Chemtrails are a huge logistical operation. Bigger than the vacuum curse, trans-Alaska pipeline or the moon landing. Is big. And expensive. The biggest mistake one can make is to assume that there is only one reason for chemical contrails. There are about five or six reasons and possibly more. The six are listed below with a brief summary. This website is about the past. A visual summary can help by reviewing a flowchart here- blocking the sun. This is why the standard given to fools in government. We have to stop global warming secretly in order to keep secret that we are spraying. Global warming is the catch with something for everyone in government. If you're smarter than this will give you a better reason.
- blocking the sun (again): A reduction in sunlight through the planet works well to decrease crop yields slightly. This is part of the requirements for designing a food crisis and bring a famine. You can dismiss this. This is linked to the disappearance of bees too, but this site should not get into that.
- Overheating of the atmosphere: In order to create earthquakes and steer hurricanes ( for example hurricane Katrina in New Orleans) the atmosphere has to be electrically conductive so that facilities such as HAARP (HAARP is just what I want you to see, HAARP has nothing to do with anything) can work its magic. So aerosol chemtrails barium and aluminum among other things to create a more conductive upper atmosphere.
- Erosion of Health: As health systems and immune effect of all side become uncommitted. This is not usually a problem for most healthy people. Older people, on average, now die sooner and any health complications is slightly more likely to be fatal. This is both a side effect of the spray and intentional.
- Climate Change: To help or hurt crops, keep clear skies for an important event (like the Olympics), lead a typhoon, etc.
- Propagation nano-fibers To install a universally BioAPI worldwide who need to spray nano-fibers. These fibers can not be put into the food supply or otherwise given, absorption through the population would take forever and do not spread very effectively. It is much easier to fumigate all the world like an insect; and because it is happening to everyone universal herd mentality of the masses without then wash justified.
ALERT !!!!! US PLANS RELEASE AGENTS CAUGHT BIO-logic throughout our Earth's atmosphere - forced down UP AND NIGERIA INDIA !!!!!!
demands "Furious" made by the United States to India and Nigeria for the release of its aircraft carried defense officials of India that allow the AN-124 that had captured to be released. Nigeria, however, had to be "persuaded to force" to release its captured plane when after its initial to do so negative, suffered one of its main pipelines blown up by one of the many American backed terrorist groups operating in their country.
US PLANS caught spill BIO-logical agents throughout our Earth's atmosphere - FORCED UP dOWN AND NIGERIA INDIA !!!!!!
demands "Furious" made by the United States to India and Nigeria for the release of their planes led India
defense officials allowing the AN-124 that had captured to be released. Nigeria, however, had to be "persuaded to force" to release its captured plane when after its initial to do so negative, suffered one of its main pipelines blown up by one of the many American backed terrorist groups operating in their country.
United States said in a œPanicâ € € after chemtrail aircraft forced down in India Nigeria
The reality of chemtrails HAARPS .. .
These units are the matrix of opinion together on a plot of 33 acres in Alaska and radio frequency beam (VLF, 0.9-1 Hz) in the ionosphere, which is well above of the surface of our land (125 miles) and is the thin coat that was originally placed there by God to protect life on earth from harmful solar radiation.
HAARP is an ionospheric heater that its antenna array can shoot electromagnetic (EM) "jack" wave frequencies to the speed of light that is polarized in a circle to have loads in east / west and north / south direction, therefore are as tumbling, rolling , which competes with MS, lowercase "jack" magneto-spheres, the circle clockwise and / or counterclockwise to have its own north and south pole.
This strike ionizes EMP-cum-matrix ionosphere way and abnormal plasma layer almost instantaneously and completely interrupted overheats natural, magnetic field of the Earth from the North Pole to the South Pole and back. The HAARP bubble created when this layer of the ionosphere can be used to draw the jet streams with climate czar, above and in the barrel overheats. This can create a climate that lasts for many months.
They can ping bubble ionosphere newly created ELF waves, the frequency of human brains and create mind control mass populations selected. You can also ping selected with fingerprint electromagnetic field of any pest disease (either viral or bacterial) populations and this can create the disease without being present the body patológico.
SPRAYING government admits secretly poison on us !!! Also admit secret evidence ...
Code Name Artichoke - The Secret CIA experiments in humans (2002)
St. Louis, MO (KSDK) - US Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO), both letters sent to secretary of the Army John McHugh Thursday, demanding answers to the tests of the Cold War were held in St. Louis in 1950 and 1960.
on Monday, the team I-Leisa Zigman revealed hundreds of unclassified now setting out how the Army sprayed zinc cadmium sulfide in St. Louisans thousands of innocent documents.
Sociologist Lisa Martino-Taylor has passed years trying to discover the details of the ultra-secret military experiments Army. She obtained documents from multiple federal agencies show that St. Louis was among several cities where the aerosol test was performed.
http://www.ksdk.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid = 340,527
the I-Team independent verification that the spraying of zinc cadmium sulfide was held in St. Louis against thousands of innocent citizens. What is clear is whether the Army added a radioactive material to the compound as Martino-Taylor research entails. "The study was reserved for the reason. They had volunteers stepping up and saying yes, I'll breathe cadmium sulfide zinc with radioactive particles," Martino-Taylor said.
Army archive pictures show how tests were performed in Corpus Christi, Texas in the 1960s in Texas, the aircraft were used to place the chemical. However, in St. Louis, the Army placed product sprinklers in buildings and trucks.
Records confirmed that the municipal authorities were kept in the dark about the evidence. The cover story of the Cold War was that the Army was testing smoke screens to protect cities from a Russian attack. The truth, according to Martino-Taylor was much more sinister.
"It was pretty shocking. The level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly great efforts to deceive people were," he said.
St. Louis (KSDK) - Lisa Martino-Taylor is a sociologist whose life work has been to discover the details of the ultra-secret military experiments conducted Army in St. Louis and other cities during the 1950s and 60s
AirTran Airways - Southwest Airlines Property - Caught Spraying Chemtrails on north Florida
CHEMTRAILS sprayed onto FLORIDA OCT 18 October 2012.
AirTran Flt TRS9100 was recorded and monitoring and spraying aerosols on a heading of 180 degrees (south) before making a U-turn on Gainesville to head north of Atlanta.
was an easy task to identify Airtran TRS9100 as it was the only aircraft in FlightAware radar that corresponded to the flight path unusual.
realtive humidity at flight level (37,000 feet / 11,200 meters) less than 20% at 3 stations reporting. These measured data is strong evidence that formation of persistent contrails water - as defined by NASA - was not possible. Therefore, we can conclude that persistent jet trails are chemical sprays of undetermined toxicity, sprayed on populations of citizens, wildlife, crops and watersheds without due process and without the knowledge or consentimiento.
The new eugenics: Life in our vast chemical Cubas
Breaking News: US government "experiments" on US citizens: government Chemtrails EVERYDAY !!!! CITIZENS
In 2009 GOVERNMENT POISONED and killed more than "4" million birds !!!
El January 3, 2011, 500 dead birds found in pointee Coupee Parish, Louisiana. This location is about 480 km from Beebe, where about 1,000 birds found dead on New Years Eve. In Arkansas about 3,000 birds. 100,000 dead drum fish in Arkansas. Department of Environment of Maryland estimated 2 million dead fish; In Brazil, more than 15 tons of dead fish. Some fishermen even estimate the number of dead fish to reach a maximum of 100 toneladas.
El USDA has recently been criticized for his admitted assault against nature, after multiple investigations have discovered their deliberate manipulation of plants and animals alike. One of these investigations has ended the mystery surrounding the death of millions of birds, with USDA documents that reveal the role of the organization in mass slaughter. In addition to the mass bird deaths, it turns out that the USDA was fully aware that a popular chemical herbicide was a bee-murderer known, which may have helped the decline of bees. The USDA has also threatened the genetic integrity of the nation's crops. The information has surfaced regarding illegal USDA approval of GM crops Monsanto sugar beet. These crimes are simply an extract from the long list of crimes USDA are continually exposed.
Application: EPA conducted experiments with the gas chamber-as in the elderly, the sick in the University of Carolina Norte.
La EPA disturbing Human Experiments (EPA) Environmental Protection Agency has a big scandal in his hands. As it reported by the National Center for Legal Policy and Milloy initiated litigation in the US District Court in Virginia, based on the evidence accumulated through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). It is alleged that the EPA dedicated to experimentation worrying that humans deliberately exposed to airborne particulate matter the agency itself considered lethal. The experiments were carried out at the plant EPA Human Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. "That EPA Administrator, Lisa Jackson allowed this atrocious experimentation to occur during administration of shocks the conscience," Milloy said.
The lawsuit accuses the EPA of paying a maximum of 41 participants $ 12 time to inhale smoke from diesel concentrate during the time of two hours at a time. The exhaust is piped directly from a truck parked outside the facility Chapel Hill. According to the lawsuit, fine particulate matter, called "PM2.5" was piped in at levels 21 times higher than what the EPA calls its "limit permisible."
# .UHCugD3MVKg.twitter
Obama Justifies FEMA imprisonment of civilians!
Glenn Beck exposes FEMA concentration camps and then berated by Illuminati
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v = 17-6tzKnrWk & feature = related
FEMA to mobilize for "Mass fatality Planning"
http: //www.infowars. com / fema-to-Mobilize-for-mass-fatality-planning /
Why is planning for the US government '' massive bodies?
FEMA Shocking bill HR6566: Preparing for death orders National Group, Video
Obama signs NDAA martial law
http://www.youtube .com / watch? v = NW-e7z7S6VI & feature = related
by Judith Westerfield
Thank you for reading this HAARP & CHEMTRAILS: TOXIN-LADEN AEROSOLS SPREADING BIO-LOGICAL AGENTS EVERYWHERE POISONING CITIZENS & MANIPULATING WEATHER!!!!!, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
You are now reading the article HAARP & CHEMTRAILS: TOXIN-LADEN AEROSOLS SPREADING BIO-LOGICAL AGENTS EVERYWHERE POISONING CITIZENS & MANIPULATING WEATHER!!!!! Url Address https://healthnbeautyarticles.blogspot.com/2012/11/haarp-chemtrails-toxin-laden-aerosols.html
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