30 reasons for not drinking alcohol for your health

30 reasons for not drinking alcohol for your health -Health & Beauty Informations. This article, entitled 30 reasons for not drinking alcohol for your health, we have prepared this article carefully for you so you can retrieve information therein. Hopefully you understand the contents of this article that we put under the category alcohol, well, happy reading.

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30 reasons for not drinking alcohol for your health

30 reasons for not drinking alcohol
reasons not to drink alcohol - one of the reasons to not alcohol consumption because can bring in a wide range of dangerous diseases . It may be many who do not know the dangers of alcohol for elcuerpo. when you drink alcohol, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and afectacada part of your body. in the long term, alcohol can put your salute serious risk. such as:

1. Pain in the pancreas 2. diabetic danger zone 3. Coordination 4. Blackout 5. Shifty eyes 6. Unit 7. stomachache
lasistema nerve damage can interfere with the functioning of other organs. asu nervous system damage may result in pain, numbness or abnormal sensation in elpies and hands. Alcoholism can cause a deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1), WHAT CAN lead to involuntary eye movements, weakness or paralysis of the eye músculosdel.
men and mujeresmetabolizar alcohol differently. Usually it takes less alcohol to affect them women.
for a long time, unabebedor can become emotionally and physically dependent on alcohol. Estapuede be very difficult to get control. Unlike most other common addiction, acute alcoholic withdrawal can be life threatening. HistoryPeople severe and require medical detoxification addiction.
When a alcohólicodeja drinking suddenly, are likely to experience symptoms of abstinenciatales as nausea, nervousness, anxiety and tremors.
In severe cases, it can lead to confusion, hallucinations and seizures. Detoxification can tomarentre two and seven days. medications can help prevent secondary retiroefectos.
2. excretory system excretorsistema consists of the kidneys, skin, heart and lungs. esresponsable excretory system to process and eliminate waste products like alcohol in elcuerpo. as part of this process, the pancreas secretes digestive enzymes that WILL combine with bile from the gallbladder to help digest food. The pancreas also ayudanregular insulin and glucose in the body. deel excessive alcohol can cause the pancreas to produce toxic substances that interfere appropriate confuncionamiento. The resulting inflammation is called pancreatitis, unaproblema that can damage the pancreas. one of the most frequent causes crónicafactores pancreatitis is alcohol abuse.
The function of the liver Espar decompose harmful substances in the body, including alcohol. excesivoBeber too much can cause alcoholic hepatitis can lead to the development deictericia as yellowing of the skin and eyes. chronic liver inflammation puedeprovocar severe scarring called cirrhosis. When the liver can not perform, tóxicosustancias must remain in your body. liver disease can endanger your vida.Las women are at greater risk of alcoholic liver disease than men, since the mujerescuerpos tend to absorb more alcohol and women take longer to process.
páncreasy When the liver is not working properly, the risk of hypoglycemia or low in sangreazúcar rises. a damaged pancreas may cause the body unable to use laazúcar due to lack of insulin, which can lead to hyperglycemia. desequilibradolos sugar levels in the blood can be a dangerous problem, especially for you condiabéticos. Alcohol abuse can also increase the risk of liver cancer.
3. Digestive System Alcohol can deteriorarsu digestive system. alcohol can wreak havoc on the digestive system, broadcasted since mouth all the way to your colon. even a single incident of excessive consumption of alcoholpuede damage parts of the digestive tract.
Alcohol abuse puededañar salivary tissue and irritate the mouth and tongue, tooth decay, the dientespérdida, and that leads to gum disease. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause elesófago ulcers, heartburn and acid reflux. stomach ulcers and inflammation of the stomach larevestimiento may also occur.
Alcohol can causarinflamación the pancreas to interfere with their ability to help digestion and regulate metabolism. damage to the digestive system can causardiarrea, flatulence and bloating. It can also lead to internal peligrosahemorragia, which may be due to hemorrhoids, ulcers caused by cirrhosis or esofágicovarices.
Alcohol can marcasmás difficult for the digestive tract to absorb nutrients and vitamins B or control elbacterias. often alcoholics often they suffer from malnutrition, and pesadobebedores face an increased risk of cancers of the mouth, esophagus and throat. moderarpotable in the presence of snuff consumption may increase the risk of these gastrointestinal superiorcáncer, colon cancer they are also at risk. alcoholLos withdrawal symptoms can include nausea and vomiting.
4. Circulatory System excessive drinking puedecausar problems for your heart. It is even more likely that your heart may be affected Ifyou is a chronic drinker. women who drink are at even greater risk of corazóndaños than men. If you want your circulatory system healthy and incidentesmantenerse away from alcoholic beverages now.
circulatoriocomplicaciones system including: · Career · heart attack · failure heart · irregular heartbeat (arrhythmias) · high blood pressure · poisoning muscle corazóncélulas / cardiomyopathy
diabetics have unaaumento risk of low blood sugar, especially if they are using insulina.deficiencias in vitamin B12, vitamin B6, folic acid and thiamine can causarrebajado blood counts, a common symptom of anemia is fatigue.
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