten dark spots. However, unaprescripción is mandatory.

chemical peel or laser treatment to remove dark spots inner thighs

With proper diagnosis and recommendation of a dermatologist, puededeshacerse stains dark on the inner thigh with chemical peeling and skin treatment láseraligeramiento. These two skin treatments need more precaución.Asegúrese to choose professionals and experts aevitar treatment centers complications. Never ever go to these treatments in their propioa unless recommended by a dermatologist or cosméticocirujano.

Other tips to get rid of dark spots on inner thighs?

  • Check your hormone levels and ensure that your hormones are intact.
  • Wash the genital area more frequently to avoid infections, cysts, rashes, etc. Also be sure to dry it properly.
  • If you are obese, try to lose weight to reduce fat in the thighs. friction is avoided, one of the main causes of dark spots on the inner thigh.
  • Use a mild antibacterial soap to clean your inner thighs.
  • Follow a routine of healthy skin care, including genital care.
  • remove hair on her thighs using safe options. If possible go for natural remedies for hair removal.
  • may also consider applying some skin lightening creams recipe to lighten dark spots.

Above are some of the Best ways to lighten dark spots on the inner thigh If you are unable to find any improvement in the dark spots on interiormuslos, visit a dermatologist immediately to identify the cause and appropriate obtenersoluciones get rid of dark spots on the inner thigh. Do not forget to let us know in the comments remedies that worked and lightened his dark spot on the inner thighs. Comment if you have any questions and let us know about our present article.

Thanks for Reading Effective Ways to Lighten Dark spots on inner thighs

Thank you for reading this Effective Ways to Lighten Dark spots on inner thighs, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

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