Title : VRM: The Problem With Vaccines
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VRM: The Problem With Vaccines
The entire basis for vaccinations is not physiological. The vast majority of infections enter the body through the nose and the gastrointestinal tract or intestines. Accordingly 80% of the body's immune system is at present; the first line of natural defense. Vaccines are injected into the deep / subcutaneous muscle tissue, any of the routes that literally overlooks one of the natural barriers altogether. Thus, the body is left vulnerable to live virus and heavy metals.Many vaccines are tied with the form of adjuvant aluminum salt (directly related to the early onset Alzheimer's disease macrophage myofascitis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ) and thimerosal Mercury, a devastating neurotoxin involved in the explosive spread autism until recently 1 67 ... then 1 in 60 ... now at a rate of 1 in 38 in some regions - ' people born in 2003 are 16, 6 times the odds of an autism diagnosis compared with those born in 1992. '(which translates to 1 in 30 - that children are 4 times more susceptible).
officially, the rate of autism among children has increased up to 1 in 50, based on the clear testimony 100,000 parents in the US .. in 2015, statistics conservatively match 1 at 38.

A newborn lacks sufficient protection to protect against damage premature barrier blood in the brain. The myelin sheath, an insulating protecting cells, is poorly developed. Any exposure to heavy metals during the first 2 years is deadly and reckless.
Aluminum causes brain inflammation and interferes with the immune system directly. The MMR vaccine, which is usually given at 12-18 months is overwhelming and many children have suffered irreversible brain damage from impact. And remember -. Children who have already accumulated metals in the brain from previous shots (Hep B, HIB, HBPV, OPV, DPT), so there is a limit threshold
Vaccines are the main cause of autism primarily due to cumulative damage from shots of hepatitis B, MMR and DPT (multiple live + heavy metal accumulation virus) - leading to ischemia, the song of the neural pathways of the toxic overload that prevents vital oxygen to reach the brain, literally inhibiting normal development. Anaphylaxis an allergic functional crisis of the whole system, and encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain resulting from vaccine derived from the toxicity of heavy metals sludge inevitably follow.
According to Dr. John Cannell "autism is caused by a quantitative, not qualitative variation of one of the enzymes that metabolize vitamin D. that is, there are no structural differences in these enzymes autism, only difference agenetically determined in the amount present These enzymes are sensitive to estrogen ;. estrogen protects the brain from damage caused by low levels of vitamin D, probably by increasing the amount of activated vitamin D present, explaining why children are four times more likely to have the disease. "vitamin D3 is not strictly a vitamin in the traditional sense. It acts as a steroid hormone with uniquely beneficial properties; critical to the overall respiratory function.
A mother with several autistic children sent me his own analysis of the autistic condition in general,
"Vaccines and antibiotics kill the good bacteria in the gut leaving room for the overgrowth of yeast. growth of long roots pierce the walls of the intestines. the bad food choices, ie. those containing gluten and dairy products cause protein to leak through these holes and are set to opioid receptors in the brain children with autism literally become addicted to this 'heroin' "
ALUMINUM:.. currently the children are getting 17 shots containing aluminum, a quadrupling of the amount given since the 1970s is found in hepatitis a, hepatitis B, DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), MMR, Hib, pneumococcus and Gardasil (HPV) the . vaccines
based on Dr. David Ayoub findings children, on average, receive 2-400 micrograms per vaccine, more than one milligram of aluminum; a dose and concentration is 10 to 20 times more toxic than mercury. multiple vaccines are much worse, more than 1,000 micrograms of average for a triple shooting game. Compounding the problem further it is placed in aluminum during the manufacturing process. . An indication that the tools and / or machinery used are not adequately controlled for safety
Prolonged exposure to heavy metals can lead to a number of autoimmune disorders: Down syndrome, autism, schizophrenia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, lupus, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, cognitive dysfunction .
"heavy metals and viruses in vaccines cause abnormal development in the brain the long-term changes that put a child at high risk of neuro-degenerative, diseases ie Parkinson's and Alzheimer's for the rest of his life. they also become extremely sensitive to environmental toxins (pesticides, herbicides). the live virus in the vaccines are incorporated into their genetic material and pass on to their children. Many rare forms of cancer are now very common pancreatic cancer that is. lymphoma is now the number one malignancy in 30 years and rising. Asthma has seen a tenfold increase over 2 decades ago. Type 1 diabetes has also been linked with autoimmune disorder caused by vaccines. "Dr. Russell Blaylock
Dr. Christopher Shaw Canada leading neuroscientist unveiled an impressive Peer Review Study in 2009 linking aluminum in vaccines with degeneration of motor neurons found in victims of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and those of the Gulf War syndrome. He followed another similar pioneering study started in 2007. Dr. Shaw was a keynote speaker at our rally VRM September [de19459035] and later in November during our City Hall event. Their contributions to the whole subject are vital.

This means that for a baby 6 pounds, from 11 to 14 mcg would be toxic. The vaccine against hepatitis B, which gives birth contains 250 mcg aluminum -. 20 times higher than safety standards allow babies weigh about 12 pounds (5.5 kg) at 2 months of age when they receive 1,225 mcg of aluminum from vaccinations - 50 times higher security levels.
"aluminum results were almost identical with ethyl mercury (thimerosal) because the amount of aluminum in vaccines takes exactly with mercury. ' Dr. Tom Verstraeten / Epidemiologist

"Mercury, when exposed to tissue homogenates of normal human brain, is capable of causing many of the same biochemical aberrations found in diseased brains (AD) Alzheimer. in addition, rats exposed to mercury vapor show the same aberration protein principal and AD brains. Specifically, the rapid inactivation of enzymes important brain occurs after addition of low levels of mercury or exposure to mercury vapor, and these same enzymes are inhibited significantly in AD brains. also, exposure to mercury neurons in culture from other researchers, in a concentration lower than the found in many human brains, it has now been shown to produce three of the hallmarks of accepted the AD pathological diagnosis widely.
first, in human brain samples of mercury exposure drastically reduced viability of a major protein called tubulin brain but had little or no effect on other major protein actin. Both tubulin and actin are critical to dendrite growth or maintenance of the structures of the axons of neurons. Exposure of neurons to mercury rapidly results in the extraction of tubulin structure axon, exposing neurofibrillary forming knots that are the hallmark of AD diagnosis. Thimerosal, such as mercury, is also rapidly reduces the viability of tubulin; In addition, however, the viability of actin is suppressed. This probably represents an important mechanism in the organic mercury against the toxicity of mercury (more neurotoxic) difference. However, mercury and organic mercury inhibit the viability of tubulin and would work together to damage neurons in the central nervous system.
Using the system cultured neurons, the degree of neurotoxicity pure thimerosal was studied and vaccines with and without thimerosal present. Experiments were performed as follows: The neurons were grown in culture for 24 hours. Then thimerosal or pure vaccines to test cultures were added. death of neurons was observed during the next 24 hours and compared to the death of neurons in the absence of toxicant
The results were almost identical to the results observed with brain tissue. The present thimerosal-containing vaccines were much more toxic than vaccines without thimerosal. Thimerosal was pure low nanomolar toxic by-one level extremely low concentration, about 10,000 times less than the concentration of thimerosal is found in most vaccines. These results leave little doubt be the toxic agent thimerosal in vaccines. However, many vaccines contain aluminum ions have neurotoxic properties, and aluminum once was considered a factor in the etiology of AD. So we tested aluminum in the same system.
Aluminum is not as toxic to neurons in culture as thimerosal. However, we had observed previously with mercury that the presence of other metals could increase toxicity. Experiments were performed to determine if the aluminum increase the toxicity of low levels of thimerosal. The results were unequivocal: the presence of aluminum dramatically increased the rate of neuronal death caused by thimerosal. Therefore, the combination of aluminum and thimerosal found in vaccines produces a toxic mixture can not be compared to situations thimerosal is only toxic exposure. "Dr. Boyd E. Haley http://mothering.com/print/2736
DAVID AYOUB M.D.- mercury and autism October 1
"Acetato Mercury: Organic mercury joined the short carbon chain becomes inorganic mercury faster than methyl mercury - in about 7 days Once entered the brain is trapped The timing makes the poison thimerosal in vaccines... : 0.01% = 50,000 micrograms / liter (50% mercury, 250 times higher than the safety limit EPA) Quantity of hazardous wastein vaccines. water (200 parts per billion = hazardous waste potable .: 2.5 billion parts per billion = toxic waste) 25,000 times higher than the safety limit EPA. "
" One nanomolar levels of thimerosal 'on the baby will prevent macrophages from passing through phagocytosis (vaccines with thimerosal as a preservative containing 125,000 nanomolar level of mercury). in other words, they will lose their ability to eat viruses and bacteria found in the blood that should not be there, and so thimerosal suppresses the immune system. this is well known and has been well described in the literature for a long time; that mercury is a suppressor of the immune system and see that these autistic children have a truckload of immune problems. Therefore, they are prevented from occurring. That research is documented and do not know how the government can even ignore, or government agencies can ignore it. " Dr. Boyd Hayley
'Mercury is known to be neurotoxic and has effects on the immune system as well. Mast cells are involved in allergic reactions, and also in inflammation and innate and acquired immunity. autistic individuals have a 10-fold greater number of mast cells in hyperactive most tissues. Mercury stimulates vascular endothelial growth factor and interleukin (IL) -6 release from mast cells. These mediators could disrupt the blood-brain barrier and cause brain inflammation (Kempuraj et al., 2010) ' http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2850891/
"theoretical aspects of autism: Causes A review 'of Helen V. Ratajczak
Mike Wagnitz, PhD. discusses the levels and types of toxicity of mercury in vaccines.
http://www.prisonplanet.com/mercury-in -australian-approved-h1n1-vaccine.html
study mercury and autism 2008: New evidence supports the theory that some autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may be the result of a combination of genetic / biochemical susceptibility, specifically a decreased ability to excrete mercury (Hg), and exposure to Hg during critical periods of development. Elemental / inorganic Hg is released into the air / water where it becomes methylated and accumulates in animal tissues. The preponderance of evidence favors acceptance of that exposure of Hg is capable of causing some ASDs.
Studies have shown that mercury is collected in the periphery of nerve endings and quickly transported inside the axon nerves (axonal transport) to the spinal cord and brainstem. Unless actively removed, mercury has an extremely long half-life of somewhere between 15 and 30 years in the central nervous system. Hair analysis showed mercury levels are 20,000 higher in those with cardiac abnormalities.
Studies also show that mercury levels in cord blood of newborns is 1.7 times higher than the level of mercury in the blood of the mother.
"The search for the association between mercury and cardiovascular disease revealed 358 scientific studies that exemplify the relationship;. Between mercury and cancer we find 643 scientific papers Associating Mercury with diseases neurodegenerative is the most significant, with references numbering 1,445
"the search for the association between mercury and cardiovascular disease revealed 358 scientific studies that exemplify the relationship.; between mercury and cancer we find 643 scientific papers. The association with neurodegenerative diseases mercury is the most significant, with references numbering 1,445.
have been shown to mercury rapidly depletes the immune system. Mercury also been shown to induce autoimmune diseases. Anything that reduces and alters the immune system increases the chances of getting one cancer. Mercury binds to hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues. This results in less oxygen reaching the tissues when the body is contaminated with mercury. We do not have to go far in understanding how a heavy metal such as mercury can eventually lead one to the door of cancer. "Dr. Rashid Buttar The / Center for Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research
' cadmium and mercury depleted selenium in the body (essential for disposal). selenium atoms combine with atoms of cadmium and mercury and accompany them outside the body via the biliary system. When selenium is exhausted by cadmium and / or mercury, less selenium to form the deiodinase enzymes that convert T4 to T3, resulting in T3 and hypothyroidism low. there is also less selenium to form glutathione peroxidase, a major antioxidant body '.
' melatonin is known to bind heavy metals (Limson et al., 1998REF15) and increase intracellular GSH levels through regulation of the enzymes that synthesize GSH- (Todoroki et al., 1998REF3). it is possible to speculate on two mechanisms for the antioxidant action of melatonin, namely, (a) melatonin as a chelator of mercury binding, thus eliminating their cytotoxic properties, or (b) melatonin production causing increased levels of intracellular antioxidants such as glutathione (Todoroki et al., 1998REF30). It is not excluded that these two mechanisms could be operating simultaneously. mercury as an oxidative stress inducing, and the resulting effect on amyloid levels-ß (Aß) production and phosphorylated tau in neuroblastoma cells. Moreover, we have shown that these effects are reduced and / or reversed by the pineal melatonin indoleamine '.

' Injection of mercury in pregnant women and children is absurd. Review studies suggesting otherwise, and find funding for the study came from those who directly or indirectly benefit from, or fear of liability, the use of vaccines containing mercury. 'CoMed Inc, 09/15/2010
' Studies of organs and tissues of the first generation offspring revealed mercury in the stomach and intestine at birth and in the first week life, apparently because of the mercury input through the placental barrier and through his mother's milk. Subsequently, it was observed that the progeny of the first generation of mothers who had been previously exposed to ethyl mercury compound had significantly reduced fertility compared to controls. The second generation of offspring had low viability, growth retardation in weight, and were lagging behind ossification in several cases. Finally, it is then observed when engaging the second generation progeny was a significant decrease in fertility compared to the control group. 'David A. Geier / The Institute of Chronic Diseases, Inc., Lisa K. Sykes / CoMeD, Inc., Mark R. Geier / Genetic Centers of America, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA - Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B, 10: 575-596, 2007
The trivalent influenza vaccine contains 3 series of either or 'strands of DNA / RNA heat treated' dead ', apparently a variant flat insurance of the live virus itself. Adjuvants are designed to implement or enhance the immune system - to induce a robust immune response; immunize the body against the likelihood of succumbing to the flu, avoiding direct spread of infection. Indeed, there is completely dead virus during vaccine production. Normally, the vaccinated person is left more susceptible to seasonal flu ( twice the chance of getting swine flu ). Depending on the degree of immune system compromised and / or pre-existing medical condition involved, a vaccine induces cytokine storm can quickly trigger complete autoimmune failure along the individual's body.

the major contributors to the cytokine storm are TNF-a (factor tumor necrosis-alpha) and IL-6 (interleukin-6). The cytokine storm is an inappropriate (exaggerated) immune response that is caused by the rapid proliferation and T cells or natural killer highly active cells (NK). These cells are activated macrophages infected themselves. The cytokine storm needs to be treated and can be removed or lethality. "
The manifestations of a vaccine triggered cytokine storm can range from high fever and bronchitis extreme vomiting, hemorrhagic fever (drowning of lungs with fluid), anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), Guillain-Barre syndrome (a form of paralysis), encephalitis (brain inflammation), respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis (unresponsiveness / swelling / overwhelming immune-related organ bacterial infection), bacterial pneumonia, febrile seizures, subclinical epileptic seizures, grand mal seizures, narcolepsy, organ failure, blindness, coma and death
. Note: an overabundance of T cells, macrophages and radicals oxygen free flood the body -. attack the lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, preventing endocrine, lymphatic, immune and nervous system function
"the flu virus causes immune cells to produce molecules that increase inflammation cytokines. Normally, this is controlled, but in extreme cases, a "cytokine storm" occurs. This can cause tissue and organ damage, and even death. When you're fighting the flu, you feel bad, not because of the virus, but rather because of the embargo, get this "cytokine storm." All vaccines trigger their own cytokine storm. And researchers now know that increased inflammation is at the heart of most diseases and illnesses. Which means that vaccines themselves are hazardous to your health. The solution is to avoid flu shots, and if she has had in the past, to take nutrients that strengthen your immune system and reduce the activity of inflammatory cytokines. 'Dr. Russell Blaylock

"We hope that the new recommendations issued by the Advisory committee on immunization Practices (ACIP) committee will help. instead of focusing on "high risk groups" as has been done in the past, the ACIP now recommends annual influenza vaccination for everyone 6 months of age or older " .
"Flu (seasonal) (Minimum age:. 6 months for the vaccine trivalent influenza [TIV] inactivated; 2 years for live, attenuated vaccine [LAIV]) • Administer annually to children aged 6 months to 18 years' old CDC Calendar Standard vaccination 0-6 years [
"Pero all other studies of toxic substances, the earlier you work with, the more likely the central nervous system is running in a sensitive one of these effects period, so that the passage of one month or one day of birth to six months of birth greatly changes the potential for toxicity. there's just a lot of neurodevelopmental data that would suggest that we have a serious problem. the sooner we go, the more severe the problem. " Dr. meeting behind closed doors Weil, CDC, 2000
in the last 2 researchers sign Canadian studies found that vaccination against seasonal flu was associated with 68 percent higher risk of getting the flu swine . "Estimates of sentinel and 3 other observational studies, with a total of 1,226 laboratory-confirmed pH1N1 cases and 1,505 controls, indicated that upon receipt of 2008-09 TIV (trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine also known as regular flu vaccine) was associated with an increased risk of medically attended pH1N1 illness during the spring-summer 2009 '
http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pmed. 1000258
mutability of the virus "Because the genome of influenza viruses is segmented, co-infection of a single host cell with two or more different influenza viruses can result in a re -surtido (or random) of their genetic material.
"VRM: The Problem With Vaccines", article source: riseearth.com
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