Title : Junk Food is Addicting and Killing People
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Junk Food is Addicting and Killing People
100,000 people in a village called Tecoma, Victoria, Australia, are waging a battle to keep McDonald away from your city, where McDonalds wants one of his junkstores to be built near the school, as is natural, because when food addicts as people do drugs is pushing, you want to be where you can create customers for life. People in the city have even taken the fight to Chicago. Their motto is aptly named BurgerOff. Their website is http://www.burgeroff.org/ .The evils of junk food are even worse than most people know. The following is chapter 27 of my book You're not fat, you are toxic, which explains how the growing epidemic of obesity, along with the increase of diseases such as diabetes, is caused by toxins (such as junk food from supermarkets as well as from fast food), not calories, which is what corporations would like to believe:
TOXIC fOOD # 14, junk food = jUNK BODY

Why do people keep eating fast food when obviously everyone wants to be thin, so that they can look and feel good? Why do we have to have organizations as "OA" for people who believe, as stated on the website, "Our symptoms may vary, but they share a common bond: we are powerless over food and our lives are unmanageable (1 ). "
is because junk food as medicine works. That is, junk food is addictive. People who can not control their diet are not addicted to food. It's just that the food they eat individuals are addictive. When these people make the change to a diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and legumes, with some other foods like organic eggs and bread millet, you see your hunger and cravings down.
The nature us programmed to want to get the most energy-rich foods. This was designed to help us stay alive when food was scarce, so we could pack the most energy in a small stomach. Therefore, nature gave us pleasure-circuits in the brain that cause feelings of euphoria and excitement when we eat foods that have a lot of energy in a small volume (2). The problem is that we can now increase the density of calories artificially, by processing and adding sugar and fat.
junk food companies know this, but do not care, because it makes them rich. I like to think of them as a part of the mafia Food. They are little more than drug dealers. To make matters worse, companies like McDonald add emotional addiction to chemical addiction. Why else do you still selling so-called "happy meals" children, and advertising in children's programs, if not for people addicted at an early age and keep customers for life? Other methods used include free toys, toy sales in toy stores that are designed for them, and providing play centers.
Every time I think of McDonald, who want you to have feelings that based on the happy times, fun. Since most people do not think about where they come from their feelings, these people will have false urges to eat McDonald to revive those feelings, to recognize and those impulses refuse.
In the documentary Forks more bright knives, Dr. Terry Mason MD, Commissioner of Health of the City of Chicago, tells us that, unfortunately, often poor eating fast food. This is particularly sad when you work out that fast food is expensive these days, especially if you know how much real nutrition you get dollar for dollar. Five dollars buys a fast food burger, or a lot of nutritious lentils and carrots. Dr. Mason said that unfortunately poor people are poor in everything, not just money but also poor health and poor choices.
If you eat junk any food, or smoking cigarettes , realize that you are a slave of multinational companies. They live off their work and their body so that they can be rich. And, of course, you are killing that while they do it.
I was shocked with what I saw on a television program directed by a physician, who was destined to be on health. This same doctor had done a good job before telling people to avoid GMOs, and therefore not eat any dairy that was not organic. But in this particular show, the doctor asked two other doctors to go get a bowl of healthy fast food. (Is that possible?) Strangely, only three teams fast food were chosen for this task; McDonalds, Domino Pizza and Subway. Nothing else was considered. I wonder if these companies paid for the privilege, like most authors have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to appear in all the major talk shows?
The heart surgeon overweight collected McNuggets chicken. That was incredible! There are few things as toxic as Chicken McNuggets. First, there is little chicken in them. They are 56% corn, especially transgenic maize (3), and chickens are also fed transgenic and other toxic things, including their own manure. Then McNuggets are superheated toxic oils, so they are full of trans fats and ages. Worst of all is that there is a huge total of 38 ingredients, including tertiary butyl hydroquinone, lighter fluid (4). Chicken McNuggets are really foods
Moral of this story:. Keep an eye on who is economically beneficial to see any so-called "show health '
The other doctor chose the pepperoni pizza. pepperoni is embalmed flesh. And this piece came just after a part where the doctor had insider restaurant admit that the pizzas have added to them sugar.
If ever any food is eaten fast at all, please see the fabulous film Super Size me. While it is mostly about McDonald, many of the lessons learned from this movie apply to all fast food. Even if you have seen this documentary, which can have lost some of the most important points, as I did in the first viewing of the film. so I will describe some of them here.
in the documentary by Morgan Spurlock, writer and director, he begins with a court case in which two overweight girls, one 14 years old, 4'10 "and 170 pounds, and the other 19 years old, 5'6" and 270 pounds, McDonalds sued in 2002, to make the grease. The girls ended up losing the trial. But, just in case something like this happened again, in 2004 Congress passed the "cheeseburger bill 'which made it illegal for people to sue food companies to make them obese. You see, Congress is currently working to protect corporations, not you.
the judge said the lawsuit was "frivolous" because "the dangers of eating their food is universally known." However, despite this, McDonald has 30,000 points sales in more than 100 countries. 46 million people are served daily, even in hospitals! No wonder obesity is global.
the judge also said that if the plaintiffs could show that McDonald intention that people eat McDonald's every meal of every day, and that doing so would be quite dangerous, may be able to establish a claim.
So Morgan decided to go on a diet of nothing but food and McDonalds drink, three times a day for one month. During the month, he ate everything on the menu. In addition, since most Americans do any exercise, he got very little exercise too. This research was ground breaking because it is being done in a real human being in a situation of real life, not just a few rats in a laboratory. And research was independent of any large organization which can interfere with the findings. Morgan definitely showed that, for him, was very dangerous.
He first visited three medical professionals, including a cardiologist and physician and exercise physiologist. His blood pressure was normal and her blood tests were excellent. His overall health was determined to be exceptional. Doctors thought McDonald's diet would be no big deal. The cardiologist thought his triglycerides would rise but nothing would change. The MD thought his cholesterol and weight would be "likely" to rise. Everyone was in a massive shock, because it did not occur to any of them how bad this diet would be for him, or would prove to be very toxic. In fact, he became so toxic that became dangerous for life! Here are some of the results of Morgan after only 30 days:
- 25 pounds (185-210) was won.
- percentage of body fat (BMI) increased from 11% to 18%.
- Cholesterol was 65 points to 230.
On day 21 of the MD said after a blood test, "For the first time we are seeing elevated uric acid. the danger of this is gout and kidney stones. " (Note: Gout, a painful disease 'last' is now in place). "The results for your liver are obscene beyond what would have thought ... my advice to you, as a doctor, is that you have to stop. You pickling your liver. And you're kicking while it's down ... If you was an alcoholic, I would say, "you will die"
I guess the doctor did not want to state the obvious in the video.. that means McDonald can kill you
despite this warning, and chest pains feeling and depressed and cranky most of the time, which was unusual for him, Morgan completed the 30-day diet of McDonalds. Perhaps most important of all for anyone who wants to get thin, she realized she was hungry shortly after eating. Whereas when you go on a plant-based whole foods without soy without wheat, with lots of plant foods raw diet you will realize that rarely get hungry. the more completely raw foods have, the less hungry you will receive.
in just 30 days, Morgan 30 pounds of sugar in food ate alone, not counting drinks. That's a pound a day, because almost everything on the menu has sugar added to it, even the salads. You see, sugar is addictive, and cheap, so it makes good financial sense. During the month, Morgan craved more and more food, and got massive headaches when he does not eat. These are signs of addiction.
After the McDonald diet, Morgan was on a vegetarian diet detox (5). It took eight weeks for your cholesterol and liver to return to normal. Then he resigned to become vegans. It took 5 months to lose 20 pounds, and another 8 months to lose the last 5 pounds.
It was really surprising and sad that after this fantastic documentary came out, barely made a difference for fast-food, except that made little effort to appear as if they were offering healthier foods, adding a salad with toxic dressing, but did little or nothing to alter the basic elements of toxic menu.
We have to break the addiction to junk food. is addictive foods high in calories and toxins. Unfortunately, there are two types of addiction we get from fast food.
Two kinds of junk food addiction
1. Chemical addiction
Dr. Neal Barnard MD, of the Physicians Committee for Responsible medicine, has this to say (6)
There is a drug used in emergency rooms called naloxone. It is used for heroin overdose. A guy walks into a heroin overdose, coma, it will die. If injected with this drug and blocks the opiate receptors in the brain, heroin does not work, you wake up. If I take the same drug to a real chocolate addict, a person just shoveling in, is the most surprising. They lose much of their interest in chocolate. a bite taken, were put back down.
In other words, is not the "taste" feels, is the effect of the drug of food in the brain that keeps us coming back.
If you look at the menu in a fast food restaurant, using all addictive components. They'll take a piece of meat, cover with cheese - cheese, of course, which is filled with casomorphins, opiates found in the cheese protein. And then they serve it with a sugary soda, which has the addictiveness of sugar with plenty of added caffeine. (Caffeine is a highly addictive drug. In addition, he has learned in the chapter on wheat wheat also has similar substances to opiates in it).This chemical addiction is so bad that the scientists found that rats nothing but junk food fed from the supermarket (bacon, sausage, cheesecake, etc.) for long enough, not only got obese - died hunger later voluntarily when it is offered nothing but healthy food (7).
We have to make new laws regarding the addictive foods. As says pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig, freedom of expression does not work with addictive substances, especially when it concerns children (8).
2. emotional addiction
Banzhaf III, professor of law at George Washington University (9) reads as follows:
a secret study by one of the companies snuff had the ominous title something like 'Brand print data for later performance in life. "you can bet that the junk food companies have something similar. that is why companies junk food spend so much on advertising to children. they want you to command your brain to eat their food, combined with a good feeling of childhood, buried in his mind. for example, the average American child sees a whopping 10,000 ads per year so you can eat and drink. 95% of these ads are fast food, sweets, soft drinks and cereals, none of which are nutritious.
Do not go thinking it's just McDonald, either. All food junk food and pre-packaged is contributing to the accumulation of fat, due to toxins and excess calories they contain.
Any food intake that does not give you a list of all ingredients is suspect. I'm not talking about a letter that says how many calories or grams of fat are in the food, but what is in the food. In fact, even with the list of ingredients, you not yet come to know the quantity of each ingredient
Listen to a quote from the lawsuit against McDonald.
McDonald claims that .. . it is ... a matter of common knowledge that any processing that its foods undergo serve to make them more harmful than unprocessed foods.Do not listen to the spokesmen of corporations
Be very, very wary of anyone who has a history of getting thin a fast food restaurant, instead of preparing their own fresh food at home. Metro is an example. They have such Jared who says he has lost hundreds of pounds eating their food. Note that it was not exercising for a little walk (10). I wonder how? Metro had nothing to do with it.
It broke my heart to see a young very overweight 14-year-old girl, said underground in Super Size Me, after listening to a speech Jared
is a bit difficult. I can not afford to go there every day and buy a sandwich two times a day. And that's what he's talking about. That's the only solution ... But I can not.The only solution? Tell people that eating a lot of cooked wheat and meat will work for them? This is terrible. So many people have great guts of many toxins in wheat, and anything else that add to the bread that makes it so fluffy.
However, photos of Jared in 2009 show that the weight comes back on (11). That was not a surprise to me as I said I had caffeine and diet drinks, and anyone who lives on a diet of foods not prepared at home will end up getting toxic, and therefore weight gain in the long run. (See my chapter "Health is like a bank account").
Please, whenever you hear anyone saying they lost weight by eating a certain brand of food, ask yourself the amount of money the person It does say that.
not surprisingly, for the first time in history, children are becoming more obese time. When you see Super Size Me will see that schools now serve cakes, crisps, chips, Gatorade (which is toxic sugar plus other toxins), sugary drinks, candy and pizza. For many students, that's all they eat. Fresh fruit can not be seen, and even if healthy food is offered as an alternative, when children have been addicted to junk food, changes will not happen by themselves.
Who benefits from junk food? Super Size Me shows an example of one such company, Sodexho, which serves 400 school districts, as well as prisoners.
There is a public school in the US, where this is not the case. Central High School Appleton, Wisconsin, used to have children who were out of control. Children even brought weapons to school. However, in 1997 a private group called Natural Ovens installed a healthy lunch program. Fast food burgers, fries, sweets and soft drinks were replaced with fresh fruit and salads, baked instead of fried meat and whole grain bread and clean drinking water arrived. Teachers believe that an important factor in children change.
As reported in a newsletter called pure facts "Grades are up, truancy is no longer a problem, arguments are rare, and teachers are able to spend their time teaching. " And although not mentioned, you can bet that these children will not have weight problems as severe as those in junk food is the norm.
Surprisingly, the cost is about the same. So why are not all schools doing this? Paul Stitt MS, founder of Natural bakery ovens, explains:
There are a lot of resistance from the junk food companies are making huge profits out of the school system at this time. They do not want to be expelled from the school system. They want to be there for children addicted for life.What a scam! Receive taxpayers to pay for their companies to the children addicted to cheap, toxic and fattening junk food for the rest of life of children! Surely the advertising beats.
If only accurate muscle testing is taught in all schools. I found that when I show children, especially young children, how junk food is weakening, rather than just "bad" for them, they become very committed to not consume the product more. Some children as being bad, but no child wants to be weak. (See Chapter 12 of the kinesiology and muscle testing, for more information).
The food industry is big business in the United States. Therefore, groups of highly paid pressure, working with the government to make you eat more than your product. I firmly believe that one of the best ways to counteract the effects of the wrong messages that are being sent from major corporations and government, as well as addictive toxins in our food, it is for every person to learn how to make accurate muscle testing food. Even children as young as 12 years old or younger can learn how to do this. Children as young as six years old can be tested muscle. When a person has experienced for themselves how just thinking about a toxic food that makes your arms and legs weakened, your brain is often force extra will needed to take personal responsibility, and to eat and drink foods only healthy again.
Remember, wild animals keep slim by eating foods that nature has designed them to eat. That is what you have to do. You're a herbivore. Eating plants. That is, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes such as unprocessed as possible. And they also have as much raw food as possible. People have to learn new ways of shopping and preparing food. Please see my shopping list in this book. Learn to prepare food by going to the Internet and search for a vegetarian and / or raw food recipe for purchase. The recipes in this book will give you a good starting point. And the mafia Food boycott whenever you can
1. www.oa.org/newcomers/about- or /
2. Forks Over Knives documentary
3. www.alnyethelawyerguy.com/al_nye_the_lawyer_guy/2007/03/so_what_really_.html
4. The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan, 2007
5. www.HealthyChefAlex.com
6. Super Size I documentary
7. www.cbsnews.com/2100-204_162-6343889.html
8. www.psmag. com / health / robert-lustig-sugar-obesity-diet-50948 /
9. Super Size me documentary
10. in. wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Fogle
11. www.thatsfit.com/2009/12/02/subway-guy-falls-off-the-diet-wagon/
Copyright ©: Stephanie Relfe - 2013
permission to use this article in whole or in part if you acknowledge the author and quote and link to [19459035Awarded] http://www.YoureNotFatYoureToxic.com
Stephanie Relfe was born in Sydney, Australia in 1960. She has a bachelor of Science from the University Sydney, where he specialized in histology (the study of cells) and Zoology. Stephanie has had more than 200 hours training in Specialized Kinesiology and more than 100 hours of training on Information Exchange, a technology that helps a person to improve their thoughts and actions using a biofeedback meter. She has worked as a specialized professional kinesiologist since 1993, both in Australia and the USA .. Stephanie has developed its own method called synergistic Specialized Kinesiology Kinesiology. She is married to Michael Relfe US and has a son. Their websites include:
Source: Activist Post
"Junk Food is Addicting and Killing People", article source: riseearth.com
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