Title : The World We've Constructed Is Far Beyond George Orwell's Worst Nightmare
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The World We've Constructed Is Far Beyond George Orwell's Worst Nightmare
by John PilgerAlterNet
chilling vision of Orwell's future in "1984" is taking place today in the form of manipulation media and unnecessary wars.
The other night, I saw George Orwell's 1984 performed on the London stage. While clamoring for a contemporary interpretation, Orwell's warning about the future is presented as a period film: remote, non-threatening, almost reassuring. It was as if Edward Snowden had revealed nothing, Big Brother was not now a digital spy and Orwell himself had never said: "To be corrupted by totalitarianism, one does not have to live in a totalitarian country."
critically acclaimed, the skilful production was a measure of our cultural and political times. When the lights came on, people were already on their way out. They seemed indifferent, or perhaps other signs distractions. "What a mindfuck" said the girl, lighting up his phone.
As depoliticized-advanced societies is, the changes are subtle and spectacular. In everyday speech, the political language became its head, as Orwell prophesied in 1984. "Democracy" is now a rhetorical device. Peace is "perpetual war." "Global" is imperial. The concept of hope after the "reform" now means regression, even destruction. "Austerity" is the imposition of extreme capitalism on the poor and the gift of socialism for the rich: an ingenious system under which most services for the debts of a few

a few years ago, Terry Eagleton, then professor English literature at the University of Manchester, estimated that "for the first time in two centuries, no eminent British poet, playwright or novelist prepared to question the foundations of Western way of life". No Shelley speaks for the poor, no Blake for utopian dreams, without Byron condemns corruption of the ruling class, without Thomas Carlyle and John Ruskin reveal the moral disaster of capitalism. William Morris, Oscar Wilde, HG Wells, George Bernard Shaw have no equivalent today. Harold Pinter was the last to raise his voice. Among the insistent voices of feminism consumer, no echo of Virginia Woolf, who described "the art of dominating others ... of the judgment, to kill, to acquire land and capital" is made.
At the National Theatre, a new game, Great Britain, a satire of the phone hacking scandal that has seen journalists tried and convicted, including a former editor of Rupert Murdoch's News of the world. Described as a "farce with fangs [that] puts all the incestuous culture [media] in the spring and subjected to merciless mockery", the objectives of the game are the characters "happily" in fun British tabloids. That's fine and good, and so familiar. What about the media not tabloid that is considered good reputation and credibility, however, has a parallel role as an arm of the state and corporate power, as in the promotion of illegal war?
the Leveson investigation into the wiretapping glimpsed this unmentionable. Tony Blair was giving evidence, complaining to his lordship over tabloid harassment of his wife, when he was interrupted by a voice from the public gallery. David Lawley-Wakelin, a film director, demanded arrest and prosecution of Blair for war crimes. There was a long pause: the shock of truth. Lord Leveson stood and ordered spokesman pitch were true and apologized to the war criminal. Lawley-Wakelin was processed; Blair was free.
enduring Blair accomplices are more respectable than the phone hackers. When the BBC arts presenter, Kirsty Wark, interviewed on the tenth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, which gave him a moment could only dream; which they allowed him to agonize over his "difficult" decision on Iraq instead of him to account for his epic crime. This led the procession of journalists from the BBC in 2003 stated that Blair might feel "vindicated", and later, BBC series "seminal" The Blair years, for which he was elected David Aaronovitch as the writer, presenter and interviewer. A retainer Murdoch who campaigned for military strikes against Iraq, Libya and Syria, Aaronovitch fawned expert
Since the invasion of Iraq -. The example of an act of unprovoked aggression Nuremberg prosecutor Robert Jackson called " the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole "- Blair and his mouthpiece and main accomplice, Alastair Campbell, have offered generous space in the Guardian to rehabilitate his reputation. Described as a "star" of the Labor Party, Campbell has sought the sympathy of readers of his depression and interests are shown, but not his current position as adviser to Blair, the Egyptian military tyranny.
as Iraq is dismembered as a result of the Blair / Bush invasion, aGuardian headline declares: "toppling Saddam was right, but withdrew prematurely". He ran through a prominent article on June 13 by a former Blair, John McTernan, who also served CIA Iraqi Iyad Allawi installed dictator. When calling an invasion of repetition from one country to his former teacher helped destroy, made no reference to the death of at least 700,000 people, the flight of four million refugees and sectarian unrest in a nation once proud of its communal tolerance.
"Blair embodies corruption and war," wrote Seumas Milne radical Guardiancolumnist on a piece of spirit on July 3. This is known in the trade as "balance". The next day, the newspaper published a full-page ad of a stealth bomber of America. In a menacing image of the bomber were the words: "The F-35 Great for Britain.". This other embodiment of "corruption and war" will cost British taxpayers £ 1.3 billion, its predecessor model F-having killed people across the developing world.
In a village Afghanistan, inhabited by the poorest of the poor, I filmed Orifa, kneeling at the graves of her husband, Gul Ahmed, a carpet weaver, seven other members of his family, including six children, and two children were killed in the adjacent house. A "precision" 500-pound bomb fell directly into his small house of mud, stone and straw, leaving a crater 50 feet wide. Lockheed Martin, maker of the airplane, had a place of honor at the announcement of The Guardian.
Former Secretary of State and candidate for US President, Hillary Clinton, was recently in hours Women the BBC, the quintessence of respectability means of communication. The presenter Jenni Murray, introduced Clinton as a beacon of female achievement. She does not remember his listeners blasphemy Clinton that Afghanistan was invaded to "liberate" women as Orifa. She asked Clinton anything about the terror campaign using unmanned administration to kill men, women and children aircraft. There was no mention of threat in vain to Clinton during his campaign to become the first woman president to "eliminate" Iran, and nothing about support for illegal mass surveillance and search for whistleblowers.
Murray made a single finger-to-the-lips question. Clinton had Monica Lewinsky forgiven for having an affair with the husband? "Forgiveness is an option," Clinton said, "for me, it was absolutely the right decision." This is reminiscent of the 1990s and the years consumed by the Lewinsky "scandal". President Clinton was invading Haiti, and the bombing of the Balkans, Africa and Iraq. He was also destroying the lives of Iraqi children; UNICEF reported the death of half a million Iraqi infants under the age of five years due to an embargo led by the US . And Britain
Children were non-people media, like victims of Hillary Clinton in the invasions that supported and promoted - Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia - are the media non-people. Murray made no reference to them. A photograph of her and her illustrious guest, radiant, appears on the website of the BBC.
In politics, as in journalism and the arts, it seems that dissent tolerated once in the "mainstream" he has regressed to a dissent: a metaphorical underground. When I started a career in Fleet Street from Britain in the 1960s, it was acceptable to criticize Western power as a voracious force. Read the reports held by James Cameron of the explosion of the hydrogen bomb at Bikini Atoll, the barbaric war in Korea and the US bombing of North Vietnam. great enthusiasm today is an information age when, in fact, we live in an age where the media relentless corporate propaganda is insidious, contagious, effective and liberal.
In his 1859 essay On freedom, to which modern liberals pay homage, John Stuart Mill wrote: "despotism is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians, provided the end be their improvement, and the means justified by actually effecting that end." "barbarians" were large sections of humanity of which "absolute obedience" was required. "It's a nice and convenient myth that liberals are the peacemakers and conservatives the warmongers," he wrote the historian Hywel Williams in 2001, "but the imperialism of the liberal way may be more dangerous because of its open nature: his conviction that represents a superior way of life. "He had in mind a speech by Blair in which the then prime minister promised to" reorder the world around us, "according to their" moral values. "
Richard Falk, the respected international law and the Special Rapporteur of the UN Palestinian authority, once described a "one single sense of self-righteousness, legal / moral screen [with] positive images of western values and innocence portrayed as threatened, validating a campaign of unrestricted political violence. " It is "so widely accepted that it is virtually indisputable."
tenure and sponsorship reward guardians. On BBC Radio 4, Razia Iqbal interviewed Toni Morrison, African-American Nobel Prize. Morrison wondered why people were "so angry" with Barack Obama, who was "cool" and wanted to build a "strong economy and health care." Morrison was proud to have spoken on the phone with his hero, who had read one of his books and invited her to his inauguration.
Neither she nor her interviewer mentioned seven wars of Obama, including his campaign of terror by drones, in which entire families, their rescuers and mourners have been killed. What seemed to matter was that a man "finely spoken" color had risen to positions of power control. In The Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon wrote that the "historic mission" of the colonized was to serve as a "transmission line" for those who ruled and oppressed. In the modern era, the use of ethnic difference in power systems and Western propaganda is now seen as essential. Obama personifies this, though the cabinet of George W. Bush - his warmongering clique - was the most multiracial in presidential history
As the Iraqi city of Mosul fell to the jihadists of ISIS, Obama said. "the American people made huge investments and sacrifices in order to give Iraqis the opportunity to chart a better fate." How "cool" is a lie? How "fine speech" was Obama's speech at West Point Military Academy on May 28. Delivering his "state of the world" speech at the graduation ceremony of those who "take American leadership" around the world, Obama said, "The United States will use military force unilaterally if necessary, when our core interests demand. international matters of opinion, but the United States will never ask permission ... "
in repudiating international law and the rights of independent nations, the US president says a deity based to the power of his "indispensable nation." It is a familiar message of imperial impunity, but always ready to hear. Evoking the rise of fascism in the 1930s, Obama said, "I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being." Historian Norman Pollack wrote: "To hen-steppers, replace the seemingly most innocuous of mass culture militarization And for the bombastic leader, we reformer manque, happily at work, planning and execution of murder, smiling all the time. . "
In February, US mounted one of his punches "color" against the elected government in Ukraine, exploiting genuine protests against corruption in Kiev. The national security adviser Obama, Victoria Nuland, personally selected the leader of a "transitional government". She nicknamed him "Yats". Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Kiev, as well as CIA director John Brennan. The shock troops of the coup were Ukrainian fascists.
For the first time since 1945, a neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic openly party controls key areas of state power in a European capital. No leader in Western Europe has condemned the resurgence of fascism in the border area through which the invading Nazis of Hitler led to millions of Russian lives. They were supported by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), responsible for the slaughter of Jews and Russians called "bugs". The UPA is the historical inspiration of the current Svoboda Party and his traveling companion Sector Law. Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok has called for a purge of the "mafia of Moscow-Jewish" and "other scum", including homosexuals, feminists and the political left.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has ringed Russia with military bases, fighter jets and nuclear missiles as part of its project on NATO enlargement. Renege on a promise to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990 that NATO "one inch to the east" was not expand NATO has been, indeed, militarily occupied eastern Europe. In the former Soviet Caucasus, the expansion of NATO is the greatest accumulation of military forces since World War II.
An Action Plan NATO membership is a gift from Washington to the coup regime in Kiev. In August, the "Quick Operation Trident" will US and British troops on the border of Russia and Ukraine "Sea Breeze" will send warships US in view of Russian ports. Imagine the response if these acts of provocation or intimidation were carried out at the borders of the United States
The recovery of the Crimea. - Which Nikita Khrushchev separate illegally from Russia in 1954 - the Russians They defended as they have done for almost a century ago. More than 90 percent of the population of Crimea voted to return the territory to Russia. Crimea is home to the Black Sea Fleet and its loss would mean life or death for the Russian Navy and a prize for NATO. Mistaking the war parties in Washington and Kiev, Vladimir Putin withdrew its troops from the border with Ukraine, and urged ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine abandon separatism.
In Orwellian fashion, this he has invested in the west to the "Russian threat". Hillary Clinton compared Putin to Hitler. Without irony, commentators said Germans as much right. In the media, Ukrainian neo-Nazis are disinfected as "nationalist" or "ultra-nationalist". What they fear is that Putin is cleverly seeking a diplomatic solution, and can succeed. On June 27, in response to the latest accommodation Putin - its request to the Russian Parliament to annul the legislation that gave him the power to intervene on behalf of ethnic Russians in Ukraine - Secretary of State John Kerry issued another of his ultimatums . Russia must "act within the next few hours, literally," put an end to the revolt in eastern Ukraine. Although Kerry is widely recognized as a buffoon, the serious purpose of these "warnings" is to confer pariah status in Russia and suppress the news of the war the regime of Kiev against his own people.
A third of Ukraine's population are Russian-speaking and bilingual. They have long sought a democratic federation that reflects the ethnic diversity of Ukraine and is both autonomous and independent instead of Moscow. Most are neither "separatists" or "rebels", but citizens who want to live safely in their homeland. Separatism is a reaction to the attacks of the Kiev meeting with them, making all 110,000 (UN estimate) to flee across the border with Russia. Usually, they are traumatized women and children.
Like the children of Iraq, embargoed and women "liberated" Afghanistan and girls, terrorized by warlords CIA, these nationals of Ukraine are non-media people in the west, their suffering and the atrocities committed against them minimized or eliminated. There is no sense of the scale of the regime assault reported in the Western media. This is unprecedented. Reread Phillip masterful Knightley in the first victim: the war correspondent as a hero, propagandist and creator of myths, renewed my admiration for the Manchester Guardian Morgan Philips Price, the only Western reporter to stay in Russia during the 1917 revolution and report the truth of a disastrous invasion of the Western allies. -ly Just and brave, Philips Price only disturbed him Knightley called an anti-Russian "dark silence" in the west.
On May 2, in Odessa, 41 ethnic Russians were burned alive in the union headquarters with police standing by. There is evidence of horrific video. The leader Dmytro Yarosh right side praised the slaughter as "a brighter day in the nation's history." In the media of US and British media, it was reported this as a "murky tragedy" because of "clashes" between "nationalists" (neo-Nazis) and "separatists" (people collecting signatures for a referendum on a federal Ukraine) . The New York Times buried, after being fired as Russian propaganda notices fascist and anti-Semitic new customers Washington policies. The Wall Street Journal condemned the victims - "Deadly Ukraine Fire likely caused by rebels, government says." Obama congratulated the Board for its "moderation".
On June 28, The Guardian devoted most of a page with the statements made by the "president" of the regime of Kiev, the oligarch Petro Poroshenko. Again, the state investment Orwell applies. There was no coup; no war against the minority of Ukraine; the Russians were to blame for everything. "We want to modernize my country," Poroshenko said. "We want to introduce freedom, democracy and European values. Someone who does not like. Someone does not like that."
According to his report, the reporter for The Guardian, Luke Harding, did not dispute these claims or talk about the atrocity of Odessa, aerial and artillery regime attacks in residential areas, killing and kidnapping of journalists, the bombing of an opposition newspaper and its threat to "free Ukraine from dirt and parasites ". The enemy are "rebels", "militants", "insurgents", "terrorists" and puppet of the Kremlin. Invoking the story of the ghosts of Vietnam, Chile, East Timor, South Africa, Iraq; note the same labels. Palestine is the magnet of this deception does not change. On July 11, after the last Israeli equipped slaughter in Gaza - 80 people, including six children in a family - an Israeli general, writes in The Guardian, entitled "A show of force necessary"
in the 1970s, I met Leni Riefenstahl and asked for his films glorifying the Nazis. Using revolutionary camera techniques and lighting, a documentary form that mesmerized Germans produced; was the triumph of will that spell as Hitler said. I asked about the propaganda in the societies represented themselves superior. She replied that the "messages" in his films were dependent not on "orders from above", but in a "submissive void" in the German population. "That I includes educated liberal bourgeoisie?" I asked. "Everyone," she replied, "and of course the intellectuals."
"The World We've Constructed Is Far Beyond George Orwell's Worst Nightmare", article source: riseearth.com
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