Walking v/s Running for Weight Loss- What is Better?

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Walking v/s Running for Weight Loss- What is Better?

When it comes to weight loss, exercise is what. all suggest. Walking and running are the two simplest for weight loss exercises, but what is better- walking or running?

How to lose weight is the issue of the decade! In line with technological advances and innovations, people quickly reach diseases of lifestyle. All lifestyle diseases have a link with obesity or overweight. Whether heart health, diabetes, fertility problems or arthritis, being overweight is a major culprit. Fortunately, before it gets worse, people realized the importance of staying fit and healthy! ultimate goal of health for all people worldwide are losing weight to maintain good health.

What should I do to lose weight? We have almost zeroed down on physical activities as the best bet for weight loss. Now, the debate appears again! What is the best way to lose weight? Walking or running!

The answer to this question is not obvious. Both walking and running are excellent aerobic exercises. Almost they cost nothing. They are more of a social activity mixed with physical training.

Weight loss is all about burning the extra calories. The difference in calorie intake and calorie spent result in weight gain or weight loss. Running to lose weight or walking to lose weight, both achieve this goal, but it is faster and better way to do it? We will try to solve the mystery regarding walking v / s on!

Walking Vs Running - An Overview

Running is one of the best and easiest way of physical activity to lose weight and keep fit. In fact, a regular exercise program running has numerous health benefits. Running is a high intensity workout. You can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and various health conditions. running program schedule, even if achieved after the weight loss goal. It helps manage weight loss in the long term.

is walking better than running?

Walking is a very gentle and relaxing exercise. You can enjoy walking as a leisure activity. Walking is right for everyone. Weight loss is certainly not a magic overnight. It takes some time from several months to over a year! You can not expect any dramatic weight loss. The scales on the scale do not run faster backwards. Walking helps you lose weight gradually and unhurriedly. Furthermore, it can be retained longer.

Is Running better than walking?

If you want to lose weight, do not walk and run! - Says a study published by US News and World Report. Many research suggests running may be better for weight loss. There are many claims that running burns fat faster and help you lose weight faster than walking. It is true, but to some extent.

Running is a strenuous activity. The intensity of operation and effects throughout the body at all with the foot. The calories you burn if you run for 15 minutes vary greatly with 15 minutes walking. This intensity the percent weight loss is met.

When you lose 5 pounds running 30 to 45 minutes a day for a week, you may need to lose weight two weeks same walk for an hour a day.

Being a strenuous exercise, your body toned and you can get the ever longed impressive physique. Your body uses energy to fuel your workout. Therefore, more and more calories are burned. Running Makes a perfect place to lose weight and build cardiovascular health training. However, it has a lot of restrictions.

The benefits of walking for weight loss

Walking has more health benefits beyond weight loss. Whether or not you go to lose weight, weight loss is assured. Walking regulates pressure and levels of blood cholesterol. Improves blood circulation throughout the body.

easy and convenient

Walking is easy! Everyone knows how to walk is not it? You just need to move the legs, but at least for one hour. It is very convenient and does not need practice. No need for any equipment. No special training, a specific level of fitness, and anything extra is needed.

Everyone can walk

Walking has no restrictions on age and gender. Walking is the best exercise for beginners. If you have never done any exercise, it is obvious that you can start your exercise routine by walking. Walking is safe and does not present any side effects.

flexible to fit any schedule

It is very light form of training. You can do this at any time. Even if you can not walk more than an hour a day, which can adapt to short walks in your training program weight loss.

triggers weight loss efforts

There are many indirect causes weight gain. Rather, these triggers prohibit weight loss. Hope you know, stress is one of the major contributors to weight gain. Walking eliminates stress and depression, which inhibits the secretion of stress hormones and promotes weight loss.

relieves stress and insomnia

If you are stressed, just get away and take a walk for 5 or 10 minutes. You will find quick relief! Similarly, walking induces sleep quality. No more sleepless nights, which indirectly improves health efforts and weight loss.

There is no risk of injury

Walking literally no side effects. You can walk for 3 or 4 miles without getting too exhausted. Rather, it draws walk. In addition, there is no risk to the bone or joint injuries.

A convenient activity

You can walk any distances easily or without worrying about himself . However, you can not do the same operation. Walk never gets an overdose.

A starting point to fitness

Walking is one of the most recommended forms of physical activity. It is the base point to kick start your exercise routine. Regardless of age, gender and health, can schedule walking program.

burns fat, not muscle

Best of walking for weight loss is fat loss! Yes, fat and not muscle burns. Walking does not need more power. Increases the heart rate and is maintained around a certain level, that happily delivers grease to fuel your workout. As a result, more fat that burns calories.

However, it is possible that more fat will not burn until the increase in heart rate note!

Disadvantages of walking for weight loss

Walking is very beneficial in many cases. However, it has certain restrictions regarding weight loss.

low-intensity exercise

Walking is a low intensity exercise. This is a session of aerobics smoother. It does not increase heart rate. Needless to consume more energy and makes the heart beat faster. The distance to cover in an hour of training makes it low or moderate intensity. However, even if you walk for 4 miles per hour, which happens to be of moderate intensity. low-intensity training is often linked with limited or delayed results. You may either lose weight at a slow pace or lose no more than a few pounds.

A lot of distractions

Walking with friends or neighbors is a super entertainment. Although it helps you connect more with social life, you can easily get distracted. There are a lot of things in the world can discuss! Any interesting topic or gossip gets life even among avid walkers. Unfortunately, you may get tempted to slow the pace of the march. What really happens!

can be boring

a lot of motivation is required to walk regularly. You may find it boring and love to quit! If you are trying to catch up with any group, think about distractions. However, there are exceptions too, who really enjoys walking.

If you feel bored, try walking in different routes!

can be (!) Long

Yes! We live in a fast paced world. To achieve its goal of weight loss, you can walk a time-consuming activity!

If you really want to get the most out of any form of training, you should enjoy it! Think about walking a mile or two enjoying the bliss of nature. Walking is as soda. Try to walk in the morning before the sun spread its wings hot or during sunset, you will feel rejuvenated.

Advantages of running to lose weight

Operation for rapid weight loss

best of running to lose weight are quick results. In considering the above mentioned facts about the implementation of weight loss, you can lose at least 15 pounds a week! They do not look promising?

burn calories

spends his energy to function. The more energy you spend, the more calories are burned. As you burn more calories, lose more weight.

training effect Message

This is a high intensity workout. It has burns after simulation and burn calories even when resting after running.

Efficiency Time

Most people refer to two or three times by execution of the distance traveled by walking within a specified period. Only run for 15 to 20 minutes a day, ensures promising results weight loss. The operation becomes intense, effective and super short workout to lose weight.

is a happy feeling

Children always love to run! As children, you liked him run! The operation makes them feel happy. Walking is always considered an inferior cousin to run!

Psychosocial Benefits

Beyond the physical benefits, running improves your self-esteem, creates an image strong and positive about your body, and removes the signs of depression. All contribute, along with their weight loss efforts.

Want to know more? Read 10 reasons to start running to lose weight

Disadvantages of Running to lose weight

you need a lot of energy

Given that the power source is used to power training, running makes you exhausted. This may turn against their weight loss goals. When you are too tired and deprived of energy, you have the tendency to drink or eat. You can add up the calories you've lost! It makes no sense calorie drink soon after your calories burn through execution.

Running is not for everyone!

Not everyone can run the pounds! Running puts extra pressure on the knees. You can not suggest arthritis patients who take to lose those extra pounds. men and women in good condition can go easy operation. Not everyone. Until there is a body moderately fit, it can not last longer than 20 minutes. Obese people can not even imagine about running for 30 minutes.

Excess run damages the body

Excessive running can damage your body in different ways. To name a few,

  • muscle pain
  • Dehydration
  • Excess oxidative stress.
If you run for more than 30 miles a week, you raise the risk of building plaque in the arteries.

risk of injury

Running exposes you to risk of injury. It is not external injuries, but an injury to the knee, hip, hamstring and ankle joints. You may need suitable running shoes and sweats to reduce the risk of injury. You can not just run on any computer. That is one of the main disadvantages!

According to a report published by 'Wall Street Journal' if running on concrete or asphalt, which undoubtedly causes back pain, stress fracture, joint problems, etc.

Minimum requirements for running or walking to lose weight

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Diseases listed out the minimum requirement of exercises to achieve the goals of weight loss. Spend at least 75 minutes high intense exercise or exercises 150 minutes of moderate intensity week. This minimum requirement is not a big problem to meet.

If you have to choose the low-intensity training, ie walking, simply double the minimum requirement of moderate intensity training. It is 300 minutes per week.

  • 15 minutes of operation per week - 5 days a week
  • 30 minutes of brisk walking or power - 5 days a week
  • 1 hour walk - 5 days a week
This minimum requirement kicks start their weight loss goal.

According to various studies on weight loss, walking for 30 minutes helps to control weight! You should put yourself to go ahead and walk for at least 45 minutes to 1 hour to lose weight.

If you can not keep track of how much you have walked, pedometer use. To learn how to help, read Walking to lose weight? Make pedometer Your friend

Walking Vs Running - How much weight you can lose in a week?

Walking to lose weight:

Harvard Health Publications published the results of a study that a person weighing around 155 pounds can burn up to 300 calories if you walk briskly for one hour. Despite walking to lose weight can not burn more calories, it helps average pace burns about 1,500 calories a week over an hour walking one day. This pace is enough to lose up to 2 pounds per week. Losing 1-3 pounds per week is a realistic goal weight loss. If you feel that this rate of weight loss is satisfactory, you can follow the same. In case, if the duration of travel is increased, they burn more calories proportionately.

Running to lose weight:

The pounds to lose are always reduced distance and intensity of the race. Like walking for weight loss, running to lose weight it is influenced by the distance they cover!

If at an average speed of five miles runs for an hour, you can lose up to 550 pounds. That's almost twice the amount burned by walking. More calories you burn, the more weight you can lose. However, you can burn more calories or less dependent on the speed and distance run. Based on this rate, you can lose up to 3 to 5 pounds per week! And that's a perfect working order plan for weight loss.

However, think carefully and think twice about running an hour! Is it possible for everyone?

meta Remember, if your calorie intake is more, it is possible that unwanted career.

Want a detailed implementation plan to start? Read How to start running to lose weight - for beginners

Outdoors Vs treadmill? Running or walking to lose weight

Both walking and running poses common restrictions such as climate change. A change in the weather can ruin your schedule of physical activity. A walk in the rain is very nice! However, it does not help in weight loss. Many people think I can run or walk inside?

When it comes to running to lose weight, if it comes to treadmill or outdoors, there is not much difference in terms of calories. You will burn only a few more calories when running outdoors.

When it comes to walking, treadmill and walks outdoors make a big difference. Walking outdoors is a completely different activity!

Thus, physical activity outdoors on treadmill workout is recommended.

How to maximize efforts weight loss with running or walking

With tips and techniques simple, you can maximize weight loss efforts.

  • start at a slow pace. If you never worked with or planned to walk to lose weight recently used, you can program for about 15 to 30 minutes. Decide which depend on your level of fitness.
  • Initially, feels pain in the muscles of the calves and ankles. Do not skip your routine. In three to four days, your body understands the new activity and the pain goes away without any effort.
  • Get short breaks (no more than one minute) until they fit into the training program.
  • If you can not run, mixed with slow running, jogging pace, running faster pace and walk. Combining these techniques walking vs running helps you cut more calories than walking and the risk of injury.
  • Use correct running shoes. Without proper footwear it is prone to risk of injury.
If you can not run, but still want to lose more weight when walking try these:

  • Power Walk - Walking at a fast pace.
  • carries a bag on his back - Adding weight burns more calories
  • Motivate yourself with a reward for achieving certain goals like, walk 5000 steps, to walk for an hour, etc.
  • A walk on the beach -. Burns calories twice as large as a regular ride on a highway

Best time to run to lose weight

This is another important criterion It influences the amount of weight you lose. Whether walking or running, the afternoon and evening is the best time to get the maximum benefits.

As long as you have enough time for all your activities, you can walk in the morning or at night to lose weight. However, it is completely a different story when it comes to running.

Although many studies reveal that morning running generates positive mindset and motivation, a few have difficulty scheduling a morning run!

Your immunity will be low in the morning. If you run for longer distances, you can hit the immune system and increased risk of infections. When he wakes up, immunity will be low in the morning. Only when you eat or drink, energy is obtained. Run longer distances in the morning further weaken immunity. Low immunity easily catch many diseases and infections.

Get out of bed and go for a walk as soon as you wake up in the morning. Remember, you should start to run before sunrise.

Their bodies are sore after sleeping well at night. Its temperature is too low as you wake up. You will not wake up with relaxed muscles and joints. You should do some warm-up or stretching exercises before hitting the road and run.

You can feel more hungry after a morning session running. You can eat more without knowing it.

Some tips to consider when jogging to lose weight

  • Check proper hydration.
  • If you are not a morning person, skip it.
  • Night is the best time to run. Body temperature tends to be high in the late noons and nights. You can also run at night, as long as it runs after a couple of hours after dinner.
  • take bath at night before going to bed. You will soon fall asleep.
  • Also, think about security considerations walking or jogging at night.
Walking or running is the effective back dinner for weight loss. This is a session of gentle cardio and can simply expel calories before bedtime. Remember, the food we eat at night becomes fat because it does not need energy to sleep! Prevent the accumulation of fat and burn calories at night.

Beyond these limitations, there are few people who say one morning running is like having a cup of coffee in the morning. You can choose the one that suits your body and mind perfectly.

Walking Vs Running to Lose Weight - The verdict

Although walking has many advantages over the operation, in a couple of cases, running leap over foot.

  1. burn more calories in operation - weight loss relatively quickly
  2. A fit body is secured with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease
If you are young and healthy, with no serious health problems, befriend running on walking to lose weight.

For all other reasons, standing wins to run. Although we must wait for a few weeks to notice the change, it is worth. If you prefer walking, you may have to walk an extra mile to achieve your weight loss goals. Gradually, you can move from walking to jogging and running.

Walking Vs Running - You must decide that taking into account their health and weight loss goal. Check with your doctor or physical trainer on kick starting a regimen if you choose to run! Finally, it is all about personal choice considering the prevailing state of health.

Thanks for Reading Walking v/s Running for Weight Loss- What is Better?

Thank you for reading this Walking v/s Running for Weight Loss- What is Better?, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

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