Brilliant Uses For Eggshells

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Brilliant Uses For Eggshells

Uses For Health & Body 

Grind Them Up & Eat Them

Many people eat eggshells for the awesome amounts of calcium, along with other health benefits. Eggshell calcium is probably the best natural source of calcium, and it is easier for your body to digest and absorb. Dutch researchers have reported a highly positive effect of eggshell calcium (with added magnesium and vitamin D) on bone mineral density in a scientific study. Laboratory tests of bone density were carefully made in these studies, and the eggshell supplemented group had measurable increases in bone density in their hip bones, after one year.

One whole medium sized eggshell makes about one teaspoon of powder, which yields about 750 - 800 mgs of elemental calcium and other good for you elements like magnesium, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, sulphur, silicon, zinc, etc. An eggshell is very similar to that of our bones and teeth. Try adding egg shell powder in ice cream, smoothies or cereal to add extra calcium.

How to Make Powdered Eggshells

  • Wash empty eggshells in warm water until all of the egg white is removed, but do not remove the membrane because it contains important nutrients for the joints which helps arthritis.

  • Lay broken pieces out on paper towels and allow them to air dry thoroughly.

  • Break the eggshells into small pieces, then grind them to into a fine powder in a food processor, blender, coffee grinder, or a nut mill, or put them in a plastic bag and use a rolling pin to grind them. Please note that some blenders will not grind the eggshell into a fine enough powder. A coffee grinder works the best.

  • Keep it in a dry place, like the kitchen cupboard.

Calcium Pills

Save eggshells in a large bowl, then steam well to sanitize them, and let dry. Next, grind them down in a coffee grinder into a fine powder and spoon them into 00-size gelatin capsules for homemade calcium pills.

Soothe Sore Joints

If you can't seem to go a day without developing a new ache or pain, eggshells to the rescue! Just break one up in a glass jar, then cover with apple cider vinegar and screw the jar shut. Let sit until the pieces dissolve which takes about 2 days. Eggshells contain nutrients that promote healthy joints, like collagen, chondroitin, glucosamine, and hyaluronic acid. These nutrients are infused into the vinegar as the eggshell membrane dissolves, and can provide relief when you rub the solution into sore spots. This mixture will also keep for months in the pantry.

Use Shell Membrane as a Natural Bandage

For something that is normally thrown out as trash, the membrane lining in an egg shell has some surprising uses. The membrane of the shell is reported to help promote healing in cuts and scratches. Put the wet side of the membrane on the cut and leave it there until it dries. An alternative method is to spread a little egg white over the top of the membrane after it is in place over the cut and if necessary bandage over that. Using egg skin brings quick healing without any scarring.

You can use the eggshell membrane to draw out blackheads or to clear up pimples. It also works well on splinters or glass fragments that are difficult to pick out with tweezers. This is a bit similar to using it for blackheads. As it dries it will tend to draw the splinter out a little enabling you to pull it out.

Get Baby-Soft Skin

The gently abrasive shells will buff away the dry, dead skin that's hiding your natural glow. Plus, the calcium will promote cell regeneration and help even out your complexion. The result is soft, radiant skin after one single use. Freshen up your skin with this inexpensive mask:

  • Finely crush one or two eggshells

  • Whisk together with one egg white

  • Apply all over your face.

  • Let dry, then rinse with warm water.

Household Uses For Eggshells

Gently Scour Any Surface Naturally

Finding household cleaners that don't irritate sensitive skin and sinuses can be hard. If a store-bought scouring powder inflames your eyes, skin, or lungs, try using eggshells as a chemical-free alternative. Just pulverize several dried eggshells and store them in a covered plastic container. When needed, just dust the surface to be cleaned with the powder, then use a sudsy sponge or dishtowel to scrub it away. The abrasive particles will safely buff away stains and grease but won't irritate sensitive skin.

Keep Drains Open

If your kitchen sink is draining sluggishly, the culprit may be built-up grease or food in the pipes. Simply place a few well-crushed eggshells in the sink trap. When you run the water, the abrasive shell fragments will travel down the drain and help scrape away clog-inducing gunk, keeping the pipes clear and water flowing smoothly.

Brew a Better Cup of Coffee

If your morning cup of joe tastes bitter and acidic, add 1 teaspoon of crushed eggshells to the grounds before brewing. The shells' alkaline calcium carbonate will neutralize the acid content of the coffee, making it smoother tasting and easier on the stomach. Plus, if you use a percolator (when camping, for example), the shells will weigh down the grounds so they sink to the bottom of the pot

Clean Narrow-Necked Vases Effortlessly

Cleaning all the residue from inside an irregularly shaped vase can be a pain, so to scrub away even hard-to-reach grime, drop one or two crushed eggshells into the container, add warm water and a drop of dish-washing liquid, and give it a couple swirls. The soap will loosen the gunk so the abrasive shells can scrape it away.

Canine Diarrhea Remedy & Calcium Supplement

Save eggshells and let them dry out, then use a coffee grinder and turn them into a powder. Just sprinkle a couple teaspoons of the eggshell powder on the dogs' food for a day and the diarrhea will go away. These are also an inexpensive and easy solution to provide your dog the appropriate amount of calcium. It requires only a couple of teaspoons of Eggshell Powder to balance out the phosphorus in most diets.

Canine Eggshell Powder: Yields 12 teaspoons

  • Clean 12 eggshells

  • Once clean and dry, eggshells can be left at room temperature in an airtight container until you save enough to make a batch.

  • Preheat the oven to 300F.

  • Spread the eggshells evenly on a baking sheet and bake for 5 to 7 minutes. The eggshells will still be mostly white or brown, but might have a light tint, which is okay. Baking eggshells any longer can produce an unpleasant smell.

  • Allow the eggshells to cool, then grind in a blender or clean coffee grinder for 1 minute, or until you achieve a very fine powder with no sharp edges.

  • Store at room temperature in an airtight container for up to 2 months.

Add 3/4 teaspoon Eggshell Powder per cup of prepared food.

Garden Uses

Pest-Proof Your Garden

Deer, slugs, and snails hanging around in your garden, can cause you to not have any plants left. To deter the hungry nuisances, simply scatter crushed eggshells on the leaves of the nibbled plants and around the perimeter of your garden. Snails and slugs can't safely go over the jagged corners of the crushed shells, and deer hate the smell of eggs so your garden will stay pest-free.

Toss Them in the Compost Pile

Adding eggshells to compost will help add calcium to the make up of your final compost. This important nutrient helps plants build cell walls. Without it, plants cannot grow as fast, and, in the case of some vegetables like tomatoes and squash, fruit will develop blossom end rot because there is simply not enough building material (calcium) coming into the plant. Using eggshells in the vegetable garden compost can help prevent this.

Grow Healthier Tomato Plants

To give your tomatoes a head start this season by adding one or two crushed eggshells to the soil before planting. As the eggshells decompose, they will release calcium into the dirt. This helps prevent blossom-end rot, a common problem with tomato plants. Calcium also helps almost any plant grow faster, so try sprinkling eggshells all around your garden.

Use Eggshells to Start Seedlings

Give some of your smaller seedlings a start in rinsed-out shells.


  • Start with clean eggshells. It's fine to use unevenly cracked shells, as long as you have at least half the shell intact.

  • Arrange your eggshells in the carton. Using a spoon, fill each shell with pre-moistened seed-starting soil.

  • Place a couple of seeds in each pot according to your seed-sowing instructions. Leave the carton in a sunny south-facing window.

  • Lightly mist the soil with a spray bottle every couple of days as needed. Since there are no drainage holes, take care not to overwater. A fine mist is all that's needed for young seedlings. When your seedlings have emerged, snip the weakest or smallest ones to allow the largest seedling room to grow.

  • After your seedling has developed its first set of true leaves, you can transplant it into a larger pot or directly in your garden. Gently crush the shell and remove a few shards around the bottom. You can plant the whole thing this way, and the eggshell will decompose in the soil, feeding extra nutrients to your seedling.

  • Tear apart the egg carton and toss it into your compost pile, or add it to your recycling bin.

Give Birds a Nutrient Boost

The calcium-rich shells act as a natural supplement to help female birds lay strong eggs, which are about 95% calcium, and they maintain bone health. Birds can also use the shells to build nests. When you set up your bird feeder try this trick.

  • Bake five eggshells in a 250°F oven until dry but not brown (about 20 minutes).

  • Let cool, then crumble them into small pieces

  • Sprinkle them in the feeder.

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