7 Tips To Get Natural Pink Lips Without Makeup

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7 Tips To Get Natural Pink Lips Without Makeup

natural pink lips
  1. Rubbing lips: rubbing his lips is one of the most important home remedies without the cost of buying cosmetics before going to bed at night using a toothbrush and rub on the lips because it helps get rid of dry skin and also It helps you get soft lips.
  2. lips massage: massage the daily lips helps lighten the color of dark lips in a short period of time, make a mixture of lemon juice and almond oil and massage your lips every day before going to sleep
  3. lubrication Bellybutton: this is an old way some people practice to give the lips a beautiful pink color, add a few drops of mustard oil or margarine on your navel before going to sleep and realize effective result on his lips, but it must be done regularly.
  4. moisturize lips: where it is preferable to keep lips moist at all times, lips dry and cracked apparently ugly, so when you go out on the day you should put your " Vaseline "or visor sun cream before leaving, and you can use cocoa butter, which is also an effective way to put on the lips and make them turn pink.
  5. Seeds of Granada: grind seeds of Granada and add sour milk, this is one of the most important home remedies for lips as well, and should be few times until begin to see results, it does not appear overnight, but it will take some time.
  6. Drink water so you can get a healthy mouth and a pink color. You must keep your body hydrated by drinking water and juices as this will help you get healthy and soft lips.
  7. Avoid licking lips many people turn to lick her lips with her tongue when they realize that their lips have become dry, but it is doing wrong and unhealthy, as the tongue licking lips will result in a worse outcome and increased dryness of the lips.
That's all
Do you prefer using a lipstick pink or pink which has about natural lips?

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Thank you for reading this 7 Tips To Get Natural Pink Lips Without Makeup, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

You are now reading the article 7 Tips To Get Natural Pink Lips Without Makeup Url Address https://healthnbeautyarticles.blogspot.com/2015/06/7-tips-to-get-natural-pink-lips-without.html

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