The Elites’ Strange Plot to Take Over the World

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The Elites’ Strange Plot to Take Over the World

One World Government and "Atlantic Union"

By Matt Stoller

The idea of ​​a country seems quite simple. I live in America, and I am an American. She lives in France, and she is French. Americans have a president who is their leader, the British have a prime minister, the French have their own president, and so on.

But the political form of decision making about security issues bounces everyone, from the western capital to Western capital, mocks the commonly accepted notions of national sovereignty. In recent weeks, a vote of the British Parliament in Syria forced the US president to request congressional authorization, while the leaked documents detailing extensive cooperation between the intelligence services of the US and other countries. The president of Bolivia was forced to get off his plane for Italy and France, just because he joked about having Edwards Snowden on board. . And so on and so forth

All this begs the question: Why do we have the conception that live in the independent nation-states? Well, that that question was actually asked after World War II, and US leaders answer happened was ... we should not.

Indeed, Western elites of America and Western Europe after World War II made a serious effort to get rid of the nations in total, and combine all "people who love freedom" in a giant "Atlantic Union," a federal state built on top of the military alliance NATO.

Oddly enough, the documentary evidence is clear. This movement managed to create a "European Union", which came from the same ideological source as the "Union of the Atlantic." Once we recognize that the Cold War saw the construction of an international regime powerful explicitly sought to get rid of sovereign nations, these architectures extensive security revealed by the situation in Syria and the revelations of spying NSA do more sense.

the strange story of Atlantic

the effort to unite Europe and the US It began in 1939 with the publication of a book by an influential journalist, Clarence Streit. This important book was called "the union now" and had a galvanizing effect on the anti-fascist youth of the time, a sort of cross between Thomas Friedman, "The World is Flat" and Naomi Klein "The Shock Doctrine." Streit served in the First World War in an intelligence unit, and saw closely the negotiations for the Treaty of Versailles. Then he became a reporter for the New York Times to attend the League of Nations, which led him to the conclusion that the only way to avoid American isolationism and European fascism was for political and economic integration of the main towns "freedom-loving" which he described as the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and most of Western Europe. The architecture of surveillance five eyes was created only a few years later, as the international monetary regime concocted in Bretton Woods.

When Streit wrote "the union now," in 1939, the German threat was obvious , World War II was beginning, and fascism and communism had linked arms through the pact between the Nazis and the Soviets. Streit's argument that the West needs to combine its strength to fight against totalitarianism everywhere, was a powerful attraction. The youth of the 1930s - Those who read the book Streit - became political leaders and diplomats from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, and many of them to craft multilateral institutions and international policies lit of the Cold War.

Indeed, the congressional record is peppered with resolutions and hearings from the 1940s to the 1970s pushing for the Atlantic Union. For example, in 1971, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives convened a hearing to discuss the possibility of combining the United States and Western Europe in a country. This "Atlantic Union" would be a federal union, similar to that described in the US Constitution. Existing countries would become states under a federal system, with the largest federal system that has its own unit of currency, military, regulation of interstate commerce and foreign relations.

On that day in 1971, the Committee is debating a specific law, a resolution - Concurrent resolution 163 - to create a "Union Delegation of the Atlantic", a committee of 18 "eminent citizens" to join with other delegations of the countries of NATO and negotiate a plan to unite. The subcommittee chairman presiding over the hearing, Congressman Donald Fraser of Minnesota, described the specific objective of the legislation and the call for an "international convention to explore the possibility of an agreement on a declaration to transform the present Atlantic alliance in a union federal, sets out a timetable for transition to this goal and to prescribe democratic institutions in which the goal is achieved. "would be a constitutional convention.

Similar legislation, he said," he was examined by the committee in the House Foreign Affairs in 1960, 1966 and 1968, with favorable reports in 1960 and 1968. " Congress passed a resolution even in 1960, and spent money to send a delegation to Paris for a convention of this kind (although John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson ignored the recommendations of the delegation).

This proposal was a lot of support from elite. Almost all presidential candidates in the 1950s and 1970s supported, like hundreds of lawmakers in the US and Western Europe. The context of the first World War, and then the Cold War, made a proposal of this type sounds reasonable, even inevitable. 1971 was the end of the era of World War II after, during which there had been a flurry of international institution-building work designed to prevent a repeat of the Great Depression and two world wars. A multilateral military force formed size of the Allied governments and millions of soldiers of all nationalities had recently defeated the fascist powers in three continents. Millions had an experience of comity in the defeat of the Axis powers - so the concept of political union was not so farfetched

Moreover, the spectrum of diplomatic and monetary initiatives failed to. 1930 attended post-war leaders, and made them think deeply and act decisively to interweave a system whose core was the economic, military and political interdependence allied sovereigns. The depression was seen as a phenomenon of transmission of an international system based on objective non-nationalist-short localized. Streit, president of the International Movement of the Atlantic Union, breathless advocated a union so that history does not repeat itself. In the absence of a union would lead to a monetary crash, and then crushing poverty. As circumstances change, the testimonies of Streit Congress changed. Just after World War II, he said the appeal came from Hitler fascists who advocate political totalitarianism under the slogan " can not eat freedom ." He argued, in line with the anti-communism of the time, that such a union was the only way to defeat the Soviet threat. Later, it was noted that the union was important because nuclear weapons in hand, the world could not afford a repeat of the mistakes of foreign policy before World War II. Then, as Bretton Woods began breaking down in the 1960s, he argued that a financial crisis of 1930 was inevitable style without union

Streit and his companions were pragmatic Atlanticist.; which they sought to build the Atlantic Union at the top of the Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty, or NATO, the Atlantic military alliance. And there was no momentum on the side of the Atlanticist; the creation of international institutions back to World War II was impressive. In 1944, US officials and the UK - mainly John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White - Bretton Woods worked to create what would become the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. These institutions were designed to avoid a monetary crisis which had occurred in the 1930 GATT or GATT, was created in 1947, similarly, to avoid a trade war. The United Nations was built to do what the League of Nations did not have, to serve as a legitimate forum for the nations of the world to deliberate continuously. NATO could apply military force of the western states. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD, originally served as a forum in which the United States could channel aid to Europe to create the European Union. And this is to say nothing of the intelligence apparatus of the Cold War cooperation.

face of the Soviet threat, it seemed natural to think that the next step after all this was the creation of institutions of Atlantic Union . Richard Nixon in 1966 supported the "resolution of the Atlantic Union" as a "proposal for the future that recognizes the incredible depth and breadth of change that is happening in the world around us." President Dwight Eisenhower, when leaving the office, thought such trans -Atlantic Union was inevitable, and argued that it could reduce the massive costs of defense of the Cold War half. Eugene McCarthy, just before entering the presidential primary race against Lyndon Johnson (who did not support the measure), cosponsored the resolution in the Senate. Bobby Kennedy, George McGovern and Estes Kefauver were ardent believers. Even Barry Goldwater supported him; Ronald Reagan was the only major national figure in the Republican Party who opposed, and Lyndon Johnson was a major rival in the Democratic Party.

The far right hated this idea. Gunthler Klincke the Liberty Lobby called a schema for a world socialist government, and Myra Hacker of a group called the "American Coalition of Patriotic Societies," said advocates of this plan, "distrust and despise the US citizen" and that was a plan of "national suicide." Although the proposal of the Atlantic Union has been written out of the liberal historical memory, there are echoes of this episode of the right rhetoric of a world government. The irony of this is that, as liberals chuckling gently to the right paranoia about what they perceive as a plot imagined to create a world government, are conservatives who have a more accurate reading of history. There was a serious plan to get rid of US sovereignty in favor of a globalist movement, and the various institutions of the right hates - the IMF, the World Bank, the U.N. - Were seen as stepping stones to him. Where the right wing was wrong it is in thinking that this plot for world government was also a communist plot; It was not, was motivated by anti-communism. Proponents of the Atlantic Union, in fact, thought that this was the only way to defeat the USSR.

Streit explained that the union of the countries of Western Europe and the United States "would give their marriage one hand strong enough to win the peace on earth that no combination of dictatorships could challenge - the four aces and joker by that I mean. the ace of spades or productive force, the ace of diamonds or feed raw material, the ace of clubs, or armed power, the ace of hearts, or moral power, and the wild card - its growing power, its ability to admit this nuclear binding of the other free nations wishing to enter it, and were willing and able to maintain their levels of freedom. These few peoples for freedom to practice necessary only bind the federal government to "achieve.

the issue of the Atlantic Union, proposed in 1939, was penetrating as a catchall answer to the problems of western foreign policy until the 1970s there were two basic arguments for the Atlantic Union. The architects of NATO and the OECD believes that the interdependence of nations closer together in the "free world" no Soviet isolate the USSR. And this same group recognized that the Bretton Woods system, in which the United States carried out most of the gold in the world and operated its reserve currency collapse as the nations of Western Europe rebuilt their economies and, as US banks tried to escape regulation at national level parking dollars abroad in these new prosperous economies. The combination of Western Europe and the US in a federal union with one currency and regulatory harmonization of "interstate commerce" could avoid this "Eurodollar".

problem A Union formal Atlantic was not a realistic proposal, but was not as unthinkable as one might think - US support for existing EU came from the same intellectual and political tradition. The State Department and politicians in power as Lyndon Johnson, world federalism opposed. And as the years dragged, he became increasingly less realistic. The generation of World War II had idolized "union now" in his youth, but had to deal with the failures of the Vietnam War and the colonial project that ignores Streit (or worse, embraced). The new political generation were inspired not from hoary volumes pre-World War II global utopia, with the implications of a club of rich white men on the globe. As influenced-Left a new witness at the hearing of 1971 put it, "the revolution of political consciousness within the United States of 1960 means the rejection of the ideas of the Atlantic Union or structures of the alliance like NATO in the years seventy. "

But the Atlantic Union was an important part of the debate about how the war will be structured. Think of the debate as follows. On the right, you have the Liberty League and Patriots right, represented by politicians like then governor of California, Ronald Reagan. These people wanted to return to a hyper-nationalist or isolationist foreign relations model. Then will the mainstream of liberal internationalists State Department, the JFKs and LBJs, who built tangle institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank, the U.N. and so on. Globalist even more in the spectrum, which had Unionists Atlantic. The three strands echo, today. Consider Larry Summers, who in 2000 as Treasury secretary argued for allowing cheap Chinese products in the US as a way to establish a "fifth column opening" in that country. Lack of integration of China into the global system of trade concessions, he said, would not only reduce average wage of Americans, but "make it more likely that your child will be in a war in Asia." This Thomas Friedman-esque "The World is Flat argument" owes an intellectual debt to Streit. Integrate, the case goes, or perish.

The formal concept of Atlantic cracked under the weight of Vietnam and the next neoliberal revolution in finance. The United States did not keep its monopoly on gold shops, as Nixon disowned Bretton Woods in the face of high inflation and currency instability. But as the first Jimmy Carter, and after Ronald Reagan deregulated the banking sector, global capital flows, once again became a reality. Only, global capital flows were not in charge of nation-states, as Unionists Atlantic and liberal internationalists imagined, which were carried out by institutions such as Citigroup and regulators politically captured as the Federal Reserve.

He succeeded the plan?

The institutional framework of a world government composed of American and Western European states remains much more powerful than we like to imagine, even beyond the security apparatus of the documents disclosed by Snowden. For example, in all agreements of important free trade since NAFTA, US courts have been subordinated to international courts, which operate according to the rules established either by the World Trade Organization, a division of the World Bank, or by a division of the United Nations known as the UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International trade law). These courts are pronounced on consumers, labor and environmental issues - not just trade. And they are trans-national, as well as supply chain of Apple, Ford, Toyota, or any other multinational corporation are, or that Google, Microsoft, IBM or promote worldwide technology.

Other deep links. The basil banking arrangements seek international harmonization of capital standards. Why? It is not clear what are the benefits of global standards for banks what to do. But global elites push forward, regardless, to a solution of one world. And lest you think this is only theoretical, the Federal Reserve supports the European Central Bank with an unlimited number of exchange lines during the financial crisis, the loans as much as $ 500B to the ECB in 2008 and 2009. European and other foreign banks He drew liberally New discount window of the Federal Reserve York. The Fed became the central banker for the world

sovereignty issues still exists. - As one of many examples, US still he refuses to sign the Law of the Sea Treaty, which is a nod to the Liberty League. However, history and reflexive embrace of globalization is much more complicated than we want to admit. And it's time to start dealing with the international architecture we have. This means recognizing that the Cold War involved constructing a "deep state" to the partially subordinate national sovereignty, and therefore voting populations, transnational elites.

As the spy scandal a truly global scandal continues, activists, citizens and journalists are recognizing the powerful remnants of this era of the Cold War deep global state. Players in the scandal jump from one country to another, some safe areas and not others. The Guardian is a British newspaper, and now has partnered with the New York Times, to maintain intelligence services worldwide in the bay. Cyberspace is a new and strange combination of elements of war, trade, journalism, finance, advocacy, monitoring and implementing transnational government power front. The situation in Syria is also a problem of global security, with the French and the British linked to American political order. The US government is finding himself buffeted by the British debates that should be irrelevant in a sovereign state which acts only in its vital national security interests.

Streit never reached its goal of having a formal "Union Atlantic. " But with an "intelligence community" international the global supply chains increasingly global free trade subordinate national judicial systems agreements and globalized private and central banks, all written under the rubric of promoting "freedom" It has as much right to be the true animating force behind what we face today as any other


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