Title : 7 Ways Our Children Are Being Brainwashed
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7 Ways Our Children Are Being Brainwashed
by Gregg Prescott, MSin5d
From birth, almost all of us have been brainwashed through various media that promote materialism , ego, submission, control and compliance. But where the origins of mind control begin and what can we do about it?
1. Religion
Like children, brainwashing starts at the church when we are baptized. Many parents do not question the baptism or the origin of it and blindly baptize their children as the church welcomes the community in the name of Jesus Christ. The story of Jesus, alone, is not questioned by Christian enough to blindly believe anything they are told in the name of "faith."
I would like to believe that there is a Santa Claus and bunny Easter, too. These holidays both have pagan origins, however, Christians never question these either. All this is part of lie propagated to us by religion
Many Christians argue that their church does good things for others, while the Bible offers good morals and values.

A counterargument is that a church is not required to do good things for others or a bible to be a morally healthy person. Furthermore, the Bible also teaches hate and fear as when God supposedly kills all with the "great flood", except for Noah and his family.
These are the horror stories our children learn in Sunday school. Not only that, but the messages are often complicated and ambiguous. What kind of message are we sending our children?
While the Bible offers nice to learn parables, are not necessary, especially with all the other negative content provided by religion.
and we have not even touched all unnecessary deaths through inquisitions and crusades that continue today. Killing innocent people seem to have a common theme in religion and is brought to our children as they become young children.
The idea of planting it is okay to kill in God's name, our children begin to emulate these preconceptions through the games they play.
2. ridiculous behavior models
children play with guns cork and cap guns and begin playing "cowboys and Indians" at an early age. Think about how this is terrible, not only for Indians but also to teach a child to kill as a "game".
also bought G.I. Joe action figures and aim to kill the opposing troops. plastic figures of soldiers in combat are sold to children, some of which prominently display ethnicity, playing in the divide and conquer mentality that was sown at this age.
Most girls have played with a Barbie doll at some point in their lives. Barbie doll sets the stage for materialistic attitudes and buying in the Cosmo girl image. Also dictates the role and expectations of what a woman should look like by dividing our children in the stereotyped roles for the rest of their lives.
3. The money, ego and materialism
often we ask our children, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" It is rare for a child to say, "A healer" or "A yoga instructor." Often a parent will help convince a child in a role of profit as becoming a doctor or lawyer work.
The need for money is even greater through board games like Monopoly and Life, where our children learn through bankruptcy greed of his friends. While there are some positive attributes of these games, the conclusion is the way they support a positive view of bankers that have corrupted this planet while emphasizing materialism and greed.
The last game bankster It involves Monopoloy cashless:
what are children learning really in the game of life
4. Divide and conquer techniques
Our children are taught how to play the sport and the importance of winning. While sports provide exercise and promote physical dexterity and good health, but also play in the "divide and conquer" mentality that our children will carry with them for the rest of their lives.
He has seen many asinine arguments between two adult men discussing whose team or player is better than the other? First, it is not "his" team unless they have the physical property of the same. Second, the two players are discussing probably could care less about his argument. Finally, these two people are too blind to see how they are still buying in the divide and conquer mentality that was rooted inside since they started playing "cowboys and Indians" at an early age.
The game brazenly playing in front of our own eyes, yet many of us do not see it. For example, if the Dallas Cowboys were playing the Kansas City Chiefs (or Washington Redskins), then you have your classic "Cowboys vs. Indians" duel. It's all about "My tribe" is better than "tribe" which keeps us apart as people.
5. Television
Many of us grew up watching television, which can be a humorous exit or the opportunity to really learn something, but mostly it is achieved that are used and hypnotized into submission once our brains enter the alpha state of conditioning. How many times have you sat through a commercial, knowing how much they despise the commercial without changing the channel?
Albert Bandura has a theory modeling where the child will emulate the behavior of parents. Therefore, "the apple does not fall far from the tree." In the absence of the parent (s), the child will be influenced by what he or she sees on television, influencing further points materialistic and ego-ladened of society view, while accepting television as a part normal daily routine.
whole mainstream media (radio, television, magazines, book publishers, etc ...) are owned by six corporations greatly influence our children through programming. Even the word "programming" should be questioned, because this is exactly what the brainwashing ... programs of our mind and especially the minds of children who are easily influenced.
6. Education
Our educational systems encourage compliance and competition, while suppressing or ignoring any special ability that a child may have, such as the ability to have an out of body experience . In addition, our children are not learning the true history of our origins while forced to learn a blurb full of the view that history looks like through the eyes biased.
The textbooks our children read are printed by companies that ultimately are Zionist property. What are the chances that a Zionist point of view deviates from the position of a Palestinian or someone who opposes Zionism?
7. Health
in a recent article entitled, " the hidden history of fluoride " the addition of fluoride in the water supply, as well as chemtrails has helped . to brutalize the population in order to become more submissive and controllable
Part of the hidden fluoride history includes the following:
1940 Soviet concentration camps maintained by the administration of fluoride to reduce internal resistance to authority and induce physical deteriorization.If fluoride has been proven to create submission in prison and concentration camps, then what are you doing to our children who refuse to question authority figures or any official government position that is against the best interests of humanity?
1950 Soviet add fluoride to water in the prison system to maintain the subordination of the prison population.
CEPerkins 1954, IG Farben chemical admits fluoride is to reduce people's resistance to authority.
Robert Carton, PhD former president of the union of government scientists working at the Environmental Protection Agency US He said: ". Water fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time "
must also question the insurmountable number of vaccines our children receive. there is no amount of mercury that is acceptable in the human body, so one must ask how mercury affect our newborn children? with the number incresing of vaccines our children receive, we also see a correlation with the number of deaths due to vaccines, as well as an exponential increase in autism.
What can I do about this?
1. realize that while there is no money, we are all economic slaves.
Everything happens at age 12-14. One thing we do not teach our children is how the accumulated wealth is a delusion that discreetly provides state security and happiness, all of which are inherent and no money, however, have taken root in this illusion that separates us as a global society, while maintaining brutal divide and conquer principles in a capitalist society disguised as democracy.
at what point is enough, "enough"?
2. Ask questions. .. a lot of them!
Our children must be encouraged to ask questions as often as possible instead of regurgitating propaganda sponsored by the state that our schools teach.
For example, because the corporate greed, we are creating an unsustainable society. The use of "fossil fuels" is a ridiculous proposition within himself to assume that all the world's oil came from decomposing dinosaurs, but it's even more stupid to assume that we still need oil as fuel when hydro technologies are available, such as the water powered car invented by Stanley Meyer or system free energy Tesla .
Innovator, such as Meyer, are "rewarded" by the threats and execution by those who fear loss of power. The simplest answer is to open source all inventions, including suppressed technologies.
Our children never learn these truths in school because according to our economic masters, innovation only comes at the expense of necessity, nonconformity .
our children must be encouraged to be the innovators of the future working in the best interests of humanity instead of CEOs and business executives who are pillaging our planet at the expense of the 99% who are enslaved below of them.

3. Out of the box
Our education system does not encourage creative thinking and most of what our children learn is all the thinking of the left hemisphere, which is based mathematics and logic, rather than right hemisphered, which is artistic and creative. By doing this, our children, essentially they are being trained to work either in a cubicle or in a fast food restaurant because they never learned the tools of creativity and how they follow your life purpose versus being forced into the corporate world economic submission until 65 years of age.
4. Stop watching (sponsored PROPAGANDA state) TELEVISION !!!
Watching TV is definitely the tool brainwashing # 1 of the corporate elite as television will tell you what to use and how to think while eliminating their own ability to think critically for yourself .
news programs are designed to continue living with the constant fear because when we live in fear, we move away from our true spiritual essence. The use of fear also makes us more controllable as a population in which finally renounce our civilians in exchange for perceived security rights.
The commercials are as bad as any "programming". Most TV ads that specifically extrovert show dress in a certain way with clothing that appeals to your senses in subliminal ways.
5. Try to remove as much fluoride your daily routine.
fluoride not only helps contribute to a more subordinate population, also calcified pineal gland, also known as the "third eye". The pineal gland is a gateway to other dimensions, so if calcified, then you are limiting their maximum capacity for creative and expression thought and darkening their spiritual connection with the Creator and your higher self.
the further away from spirituality, the easier it is for you to be controlled.
6. the investigation of the drawbacks of vaccines.
Please note that there is no amount of mercury that is good for anyone, especially children!
7. Do not ingest any genetically modified food ( or processed foods)
There have been no longitudinal studies on the effects of GMOs in our bodies, so they are literally guinea pigs being tested.
One thing you might want to consider is the poison that is built on specific issues such as genetically modified corn food. When an insect eats transgenic maize , which operates from the inside out due to Bt toxin is not in a corn husk, but corn, yes. Imagine what this corn is doing for you and your children?
Try to buy organic food or grow your account with organic heirloom seeds . When shopping at the supermarket, avoid almost all products in the middle aisles as they are usually all processed foods.
8. Teach your children how to meditate.
Meditation has the potential to transform the world, literally. In 1978, what is known as the " Maharishi Effect " a group of 7000 people over the course of three weeks were meditating hoping to positively effect the surrounding city. They were able to literally transform the collective energy of the city that reduced crime rates worldwide, violence, and low during times of meditation by an average of 16%. Rates of suicide and car accidents also fell with all the variables into account. In fact, there was a 72% reduction in terrorist activity during the hours when this group was meditation.
When you meditate, you look within for answers instead of relying on the opinions of others, and whether religious, political or educational. The truth is always inside. Anything that has been taught was something that was regurgitated by someone else. Look inward and will find the answers you are looking for.
Can you imagine the world without money?
If you can not imagine a world without money , then you probably have difficulty understanding the future, especially if you spend much time watching television.
In the future, when a child asks, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" He will answer, "Me" and will have a concrete idea that "I" is compared to children who have been raised to worship the almighty dollar as blindly follow the herd ahead of them through religious and educational institutions.
we have been brainwashed for more than 2,000 years. It is time to break the chains.
"7 Ways Our Children Are Being Brainwashed", article source: riseearth.com
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