Anaemia- Symptoms, Causes and Diet Home Remedies

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Anaemia- Symptoms, Causes and Diet Home Remedies

anemia is not a new term for the common people, great Numberof whom suffer from is related to hemoglobin blood disease. What is anemia? Let's not only know what is anemia, but also the symptoms, causes and remedies caseroscon resources including diet for anemia.

What is anemia?
Our blood is made up of different components, one of which ESLAS red blood cells. They carry oxygen to tissues. Componende red blood cells, inter alia, iron, protein and vitamins, especially folic acid yvitamina B12. These raw materials of red blood cells, iron and seampliamente proteins necessary for making hemoglobin (which also gives the red blood anuestra). Once done, the red blood cells die in about 120 days or 4 meses.Cerca of 100 million new blood cells are formed every day in our bone marrow. Unpersona average should have a blood count of about 5 million red blood cells pormilímetro. Hemoglobin must be present in sufficient quantities in blood (average of 15 g to 100 cc of blood). When there is a drop in blood hemoglobinaen, leads to anemia.
Symptoms of anemia
Symptoms anemia are very common conditions, ypor therefore excluded sometimes leads to chronic anemic state due to lack deel treatment and proper diet.
  • The weakness and lack of energy
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • premature wrinkles
  • pale
  • skin
  • dull, tired eyes
  • Poor memory
  • Shortness of breath, even while light work is done.
  • Headache
  • Delayed wound healing
  • Palpitations
  • Mental stress and depression
In acute anemia or chronic, nails too fragile and quedanllagas may develop in the corners of the mouth.

The causes of anemia
the key deanemia cause is the insufficient production of red blood cells in our bone marrow which may be due to a defect in the bone marrow or due to insuficienteingesta iron, vitamins and proteins through diet. However, there are other causes of anemia as well. Estasincluir the following
  • great loss of blood that can be due to some reasonable injury, bleeding batteries , or excessive bleeding during menstruation in women
  • digestive complications that lead to indigestion yproteínas iron. The lack of digestive acid (hydrochloric acid) and proteins paradigestión iron is required.
  • stress or emotional or mental anxiety. This can dificultaradecuada formation of blood components.
  • intestinal worms or parasites like hookworms, pinworms, roundworms and tapeworms that feed on blood.
  • genetic blood diseases such as sickle cell anemia, talasemiaetc.
  • The lack of body to absorb vitamin B12 from foods that esconocida as pernicious anemia.
Home Remedies for anemia Diet

foods are the main ingredients that ensure adequate supply dehierro, vitamins, protein and folic acid for sufficient and appropriate training deglóbulos red and hemoglobin. Therefore, here are some paraanemia dietary remedies. These have been divided into two parts- recommended for trataranemia and foods to avoid foods for anemia patient.
Diet for anemia
Here is a complete list of foods that sonparticularmente beneficial in the treatment of anemia.
  • vegetables rich in spinach, beets, green spring hierrocebollas, carrots, pumpkin, radishes, celery, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes.
  • iron-rich bananas, apples, dark grapes, plums fruits, raisins, apricots, strawberries.
  • Iron Foods- rich whole wheat, brown rice, beans, girasolsemillas, honey, crude molasses.
  • High protein food- milk, cottage cheese (preferably hogarrealizadas), eggs, soy.
  • Foods rich in vitamin B 12- organic meats like riñónandliver, dairy products, milk, eggs, cheese and peanuts. Wheat germ ysoja also have some B12 them.
is also essential to ensure that all that iron and Vitamin B12 enters your body is well absorbed by it. ascórbicoabsorción acid facilitates food and thus rich in iron ascorbic acid should incluirseen diet also to treat anemia. Citrus fruits have good amount of this acid.

Treatment bananas and beetroot Anemia
Why the banana and beats it is expressly mentioned as a remedy for anemia buenponer? Because are extremely important for healing anemia debidaa content. Bananas are easily assimilable nutrients namely iron, fólicoácido and B12.
Beets (or beet juice) is also a very important paraanemia diet cure. Contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron, sulfur, copper, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins B1, B2, B6, niacin, vitamin C yvitamina P. beets can then regenerate and reactivate the red blood cells yfortalecer the body's ability of resistance.
Foods to avoid for Anemia patients
There are certain foods that should be avoided a personaque suffering from anemia. These include
  • Sugar
  • White flour
  • Refined and processed foods
  • tea and coffee
  • soft drinks
  • fried foods
  • condiments and pickles
Other home remedies for anemia

in addition to pay attention to diet, we must also adoptaralgunos other remedies to cure anemia completely
  • drink enough water during the day. At least 8-10 glasses deel water should be taken by people with anemia.
  • Exercise is also essential. It can be as simple as ejerciciocaminar brisk, exercises and yoga asanas breathing like Trikonasana, Sarvangasana Sun Salutation , Yoga-mudra, Shavasana
  • Adequate sleep and rest

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