Title : HPV Vaccines: Unnecessary and Lethal
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HPV Vaccines: Unnecessary and Lethal
By Gary Null, PhD - greenmedinfoEvery parent wants the best for their children, so most parents insist that their children, especially girls, but now children receive a series of three injections of HPV vaccines. Parents do this because there is unquestioned assumptions that public mandates vaccines and medical recommendations are based on sound scientific and medical safety and effectiveness principles. This is not only true for the Gardasil HPV vaccine-Merck and Glaxo Cervarix, but for all childhood vaccines. Unfortunately, there has been very little effective popular opposition to the regime of vaccination, except for those parents who have witnessed the devastation these vaccines' to the developing brains of their children and their immune systems. The rate of autism in the US It has increased to 1 in 68. However, while parents are told repeatedly that it is not vaccines; the industry of industrial food repeatedly tells us that is not the GMO and toxic pesticides such as glyphosate ; and multinational fossil fuels repeatedly tell us they are not cast heavy metals into the atmosphere of its plants. Rather, it constantly tells us that the medical profession does not hurt children. Vaccines save lives. Fortunately more and more people are waking up to these lies. Although there is a growing number of parents against the medical profession, in some cases even win, but have to live with a wounded child or adolescent, often for the rest of the lives of their children. Very federal agencies that support program-increasing vaccination CDC, HHS, FDA and the Surgeon General and all private medical facility and doctors are accomplices in a mutual denial vaccine review and scientific regulation require vast process of systemic restructuring before any vaccine is to be pronounced safe and effective before entering the market.

Based on data from the CDC, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the clock organization vaccine SaneVax determined that, since the launch of Gardasil in 2006 until November 2012 the HPV vaccine was linked to 121 deaths and more than 27,485 medical injuries of young girls, some as young as 11 years old. At the end of last year, the number more than 30,000 serious injuries and more than 150 deaths rose. Unfortunately, only a fraction of adverse events of the vaccine reported by pediatricians, physicians, medical clinics and hospitals, make their way into the VAERS database. Few parents even know that there is such information system.
Gardasil, the HPV vaccines produced by Merck, was launched with great fanfare, widely proclaimed as the first vaccine against cancer. Merck has created a market for Gardasil from nowhere with misleading and dishonest advertising, [1] and therefore planted fear in the minds of consumers: the fear of a huge health crisis, still unknown, a bomb invisible time to explode and hurt women worldwide. While most vaccines and medicines undergo several years of clinical trials, including human trials, prior to FDA approval, Gardasil was on the fast approval of the FDA and underwent six months of clinical trials research. When criticized for its aggressive marketing, Merck said they were doing a public service by raising awareness about human papillomavirus and did not sell anything. [2] Really?
This lie was made public as Merck was caught by pressing the 50 states for vaccination mandatory Gardasil before having secured FDA approval [3] The fact is that there has never been Gardasil is a need in the first place: the Pap test had already lowered the incidence of cervical cancer by 80% in the US for a few thousand cases a year and most of all HPV infections determination of their own free will. [4]
But by lining the coffers of groups such as women in Government (WIG), and, of course, the Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Merck was able to influence legislation so that almost immediately after the vaccine was approved, which was part of the immunization schedule recommended for all girls. [5] Had it not been for error Gov. Rick Perry of trying to force Gardasil for school attendance in Texas in the face of a huge conflict of interest and a contribution of $ 50 million for his presidential campaign, Gardasil could He has gone even further. [6]
There is something deeply wrong with a giant pharmaceutical company spending hundreds of millions of dollars to manipulate women and legislation influence in order to generate an income stream of billions of dollars per year for themselves at the expense of a credulous public. What is wrong with Gardasil is not only that it is not necessary; Gardasil is possibly more dangerous vaccine on the market, with the potential to harm, maul, or even kill children who receive it.
The program of coercion to vaccinate all girls 11 to 26 years old with Gardasil is relentless. This vaccine is given not only in doctor's offices, where doctors have been known to "fire" patients who do not meet, but in schools and colleges, where the pressure on girls and their parents to form can be extreme . All these institutions have quotas - sometimes including financial rewards -. and they are eager to demonstrate high compliance rates [7]
But no informed before vaccination consent, so most of these girls and their parents have no idea what they are putting at risk accept vaccination with Gardasil. While Merck, the FDA, the CDC and the medical establishment all deny that there have been serious adverse events, life-altering associated with Gardasil, the fact is that, compared with the mandatory vaccines are given more frequently, Gardasil has yet most adverse events reported to VAERS any vaccine. And since reporting of adverse events is not mandatory in the US (Although outbreaks of preventable disease called vaccination are), it is likely that only 10% even included in the report! [8]
But victims of war Merck about cervical cancer? Alexis Lobo was a seventh normal degree in 2007. She had type I diabetes, but had learned successfully to give insulin injections herself and eventually graduated with an insulin pump, which also easily mastered. Alexis made the honor roll for the first time this year, and was rewarded with a trip to Germany during the summer to visit his grandparents. Your endocrinologist believes that diabetes is under control and felt that Alexis would be perfectly able to make the trip on their own and manage their diabetes itself. To make sure everything was in order before traveling, Dr. Alexis recommended that he receive his first Gardasil vaccine.
The trip was fine, but Alexis looked different to her mother when she returned, perhaps a little aloof . Alexis received her second Gardasil after returning home, and shortly after his personality changed completely. For a relatively shy girl, Alexis immediately became very gregarious, hugging everyone all the time. But he also became agitated, troubled, and began to have difficulty keeping food down. It got to the point where she vomited several times a day, which is especially dangerous for a diabetic. There began a series of appointments with many, many physicians: physician, endocrinologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, and many different diagnostic tests. But nothing they did or recommend seemed to help. Alexis was struggling to get through their days, usually with a bucket with her at all times just in case. Had terrible insomnia, I was eating too much, and was falling further and further behind in school
In January 2008, Alexis received her third dose of Gardasil -. Within two weeks he was in the hospital. His behavior had worsened to the point where it was considered bipolar and was put in a series of antipsychotic medications. His mother did not think this was a psychological problem. She knew something had to be wrong, I knew I had to be a medical explanation for what was happening.
After weeks and months in and out of different hospitals with no improvement and growth condition more desperate Alexis finally was seen by a doctor who admitted he was having seizures - something that all previous doctors had overlooked. This led to more tests - EEG, MRI and lumbar puncture - and finally, a conclusion that seemed to make sense: encephalitis, traumatic brain injury, and seizure disorders. But why? Alexis's mother had an additional conclusion that was as clear as crystal in retrospect - his daughter was normal before receiving the Gardasil vaccine had worsened with each. Gardasil Alexis had left with brain damage.
Wolf spoke with Tracy, mother of Alexis, about his ordeal. While maintaining a cheerful optimism, Tracy admitted that she could never have anticipated how their lives would change completely. After Alexis convulsive disorder was identified and she was put on anti-seizure medication, physical symptoms improved somewhat, but she was completely altered. Alexis has deteriorated to be a normal one child who is only functioning at a fourth grade level. Forced into special education rather than join his previous class, Alexis became enormously frustrated and the school became an ordeal for everyone.
From Alexis turned 18, Tracy finally surrendered and he pulled out of school, realizing that really could not offer Alexis nothing but misery. The tension in his family has been enormous. The pressure caused double the Wolfs' dissolves, and Tracy is raising two daughters on her own, with his father who lives in a different state. Alexis needs almost constant monitoring, and Tracy can only be left alone for short periods of time. They have requested special services that might be useful, but the waiting list is long. Alexis does not understand why things are so different, why her little sister is learning to drive, but can not. [9]
Unlike other types of injuries, a victim of the vaccine may not be limited to sue the company responsible for the problem. Since 1986, all vaccine injury cases should be brought to the Office of the Special Adviser to the Court of Federal Claims of the United States, commonly called the court of the vaccine. This court was established to create a situation of a non-confrontational in which children injured by vaccines could receive compensation. However, the Department of Health and Human Services has completely distorted the intent of this legislation, and turned it into a highly adversarial proceedings. Lesions appear in a table are supposed to be compensated automatically, but have eliminated a lot of injuries of the table over the years, and have been listed new vaccines, such as Gardasil, without specific lesions attributable to the vaccine. So the burden is on the victim prove causality, because there is no presumption of injury.
In conversation with William Ronan, a lawyer hired by the family of Alexis, he shared that his law firm is handling currently 12 to 15 cases being evaluated Gardasil and 6 other cases already filed in the court of the vaccine. Interestingly, of all types of Gardasil-related injuries, Ronan cases represents all fall into two main categories: autoimmune and neurological. When lesions are neurological, doctors often can not put their finger on what is wrong, and just send girls to a psychiatrist.
Ronan argues that it is impossible for all these girls have suddenly developed mental problems or just be imagining that they have been harmed since receiving the Gardasil vaccine. While not himself against the vaccine, which has seen too many girls have serious adverse reactions to Gardasil. He runs a law firm two people in Kansas City, without advertising, he has received at least 20 to 30 calls related to Gardasil injuries. Ronan believes his experience is only the tip of the iceberg -. Someone really advertising legal services for victims of Gardasil was flooded with a large number of cases
The work is slow-going. Evidence of damage caused by vaccines is crucial, but there is a lot of published medical studies on safety to support this claim. Those that exist are funded by the manufacturer and tend to be overly favorable. Perhaps the strongest argument against Merck, according to Ronan, is its inability to warn girls of the risks involved in getting the Gardasil vaccine. Merck clearly knew that this drug could cause neurological dysfunction, however, does not adequately address this in the product leaflet. In addition, it is well known that girls who already have an HPV infection are more likely to be harmed by the vaccine, but is not making this clear and does not recommend the test. Ronan summed up his vision of vaccination of girls with Gardasil:
"The real question is: what is the benefit of this vaccine Do the benefits outweigh the risks There is a risk of a seizure disorder or a disorder autoimmune against the benefit that could reduce cervical cancer but does not eliminate Gardasil ??. the need for Pap smears, it is safe, and there is good evidence that prevents cervical cancer risk assessment and benefits, when all the facts that becomes a fairly easy decision be known -.. the vaccine is more dangerous than any benefits unfortunately, medical professionals tend to read and listen to information provided by the manufacturers, who do not have adequately the risks involved, so they really are not sufficiently informed to advise their patients. "own daughter Ronan had to fight an aggressive attempt by your doctor for Gardasil, which means the pressure that girls are under to just go along instead of asking questions. [10]
Meryl Nass Dr. interviewed, board certified medical specialist in internal medicine and vaccines, agrees that Gardasil was rushed to market without adequate safety tests. Three years after the adoption of girls, the company received approval in the same way to vaccinate children 9 years or more without new very small studies and data to justify this action. As for the adverse effects of Gardasil, said Dr. Nass,
"Children often do not suddenly die when they are healthy, but there are certainly a lot of teenage girls who have died relatively soon after Gardasil or developed severe neurological reactions. therefore, if you are going to try to balance safety and efficacy when prescribed something like a vaccine, you have to know how effective it will be. Does it really prevent cervical cancer in young women? and neither prevents women who have been exposed to these viruses? ... so I do not know how other doctors prescribe something like Gardasil ... Basically, make an assumption that since the FDA has authorized the manufacturer ... market would only be something that is safe, go ahead and doctors prescribe. and what they can not take into account is that it is extremely difficult to link a side effect to a vaccine, for many reasons. Getting a lawsuit against a manufacturer is very difficult and has become more difficult because of some recent disputes that reduces the responsibility of the manufacturer of vaccines in general. "[11]The doctrine of Gardasil is already so entrenched after only six years is a formidable challenge the official version that this vaccine is safe and effective task, because the truth is too disturbing. The claims of notables benefits of Gardasil to women in the war against cancer are full of holes and not supported by science, including science funded by Merck itself. it is important to deconstruct the lies and half-truths that are masquerading as facts about Gardasil.
No Human Papillomavirus Health Crisis
the cervical cancer in the United States has been at historic lows over the past two decades. it is currently estimated that only 3,600 women die from cervical cancer each year the spectacular success in reducing the death rate from cervical cancer can be attributed to the Pap test annually -. between 1955 and 1992 deaths from cervical cancer declined 74% and continue to decline 4% annually. [12] Part of the success of Pap test lies in the fact that cervical cancer, unlike most other types of cancer is very slow growing. With the tests, there is ample opportunity to capture and treat cervical cancer before it gets out of hand correctly. It would be unlikely, then further treatment to improve upon this already very low death rate from cervical cancer.
When public officials and vaccine advertising make wild claims of high mortality rates associated with cervical cancer, according to Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic neurologists of the University of British Columbia, 88% of these deaths occur in developing countries without adequate screening programs vaginal cytology.
human papillomavirus does not usually lead to cancer
it is estimated that almost all women in the US They experience a number of human papilloma virus infections throughout his life. What Gardasil manufacturers try to hide the fact well documented that 90% of all HPV infections go away on their own accord within two years without causing any disease with no treatment or intervention of any kind. [13]
Gardasil does not prevent cancer
The end point of all efficacy studies of Gardasil was not, in fact, cancer prevention. The researchers could not really assess the development of cervical cancer after vaccination, because this process usually takes 20 to 40 and stopped his studies after only five. So instead, Merck scientists decided that the presence of abnormal cervical cells was a valid "surrogate endpoint" or a substitute for cancer. They used this hypothesis even though there is no evidence that the types of cervical lesions who chose as his final point would eventually lead to cancer. [14] Merck has never acknowledged that its entire premise for the effectiveness of Gardasil is based on pure speculation. In fact, many, if not most atypical cervical cells resolve themselves without intervention. [15]
Gardasil is 98% effective in preventing high-grade cervical lesions
The results of the effectiveness of Merck published in a 2007 article in the New England Journal of Medicine claim that Gardasil is 98% effective in preventing high-grade cervical lesions. Subsequently, Merck and the CDC have reduced that figure to 70%. But the article itself reveals that Merck manipulated the data by excluding women and girls who did not follow the exact protocol. When all the women in the study, efficacy of the vaccine was reduced to 44%. But even these numbers really reflect the cervical lesions associated with HPV 16 and 18. When Merck looked at the ability of Gardasil to prevent all cervical lesions, Gardasil was only 17% effective! [16] And again, its definition of "effective" is based solely on the unfounded assumption that certain types of cervical lesions become cancer.
More striking is the recognition itself Merck in its controlled studies, a percentage of girls actually developed severe neck injuries following Gardasil. The vaccine seemed to cause the most injuries in girls with pre-existing HPV 16 or 18 infections but also girls who had no pre-existing HPV infections. [17] At least Presentation girls for HPV 16 or 18 infections would give girls against HPV-positive the possibility of avoiding the development of cervical lesions by decreasing the vaccine. However, not only Merck does not recommend testing for HPV before vaccination with Gardasil, which actually have discouraged this practice, presumably so as not to draw attention to the danger. [18] Anything to keep the fantasy that is a safe and effective vaccine.
Gardasil does not prevent Human Papillomavirus
Gardasil is designed to prevent only 4 strains of HPV: 16 and 18, which can cause cervical cancer, and 6 and 11, which can cause genital warts. However, there are other 150 types of HPV, at least 15 of which cause cancer, and Gardasil does not protect against these other strains. [19] [20] Does the consumer education called Merck never mentioned any of this? Of course, no. Why has vaccinated his daughter if she knew the protection was so limited?
immunize prepubescent girls with Gardasil does not protect against HPV or cervical cancer
despite the sanctimonious advertising that suggests that both mothers and daughters can be enforced through Gardasil, Merck's own studies show that the vaccine is only effective for 5 years. [21] So if your daughter 11 years old, the Gardasil vaccine, which will put it stopped working at the time she is 16. But since Merck not to disclose this information voluntarily, these girls and their mothers will be in the dark.
Gardasil vaccination does not eliminate the need for annual PAP detection
portraying Gardasil as a treatment that prevents 98% cervical cancer, the strong implication is that vaccinated girls will no longer be at risk of cervical cancer at all. As we have seen in Finland, this can lead to the false assumption that there is no longer a need for annual Pap smear. When women in Finland stopped getting Pap screens, cervical cancer increased to 4 times the incidence in just 5 years! [22] This complacency about risk, initiated and fostered by advertising Gardasil, is also likely to lead to a real increase in cervical cancer in the US as more women receive the vaccine and stop taking actions that have been shown to have a protective effect.
There is no evidence that Gardasil is effective in children in the prevention of genital and cancer anal Wars
study of the effectiveness of the vaccine against HPV in men published in the New England Journal of Medicine Merck says Gardasil is 89% effective against genital warts and 75% effective against anal cancer. Given the fact that there are approximately 300 annual deaths from cancer anal / rectal among men in the United States, one wonders how Merck was able to show a huge reduction in such a rare problem. As with the female group, substituted for the real cancer with no evidence that such injuries actually lead to cancer at all external injuries. However, statistics from Merck regarding their substitute penile / perianal / perineal intraepithelial (PIN) listed in Appendix Article neoplasia cancer show that in men who did not have HPV before vaccination, both vaccine group and the placebo group had the same number of these types of injuries, so the observed efficacy of Gardasil least 98%! And for genital lesions related to HPV 18 strain, actually there were more lesions in the vaccinated group than in the placebo group. As in the previous study, an impressive number of Merck for the efficacy of Gardasil in men can only be achieved by excluding a quarter of the participants in the study. When everyone is included and all results are evaluated, the effectiveness is reduced to zero! [23]
Gardasil is unsafe
More significantly, Gardasil has been associated with an unacceptable number of serious adverse effects, life-altering after vaccination. According to data from the World Health Organization, the rate of serious adverse reactions reported to VAERS system is 2.5 times higher than the rate for current age standardized mortality of cervical cancer. According to an assessment by SaneVax of 75 FDA-approved vaccines, HPV vaccines represent 60% of the base VAERS adverse event data. This includes 64% of all deaths and 65% of life-threatening reactions. An additional 82% of cases of permanent disability for women under 30 years of age is attributed to HPV vaccines. Adverse reactions include seizures, anaphylaxis, palsy, transverse myelitis, Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS), acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (uncontrolled eye movement back and forth and jerky movements of the limbs) , brachial neuritis, loss of vision, postural tachycardia syndrome, cerebral palsy, thrombosis of deep facial vein, pulmonary embolism, chronic fatigue syndrome, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, loss of short term memory, sclerosis multiple miscarriage, autoimmune disorders, Guillain-Barre syndrome, abnormal Pap smear. and even cervical cancer [24] [25] [26] Yes, you read that right -. VAERS 62 cases of cervical cancer after vaccination with Gardasil
Furthermore, while Merck has not made pregnancy a contraindication for vaccination of Gardasil, the latest data published by the VAERS show that Gardasil is by far the most dangerous vaccine to receive during pregnancy, after it has caused a reported 26,000 adverse reactions in existence six year compared to the more dangerous following vaccine often given to pregnant women, the flu vaccine, which has caused 200 adverse events in the last 20 years. pésimo;
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"HPV Vaccines: Unnecessary and Lethal", article source: riseearth.com
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