Vast experiments on humans: a forgotten document

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Vast experiments on humans: a forgotten document

by Jon Rappoport
Activist Post

People are unaware of the powerful human experimentation in the United States.

Here they are just a few examples:

the whole field of psychiatry, offering 300 called mental disorders for diagnosis and drugs, is a pseudoscience, because none of those mental disorders have a diagnostic test defines physical. There is no blood test, no urine test, no brain scan, without genetic testing.

The whole area of ​​biotechnological manipulation of food crops, in which the genes of one species is inserted into another ; FDA initially approved GM crops on the basis that it was the responsibility of the biotechnology to ensure the safety and health risk industry.

each year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people. (See B. Starfield, JAMA, on 26 July 2000, "is US health really the best in the world?") Of the 225,000 deaths, 106,000 are caused by FDA-approved drugs. This means that, once drugs are approved, all that happens then with the public is a large uncontrolled experiment

The whole area of ​​vaccines.; While many "experts" proclaim serious adverse reactions are rare, the system for counting breaks reactions. Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center, has reasonably linked the annual number of serious adverse effects between 100,000 and 1.2 million.

As I said, these are just a few examples. There's others. For example, the experiment that involves spraying chemicals near the ground and above the ground, which includes time control and manipulation.

Here is a document oblivion 1994, which adds fuel to this conflagration.

General Accounting Office of the United States
Before the Subcommittee on National Security and Legislation
Committee on Government Operations, House of

GAO / T-NSIAD-94-266
for release on delivery
Expected on
10:00 a.m. ET
September 28, 1994

human experimentation
An overview of the programs of the Cold
Declaration of Frank C. Conahan, Assistant Comptroller General,
Division of International Affairs and National Security

I offer selected quotations.

This is, I assure you, the amazing material. Read carefully. The testimony speaks for itself. It also provides a historical context of what is now happening in America, the land of guinea pigs:

"We are delighted to be here today to discuss the use of humans in tests and experiments carried out national security purposes by the Department of defense (DOD) and other agencies between 1940 and 1974. "

" as you requested, we have focused our work on affiliate programs defense using subjects human test between 1940 and 1974. the programs included tests and experiments conducted or sponsored by the Departments of the Army, Navy and Air Force, the Defense Nuclear Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Department of Energy; and the Department of Health and Human Services. the experiments included testing and radiological, chemical, biological and research ... "

" ... We have identified hundreds of radiological, chemical, and biological tests and experiments in which hundreds of thousands of people were used as test subjects. These tests and experiments often involved hazardous substances such as radiation agents, blister and nerve, biological agents and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). In some cases, the basic safeguards to protect people were either not in place or not followed. For example, some tests and experiments were conducted in secret; others included the use of people without their knowledge or consent or full knowledge of the risks involved. "

" The effects of the trials and experiments are often difficult to determine. Although some participants had immediate acute injuries, and some died, in other cases, adverse health problems were not discovered until many years later, often 20 to 30 years or more. "

" Tests Government and human experimentation continues today, because of its importance to national security agencies. For example, the Institute Army Medical Research of Infectious Diseases uses volunteers in their trials of new vaccines against malaria, hepatitis and other exotic diseases. "

" Since 1974, federal regulations have become more protection of research subjects and, in general, require (1) the formation of plaques and procedures institutional review and (2) researchers to obtain informed consent from human subjects consent and ensure that their participation is voluntary and based on the knowledge of the potential risks and benefits. We are in the process of reviewing the effectiveness of these measures. A National Institutes of official Health has stated that there is no mechanism to ensure the implementation of key federal policies in this area. "

" Accurate information on the scope and magnitude of the government's evidence and experiments on humans is not available, and the exact number may never be known. "

" However, our review of the available documentation and interviews with agency officials identified hundreds of tests and experiments in which they used hundreds of thousands of people as subjects. Some of these tests and experiments involved the intentional exposure of humans to hazardous substances such as radiation, blister and nerve agents, biological agents, LSD, and phencyclidine (PCP). These tests and experiments were conducted to support weapons development programs, identify methods to protect the health of military personnel against a variety of diseases and conditions of combat, and analyze the vulnerabilities of US defense. Healthy adults, children, psychiatric patients and prisoners were used in these tests and experiments. Documenting the precise number of trials and participants is difficult due to government information is incomplete. Some records have been lost or destroyed, and the existing documentation contains limited information and often not identify the names of the participants. "

" To date, more than 200 radiation tests and experiments have been identified involving more than 210,000 participants in the test. Although not involved in a test or experiment, 199,000 others were exposed to radiation through work. This last group is of concern because the effects of exposure are the same as those made by the participants of the test. Radiation tests are generally recognized as the participation of the largest number of participants in the test. "

" The biggest known calibration program was the atmospheric nuclear testing program carried out between 1945 and 1962. The objective this program was the development of weapons and to gain a better understanding of the tactical effect on the troops. During this period of 17 years, approximately 210,000 member-DOD personnel, including civilian employees of the Defense Department contractors, scientists, technicians, troops maneuver and training, and support staff participated in 235 atmospheric nuclear tests. It was reported on two of these tests, known as Operation Crossroads in 1985. "

" According to officials of the Department of Defense, all 150,000 of the 210,000 participants may have been exposed to rain. In addition, 195,000 service members from the United States may have been exposed to radiation during the occupation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and more than 4,000 service members may have been exposed during cleaning in bikini, Enewetak and Johnston atolls later took out nuclear tests. Some participants have argued that they were not fully informed or did not understand the potential health risks of exposure to radiation. "

" In a series of experiments conducted between the 1940s and 196Os, the Commission Atomic Energy and US-funded research Public Health Service medical effects of potential people rain after a nuclear attack or accident. In some of the experiments, university researchers exposed mentally disabled to low doses of radiation. Years after the experiments were completed, a working group found that the researchers did not inform families satisfactorily subjects about the nature and risks of experiments in order to enable them to make an informed decision when they gave their consent. The president of one of the universities participating in the experiments later apologized for the use of children and the lack of complete information on the nature and risk. We are not aware of what, if any, further action in this case are adopted. "

" During the Second World War and the Cold War, the Army and the Navy conducted two experiments in chemistry research major in which thousands of service members as test subjects were used. An unknown number of other chemical tests and experiments were conducted under contracts with universities, hospitals and medical research centers. In some of the tests and experiments, healthy adults, psychiatric patients and prisoners were used without their knowledge or consent or full knowledge of the risks involved. "

" During World War II, army conducted tests of protective clothing and equipment in which thousands of people were exposed to mustard gas and lewisite agents. In addition, the Army developed and tested chemical weapons offensive and effectiveness and persistence of mustard agents in different environments is evaluated. In February 1993, it was reported that records of their testing activities mustard army were not maintained in a manner that allows easily identify participants. (See: 'Veterans Disability: Information VA military could help assess applications associated with secret evidence (GAO / NSIAD-93-89 Feb. 18, 1993) ")"

"However, available records show that 1,002 soldiers were praised for their participation in [chemical] tests that subjected themselves to pain, discomfort, and possible permanent injury to the advancement of research in the protection of the armed forces. "

"As in the tests the Army, the Navy conducted tests of clothing and equipment that exposed thousands of people to the effects of mustard gas and lewisite agents [lewisite is a chemical weapon, blister agent, lung irritant, which causes severe burns and can cause death]. These experiments involved (1) testing in gas chambers, in which service members have been fully exposed to mustard and lewisite while wearing protective clothing, and (2) skin test, in which the amounts of mustard agent and antivesicant ointments are applied to the service members forearms. The Navy has a list of the names of approximately 3,200 sailors who participated in tests of mustard and lewisite agent made by the Naval Research Laboratory. In addition, Navy officials told us that between 15,000 and 60,000 Navy recruits had participated in the skin testing performed by a contractor, but that the Navy had no record of the names of recruits. "

" from 1952 to 1975, the Army conducted a classified medical research program to develop incapacitating agents. Nerve agents involved testing program, antidotes, psychochemicals nerve agents, and irritants. They were given to chemicals for members of volunteer service at Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, and four other places. Army documents identified a total of 7,120 Army and Air Force who participated in these tests, about half of which were exposed to chemicals. Command Medical Research and Development Army at Fort Detrick, Maryland, has the names and service numbers of all test participants and a list of chemicals that were exposed to service members. Some service members have testified before congressional committees that were not fully informed of the risks involved. "

" During the same period, the Army Chemical Corps contracted with several universities, state hospitals and medical foundations to investigate disturbing influences that the physiochemical agents could have on combat troops. The Air Force also conducted experiments on the effects of LSD through contracts at five universities. According to officials and records of the Air Force, about 100 people were given LSD in these experiments. No effort has been made by the Air Force to determine if the names of participants are available in the records of universities. "

" According to an official of the CIA from 1553 to about 1964, the CIA conducted a series of experiments called MKULTRA to test the vulnerability to drug behavior modification. As part of these experiments, LSD and other drugs were administered psychochemical an undetermined number of people without their knowledge or consent. According to him, the names of those involved in the tests are not available because the names were not recorded or the records were destroyed later. However, some tests were performed under contract, and no effort has been made by the CIA to determine if the names are available in the records of contractors. "

" The Army conducted a series of experiments biological warfare and testing between 1949 and 1974. the purpose of these tests was to determine the vulnerability of the United States for biological warfare. For example, between 1949 and 1969, the Army conducted several hundred biological warfare tests in which the unconscious populations were sprayed with bacterial tracers or simulants that the Army believed they were harmless at the time. Some of the tests involved spraying large areas such as the cities of San Luis and San Francisco, and others involved spraying more specific, such as the subway system in New York and Washington National Airport "areas.

"in another experiment Army conducted between 1959 and 1974, approximately 2,200 volunteers were exposed to biological pathogens, such as Venezuelan equine encephalitis and tularemia, as part of research to develop vaccines and antidotes agents."

"available records show that people suffered immediate acute injuries in some tests and that people were killed in at least two tests. For example, available records show that some of the participants in tests of mustard and lewisite Army Navy and suffered burns and require hospitalization. Moreover, in a highly publicized case, an employee of the Army died in 1953, shortly after participating in an experiment by the CIA using LSD. "

" Research studies have also shown that exposure to some of the substances used in the tests you can create health problems that often do not appear for many years. For example, the National Academy of Sciences concluded in 1993 that exposure to mustard can cause many serious diseases that do not appear immediately, such as leukemia, emphysema, respiratory and skin cancers and eye diseases, and that agents lewisite it could cause some of these same diseases. "

" ... some agencies have made little effort to help test participants by identifying test locations and participants in the experiments carried out by contractors. The CIA, in fact, has not released the names of 15 of the approximately 80 organizations carrying out experiments under the MKULTRA program previously discussed, because organizations do not want to be identified. "

If you have understood what you just read, do not need to highlight the horrific facts However, I would like to offer a coda.

currently in Maui, Monsanto and Dow are suing to nullify the vote of the citizens who blocked biotechnology GMO experimentation / pesticide in that county.

These companies are conducting toxic experiments throughout the population in that area. the scientists re GMOs and pesticides data is locked as "corporate ownership of property."

Yet another secret, another pronouncement that "all is safe."

without protection, without informed consent, without transparency, without independent review.

Even among corporate information, very few know the extent and nature of genetically modified organisms are deploying or chemicals that are sprayed on the heads of people.

it is in the great tradition of human experimentation. RICO crime, war crime. depraved indifference to human life, serving "help the planet."

The author of three collections of explosives MATRIX REVEALED OUTPUT aRRAY and power outside the womb , Jon was a candidate for US seat in Congress in the 29th District of California. It maintains a consulting practice for private clients, whose objective is the expansion of personal creative energy. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative journalist for 30 years, writing articles about politics, medicine and health of the CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has given lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for their free email messages in or OutsideTheRealityMachine .

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