Title : what is alzheimer's disease | prevent alzheimer's as early as possible
link : what is alzheimer's disease | prevent alzheimer's as early as possible
what is alzheimer's disease | prevent alzheimer's as early as possible
![what is alzheimer's disease what is alzheimer's disease](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgfK3DqQ5grnNIBR8xn_ttpztwfKlWu7xLREfy_P-7ZJspo4beVoTwIwaBmm2E5Jgd-k2COlVYZ3lTlnhetQKksP_oMeZ6NGi2DeZOCvRxNXqU8RrJtoHCJrm8wrp3ZhYLEIUMGHjEuHa9g/s320/alzheimers-749616_1920.jpg)
Alzheimer Loess ?
Alzheimer's is the most common type of demensia initially sign by weakening of memory, for brain disorders in planning, reasoning, perception and language. In people with Alzheimer's symptoms, develop slowly over time. Alzheimer's disease, brain health has declined, leading adisminución memory and mental capacity. Alzheimer's disease affects more women than men.
Alzheimer's was discovered in 1906 porDr. Alois Alzheimer, Alzheimer word comes dr name discoverer. AloisAlzheimer. this disease first he found vezen the brain tissue of a woman who died from a mental disorder that tieneNunca known before that.
Alzheimer's is unaenfermedad that attacks the human brain. Alzheimer's is not an infectious disease, but is the kind of syndromes with apoptosis (programmed cell death) quesucedió while in brain cells affect the brain to constrict and contract. Alzheimer's is not part of the normalidadproceso aging, but the risk is affected by Alzheimer hikes as envejece.El five percent of people between the ages of 65 dela -74 years suffering Alzheimer's disease, and almost 50 percent of people over 85 hanla Alzheimer's disease.
Loess symptoms of Alzheimer's disease? Initially most desíntomas of Alzheimer's disease is difficult to recognize. perhaps we decliveMemoria of the usual symptoms are caused by the increasing age But when the symptoms of the disease Alzheimerenfermedad into advanced stage, this condition can elvíctima significant impact. rate of speed desíntomas development of Alzheimer's disease is different in each patient, but GeneralGuests symptoms develop slowly over several years, which is when cells in the cerebromorirá slowly for delivery performance signals to the brain is distracted. alzheimersíntomas disease is divided into three stages, namely early stage intermediaetapas, and the final stage.
EarlyEtapa The following is a desíntomas example Disease alzheimer an early stage that could be a warning to you:
· forget the nombresobjetos or places · forget the FestivalsLa conversation that just happened, or had been discussed · often lost inclusoen their own environment · sale items wrong, comoponer the plate in the clothes closet · often repeat the same question · difficult in dedetalles making purchases or pay bills · state of experimentarcolumpios mood, like happy to be sad or otherwise suddenly without a difficult clararazón · adapt acambios · reluctant to do new things · is not interesadocon more activity that once was preferred · often spend a lot of time to dormirdurante day · easy bad mentality · spend more endelante TV time instead of socializing with family or friends
IntermedioEtapa in the intermediate stage of the disease alzheimersíntomas are increased. usually the patients at this stage additional daratención should be assisted and start their daily activities such as bathing, toileting, dressing and eating.the following are examples of symptoms of secondary stages:
· difficult to recordarel name of family members or friends · and desorientaciónconfusa feeling increased for example, patients do not know where · who have problems encomunicar · mood swings mass often occur · restless, frustration, anxiety and depression · times experienciatrastornos vision · experience interrupciónen sleep patterns · behavior impultif, repetitive or obsessive disorder · begin to experimentaralucinaciones or delusions
finalEtapas in patients Alzheimernormalmente very difficult to do daily activities alone final stage. Therefore, necesitansupervisión and assistance background, examples disease symptoms final alzheimeretapa: · memory impairment queestá worsening · not podercomunicarse with others · not podersonreír · and alucinacionesdelirios the more deteriorated, making the patient is always suspicious of slab around, even applying rough could also · is not able to moversin the help of others · urinating or defecarinvoluntaria · lose pesosignificativamente · ignore the higienesí · ignore self hygiene · having problemastragar food
When a person has one or more of estossíntomas does not mean they have Alzheimer's disease. There are also medical otracondiciones that can cause the same problem, such as: · queafectar conditions metabolism such as drug abuse thyroid problems · take medicaciónque not work well together · Parkinson's disease · Depression · Stress
Ifyou have any of these symptoms, please go to the doctor to check whether tienede Alzheimer's or something else is.
Locausa Alzheimer's disease? still do not know what the exact cause of Alzheimer deenfermedad. but through laboratory studies, it seems clear this deadly and harmful enfermedadpuede of brain cells gradually. delas experts argued death of brain cells that occurs due to beta-amyloid protein bubble and enredabandel yarn protein in the brain cells leading to denutrientes circulation or other substances need to be disturbed brain. and 16 percent suffered by aquellosuna than 80 years old
Here are some of the acuerdolos expert factors can trigger Alzheimer's disease: 1. Age. disease alzheimerextremadamente vulnerable affected by those who are already over 65 years, and 16 percent suffered by those aged over 80 years. However, about 5 percent of Alzheimer's cases delos occur less than 65 years. 2. head injuries. those who once suffered serious injuries tienenun increased risk of diseases affected by Alzheimer's disease head. 3. Genetics. According to the study, those who have a parent or sibling withthe Alzheimer's disease may have an increased risk of diseases affected by Alzheimer's disease. 5That less than percent of cases of Alzheimer's disease occurs due to genetic mutations or changes. 4. suffer from syndrome Down. disorder genéticoprovocando the appearance of Down syndrome can also lead to beta-amiloideapilar protein in the brain and can trigger the onset of Alzheimer disease. 5. cognitive levestrastorno affected. those with more memory cognitivotrastornos and exposed to risk of Alzheimer's disease. 6. bad lifestyle and conditions related to heart disease. According to the study, the factors that can lead to heart disease, may also be the deAlzheimer affected, such as less fibrous foods diet, smoking risk, the lack deejercicio, severe obesity, suffering from hypertension, high cholesterol ydiabetes.
asto prevent Alzheimer's disease? Here are some ways to prevent Alzheimer's disease 1. consumption healthy foods grasay lower cholesterol. increase the intake of fiber, such as fruits and vegetables. 2. quit smoking and limit consumption BreathalyserNew. 3. If you suffer from a stroke, diabetes , hypertension or high cholesterol try to live a healthy life and consumption regularmentemedicamentos the doctor recommended. 4. If you are obese, try to lose pesode safely. 5. make sure you always rutinariamentecomprobado my blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels on a regular basis by losiempre can be alert. 6. exercise regularly and at least doshoras and a half a week, as cycling or walking.
Generally people who are active ensocial, physical and mental are not easily affected by the disease Alzheimer.por therefore do fun things that can stimulate the mind and prevent movement cuerpo.porque better than cure.
source: http://www.alodokter.com
image source: http: // www.pixabay.com
"what is alzheimer's disease | prevent alzheimer's as early as possible", Article source: healthyiteasy.com
You are now reading the article what is alzheimer's disease | prevent alzheimer's as early as possible Url Address https://healthnbeautyarticles.blogspot.com/2015/05/what-is-alzheimer-disease-prevent.html
Alzheimer's is the most common type of demensia initially sign by weakening of memory, for brain disorders in planning, reasoning, perception and language. In people with Alzheimer's symptoms, develop slowly over time. Alzheimer's disease, brain health has declined, leading adisminución memory and mental capacity. Alzheimer's disease affects more women than men.
Alzheimer's was discovered in 1906 porDr. Alois Alzheimer, Alzheimer word comes dr name discoverer. AloisAlzheimer. this disease first he found vezen the brain tissue of a woman who died from a mental disorder that tieneNunca known before that.
Alzheimer's is unaenfermedad that attacks the human brain. Alzheimer's is not an infectious disease, but is the kind of syndromes with apoptosis (programmed cell death) quesucedió while in brain cells affect the brain to constrict and contract. Alzheimer's is not part of the normalidadproceso aging, but the risk is affected by Alzheimer hikes as envejece.El five percent of people between the ages of 65 dela -74 years suffering Alzheimer's disease, and almost 50 percent of people over 85 hanla Alzheimer's disease.
Loess symptoms of Alzheimer's disease? Initially most desíntomas of Alzheimer's disease is difficult to recognize. perhaps we decliveMemoria of the usual symptoms are caused by the increasing age But when the symptoms of the disease Alzheimerenfermedad into advanced stage, this condition can elvíctima significant impact. rate of speed desíntomas development of Alzheimer's disease is different in each patient, but GeneralGuests symptoms develop slowly over several years, which is when cells in the cerebromorirá slowly for delivery performance signals to the brain is distracted. alzheimersíntomas disease is divided into three stages, namely early stage intermediaetapas, and the final stage.
EarlyEtapa The following is a desíntomas example Disease alzheimer an early stage that could be a warning to you:
· forget the nombresobjetos or places · forget the FestivalsLa conversation that just happened, or had been discussed · often lost inclusoen their own environment · sale items wrong, comoponer the plate in the clothes closet · often repeat the same question · difficult in dedetalles making purchases or pay bills · state of experimentarcolumpios mood, like happy to be sad or otherwise suddenly without a difficult clararazón · adapt acambios · reluctant to do new things · is not interesadocon more activity that once was preferred · often spend a lot of time to dormirdurante day · easy bad mentality · spend more endelante TV time instead of socializing with family or friends
IntermedioEtapa in the intermediate stage of the disease alzheimersíntomas are increased. usually the patients at this stage additional daratención should be assisted and start their daily activities such as bathing, toileting, dressing and eating.the following are examples of symptoms of secondary stages:
· difficult to recordarel name of family members or friends · and desorientaciónconfusa feeling increased for example, patients do not know where · who have problems encomunicar · mood swings mass often occur · restless, frustration, anxiety and depression · times experienciatrastornos vision · experience interrupciónen sleep patterns · behavior impultif, repetitive or obsessive disorder · begin to experimentaralucinaciones or delusions
finalEtapas in patients Alzheimernormalmente very difficult to do daily activities alone final stage. Therefore, necesitansupervisión and assistance background, examples disease symptoms final alzheimeretapa: · memory impairment queestá worsening · not podercomunicarse with others · not podersonreír · and alucinacionesdelirios the more deteriorated, making the patient is always suspicious of slab around, even applying rough could also · is not able to moversin the help of others · urinating or defecarinvoluntaria · lose pesosignificativamente · ignore the higienesí · ignore self hygiene · having problemastragar food
When a person has one or more of estossíntomas does not mean they have Alzheimer's disease. There are also medical otracondiciones that can cause the same problem, such as: · queafectar conditions metabolism such as drug abuse thyroid problems · take medicaciónque not work well together · Parkinson's disease · Depression · Stress
Ifyou have any of these symptoms, please go to the doctor to check whether tienede Alzheimer's or something else is.
Locausa Alzheimer's disease? still do not know what the exact cause of Alzheimer deenfermedad. but through laboratory studies, it seems clear this deadly and harmful enfermedadpuede of brain cells gradually. delas experts argued death of brain cells that occurs due to beta-amyloid protein bubble and enredabandel yarn protein in the brain cells leading to denutrientes circulation or other substances need to be disturbed brain. and 16 percent suffered by aquellosuna than 80 years old
Here are some of the acuerdolos expert factors can trigger Alzheimer's disease: 1. Age. disease alzheimerextremadamente vulnerable affected by those who are already over 65 years, and 16 percent suffered by those aged over 80 years. However, about 5 percent of Alzheimer's cases delos occur less than 65 years. 2. head injuries. those who once suffered serious injuries tienenun increased risk of diseases affected by Alzheimer's disease head. 3. Genetics. According to the study, those who have a parent or sibling withthe Alzheimer's disease may have an increased risk of diseases affected by Alzheimer's disease. 5That less than percent of cases of Alzheimer's disease occurs due to genetic mutations or changes. 4. suffer from syndrome Down. disorder genéticoprovocando the appearance of Down syndrome can also lead to beta-amiloideapilar protein in the brain and can trigger the onset of Alzheimer disease. 5. cognitive levestrastorno affected. those with more memory cognitivotrastornos and exposed to risk of Alzheimer's disease. 6. bad lifestyle and conditions related to heart disease. According to the study, the factors that can lead to heart disease, may also be the deAlzheimer affected, such as less fibrous foods diet, smoking risk, the lack deejercicio, severe obesity, suffering from hypertension, high cholesterol ydiabetes.
asto prevent Alzheimer's disease? Here are some ways to prevent Alzheimer's disease 1. consumption healthy foods grasay lower cholesterol. increase the intake of fiber, such as fruits and vegetables. 2. quit smoking and limit consumption BreathalyserNew. 3. If you suffer from a stroke, diabetes , hypertension or high cholesterol try to live a healthy life and consumption regularmentemedicamentos the doctor recommended. 4. If you are obese, try to lose pesode safely. 5. make sure you always rutinariamentecomprobado my blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels on a regular basis by losiempre can be alert. 6. exercise regularly and at least doshoras and a half a week, as cycling or walking.
Generally people who are active ensocial, physical and mental are not easily affected by the disease Alzheimer.por therefore do fun things that can stimulate the mind and prevent movement cuerpo.porque better than cure.
source: http://www.alodokter.com
image source: http: // www.pixabay.com
"what is alzheimer's disease | prevent alzheimer's as early as possible", Article source: healthyiteasy.com
Thanks for Reading what is alzheimer's disease | prevent alzheimer's as early as possible
Thank you for reading this what is alzheimer's disease | prevent alzheimer's as early as possible, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
You are now reading the article what is alzheimer's disease | prevent alzheimer's as early as possible Url Address https://healthnbeautyarticles.blogspot.com/2015/05/what-is-alzheimer-disease-prevent.html
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